Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Happy 2022! Out with the Old Fails …

in with the new!

Hola kitties! It was the best of Christmases and it was the worst of Christmases all combined. My Christmas pics of mostly fails as you'll see. Balsam was a fail. I attended Catmas Eve but TW felt too crappy to let me DJ altho we did raise a lot of green papers. BUT—and it's a big BUT—we were all together. Oh, and there was ham. We're going to spotlight old fails from Christmas 2021.

Happy 2022! Out with the Old Fails …

A Merry Christmas Festive Flashback Friday

Hola kittehs! The Santa watch is on tonight! The big day has just about arrived! Are you as excited as I am? ZZZZZZzzzzzzzz! Oh sorry. I only slept 20 hours yesterday rather than 24. Heh heh. There was a lot I had to snoopervise and then I had to sing loudly all night. I also have to play with TW. Maybe I didn't sleep at all! ZZZZzzzzzzzz …

A Merry Christmas Festive Flashback Friday

Flashback Feral Friday: Memories of Christmas Past

Hola kittehs! I thought I'd reminisce about some Christmases past. I looked through the archives and located some pics I think you'll enjoy. None of these photos have ever been on the blog before and you'll soon see why. MOL.

Flashback Feral Friday: Memories of Christmas Past

Feral Friday: A Feast of My Own

Hola kittehs! Welcome! Come in! Glad you could join me for this feast. Last year TW bought the Fancy Feast Advent Calendar for me. I really had a feast enjoying all the foods that were under the little doors. In fact, I found two recipes I'd never tried that I went wild for. I've enjoyed them as part of my rotating breakfast meal all year. 

Feral Friday: A Feast of My Own

Feral Friday Wrapping Up Turkey Week

Hola kittehs! Last week I promised to report on our pre-cooked Thanksgiving meal. Unfortunately, there's not many snafus to report about. As you can tell from this image, the turkey was edible. In fact, it was rather tasty. The peeps didn't like the sides too much though. I could care less about sides. There were a few funny moments though not as many as I'd like or have expected.

Feral Friday Wrapping Up Turkey Week

Feral Friday Feline Facts

Hola kitties! How was the big feast day? I'll tell you all about how our pre-cooked just heat meal turned out next week. In the meantime, I haven't done a meme in awhile and saw this one on FB this week. After that will be fill-ins and some colorful art. Stay tuned.

Feral Friday Feline Facts

Happy Thanksgiving 2021

Happy Thanksgiving 2021

TURKEY DAY! Eat hearty! One month until Christmas! Woot!

Feral Friday: Surviving a 2 a.m. Asthma Attack

Hola kitties! How was your week? Less than one week worth of sleeps until most of us get turkey! Some of you have crazy peeps who don't eat meat or turkey but they should at least buy some turkey breast luncheon meat for you. 

Feral Friday: Surviving a 2 a.m. Asthma Attack

Oh, about the post title: this morning TW had just almost gotten to sleep when I woke up coughing. I jumped off the bed unlike the last time when I threw up all over TW's bed. Kittehs, this is a far quicker way to get both peeps to get out of bed than singing or making noise. They were up in a flash. These are pics taken later that same day. A day in the life of CK, a survivor.

Feral Friday Flashback or Tunnel Tuesday?

Hola kitties! It's a colorful Flashback Friday! This one is from December 2011. I was so much younger then, I'm older than that now. Quick: name that tune! What, Pop? Those aren't the words? Tough beans. I'm tired. The Woman is keeping me awake at night cos she can't sleep. She takes melatonin and gives me Rescue Remedy to no avail.

Feral Friday Flashback or Tunnel Tuesday?

Hopping With Keisha

Hola kitties! Hope your week was better than our's. TW completely mangled my favorite tunnel when she fell on it. It's a long story and since this is my blog, I won't get into it. My beautiful tunnel is no more. Then she AND Pop spent all day Thursday at the urgent care center. My dinner was so late I actually had to eat my gut rot. Since this Feral Friday post is so late and turned into a Stunning Sunday post, I'm hopping all over the place. Come, hop with me.

Hopping With Keisha


Hola kitty brothers and sisters! We are again participating in the annual BlogBlast 4 Peace. This is the 16th year for one of my favorite blogging events. I've been doing my part since 2011. Mimi Lenox, the founder, wanted to know what would happen if the entire blogosphere posted about world peace on the same day using the same title—Dona Nobis Pacem. It hasn't changed the world—yet—but it's provided some creative and wonderful images of peace.

Feral Friday Festive Frights

Hola kitties and Happy Halloween! Well, Sunday will be The Big Day but a hunnert years ago tomorrow Pop was born although he celebrates on the 31st. Tonight is also a night to keep all four-legged house cats and other pets indoors cos human hooligans will be roaming the streets with eggs and TP and all kinds of baking items to hit each other and the environment with. No cat is safe out there. Stupid humans! Today will be an art extravaganza post.

Feral Friday Festive Frights

Feral Friday: Paying It Forward

Hola kitties! Did you enjoy your week? The peeps got their old codger flu vaccines and TW nicked some new pens. Heh heh! We've been hearing the phrase paying it forward. TW always hopes when someone does something nice for her, she can pay it forward; but it seems like an idea rather than a fact. This week we had two examples where paying it forward paid off.

Feral Friday: Paying It Forward

Feral Friday: Nightmare B4 Halloween

Hola kitties! It's mid-October and the weather is getting cooler. Lots of strange creatures are appearing in the condo. There's the TW dopelganger which is prolly the scariest creature. It appears even my cat condo in the Tower of Power is haunted and TW wonders why I never venture up to the very top. Would you? (Remember to read secret messages!)

Feral Friday: Nightmare B4 Halloween

Flashback Friday: Toys Aren't Us

Hola kitties! So guess what? This little ghetto kitteh has no toys. Nope. I haven't been playing in months. Can you blame me? I have nothing to play with. The lead image is file footage so don't let it fool you. The following fotos are going to shock you.

Flashback Friday: Toys Aren't Us

Flashback Feral Friday From Fed-Ex

Hola kitties! Another week has gone by; another month has gone by. TW had yet another scan this week cos the doctor didn't like something he saw in last week's scan. What does he know? Why do humans get CAT scans? Did they find a CAT inside her body? Do cats get CAT scans? I know that it's Flashback Friday and I picked a flashback from October 2013 cos today is the first of October 2021. So what if this box isn't from FedEx. We can pretend.

Flashback Feral Friday From Fed-Ex

CK-Style Comix: Holy Gut Rot Batman

Hola kitties! It's Comic Book Day. I've made some art for you that's not quite comic book art but I've given you a choice of styles. My Twitter furrend Tux made a comic page starring both of us. I'm not sure I ever shared this with you but I'm pretty sure I was given permission being as I'm the star. For Cat World Domination Day, I made some pretty special comic book art. Psst, there's a puzzle hidden in the lead image.

CK-Style Comix: Holy Gut Rot Batman

Remember Me Thursday: Saving/Rehoming Maria's Cats

Hola kitties! Are you aware that today is Remember Me Thursday®? Of course you are. The Helen Woodward Animal Center created this campaign (and is sponsoring this post) that means the world to this little ghetto kitteh who was once a shelter cat. Remember Me Thursday® is a global awareness campaign uniting individuals and pet adoption organizations around the world as an unstoppable, integrated voice for orphan pets to live in forever homes. 

Remember Me Thursday: Saving/Rehoming Maria's Cats

Feral Friday: CK Joins the Bad News Bears

Hola kitties! This was the week that wasn't. HAH! The title is true. I thought we were mixing the bad with the good but I was mistaken. Last week I bomited; TW bomited. Whatta week. We're a family that does stuff together. I ate potentially bad food and TW got another jab in the arm which obviously overloaded her system. Too much of a good thing isn't good … unless you're a cat.

Feral Friday: CK Joins the Bad News Bears

It was 20 Years Ago Today. Never Forget

Hola kitties! You can see it on my face. I have the sadz every year on this date. Has it been 20 years already—11 since I first posted these first-hand accounts—since the senseless acts of terror on September 11, 2001? These events that happened before most of us kitties were born are so important that we have to keep alive the memory of that day; of those heroic first responders who gave all and the office workers who never returned to their loved ones. This is something humans—especially American humans—need to remember.

I concentrate on the World Trade Center but we can't forget those who lost their lives at the Pentagon and aboard Flight 83 which crashed in Shanksville, PA. We decided not to make this post image heavy cos it's the words that should stand out. This is a day that might have changed MY history as well. Along with Pop's recollections I'm also privileged to share another eyewitness account written by one of Pop's co-workers and friends. I apologize for the length of this post. Take it away Pop!

Feral Friday: Weave Me a Keisha

Hola kitties! This is gonna be an abbreviated post—just fill-ins and art/puzzle. Come back tomorrow for a very special encore presentation. Same cat time; same cat channel.

Feral Friday: Weave Me a Keisha

Feral Flashback Friday: Wassup Woman?

Hola kitties! Welcome to September! There are a bunch of special blogging days coming up this month that I've been trying to get TW to work on early so this is gonna be a relatively short one: a flashback, fill-ins and some good art. This month I celebrate my 12th Blogoversary among other less important things. Things are looking up and so am I. As a cat, do you always feel like you're waiting for something?

Feral Flashback Friday: Wassup Woman?

Feral Friday: August Angst

Hola kitties! This kitteh is only a teenager in human years but I'm suffering plenty of angst. If you look at how many bloopers, you can understand part of my angst. I can't get good help. I can't go where I want. I can't do what I want. I can't bite who I want. They think The Cat doesn't know how to behave herself around open flames and pipes. I shall explain and then I have photo fails, fill-ins, art AND remembrance of my Rainbow Bridge furrends. Phew! I think I need a nap.

Feral Friday: August Angst

Feral Friday: CK's Jumpin' Jive

Hola kitties!! Let's dance! The Cat is into having fun. Cab Calloway's Jumpin' Jive ain't got nothing on CK. Anyone with me here? Can I get a partner? This here lead image is an oldie but goodie, but the ones that follow were taken earlier in the week. Unfortunately, there are no action shots like this one showing my moves.

Feral Friday: CK's Jumpin' Jive

Clean Feet on Feral Friday

Hola kitties! The Cat is back! Back from where? Who knows. I do know it's all about de feet today. Not deFEAT cos everyone knows how much I hate losing. This is a new set of pics TW took on Tuesday. This is supposed to be the last day of our oppressive heat wave. Did you know when they give the heat index, that's what it feels like in the shade? When it's 105 in the shade, what does it feel like in the sun?

Clean Feet on Feral Friday

Feral Friday: Hot Fun With Cold Treats

Hola kitties! The air is hot, sticky and humid so it must be Summer! When I'm overheated, I know just how to cool off. This cat sometimes craves a cold treat.  We cats are mostly lactose intolerant so most of us don't eat ice cream but I do have some tasty alternatives. I'm sure you've heard of nip mice cream!

Feral Friday: Hot Fun With Cold Treats

Feral Friday: A July Funky Fail

Hola kitties! Welcome! Welcome to another edition of Bad TW Photography. I'd like to show bloopers from this past month but I only posed for one session so I went back to July 2020 for my blooper. This is gonna be a short post since TW was being irradiated—or is that irrational?—all week. She's assured me it's safe to sleep with and bite her. Now on to our regularly-scheduled post.

Feral Friday: A July Funky Fail

Flashback Feral Friday: Extreme Closeup

Hola kitties! We ran out of fresh ideas so here comes Flashback Friday! Time to get up close and personal with the world's most stunning cat and see her like you've never seen her before! Next week might be a crapshoot as far as posting cos TW has treatment every day. She better post if she knows what's good for her even if it's just a piece of art. Wish I had some good news re: TW but I don't. I could tell you I've had a pretty good week. Then again, all I've done is eat, poo and sleep as the saying goes.

Flashback Feral Friday: Extreme Closeup

Feral Friday: Retching and Rolling

Hola kitties! This was the week that was. I was feeling puny this past week. I have a thing where I keep retching like I have to throw up a hairball but nine times out of ten nothing comes out. I did frow up a little bit though. The peeps say they never heard a cat make the spitting noises I do. My appetite is good and my litter box output has been exemplary aka excellent. The other night I also did some coughing so TW dosed me with the inhaler.

Feral Friday: Retching and Rolling

Feral Friday: Pop Time

Hola kitties! It's the best day of the week again—Feral Friday. Did you unleash your inner feral this week? Just as importantly, did you have any fried burd Tuesday on Fried Chicken Day? I know some cats in Trout Town who didn't. I didn't neither. I did get a lot of Pop time this week. Human-cat bonding time is very important and TW captured some of it on digital fillum. These shots may—I'm sorry they WILL—raise your blood sugar to dangerous levels they are so sweet.

Feral Friday: Pop Time

Feral Friday: Hot & Sleepy Edition

Hola kitties! We live to have another post but it's been hot, hot, hot this week. Not as hot as some of you guys have it but hot nonetheless. There haven't been many photo ops in the condo of late but apparently TW loved it when she saw me sleeping with my paw curled under my foot. I couldn't do this when my claws were really long.

Feral Friday: Hot & Sleepy Edition

Feral Friday Flops for June

Hola kitties! TW didn't want to post cos she's depressed but I made her. I read her horoscope to her which reads in part "anxiety is in the air at the moment, and you might jump to the worst-case scenarios … Turn your mind to more productive matters to help distract yourself from pessimism." What could be more productive than this blog? After all, it is time to embarrass her by showing some really terrible bloopers and laughing at her expense. I mean, how much longer can we laugh at her? I'm gonna start with the fill-ins today.

Feral Friday Flops for June

Flashback Feral Friday: Boxed Up

Hola kitties! Tomorrow is both International Box Day and Garfield the Cat Day. We cats love boxes. We love playing in them and sleeping in them. If it fits, we sits. Our humans love lasagna-loving Garfield. This week's flashback features a box and maybe some Garfield. Surprise, Surprise.

Flashback Feral Friday: Boxed Up

Feral Friday: Street Gangs & Attack Cats

Hola kitties! I've had a good week, how about you? I'll bet you think I attacked the peeps again from the post title. Nope. Just when it seems like I've seen everything, there's always a new surprise waiting around the corner. My posse, the Alleys, are back and better than ever! Several members of the Alleys are on the Also Starring page of this blog. They be Tuna, Jamal and Enrique.

Feral Friday: Street Gangs & Attack Cats

Feral Friday: Arm on the Cob & Other Culinary Delites

Hola kitties! Welcome to Feral Friday. Did you get any treats for Memorial Day? The day is to honor the fallen but the food is usually good. Here in the condo, the food sucked. Grilled cheese and tomato sammiches. I had to find my own treat so I did (see fill-in #2). Speaking of treats, Wednesday was Rotisserie Chicken Day so I got in on the action which is what the terrible lead foto illustrates. To complete the culinary post, I'm gonna join Shoko and Tyebe's In Purrsuit of Flavours blog hop; but, there are no images to go with our sensational sammich. 

Feral Friday: Arm on the Cob & Other Culinary Delites

Feral Friday: May Bloopers Plus CK's a Rock Star!

Hola kitties! As you know, The Woman isn't much with the camera so we always have bloopers and fails for the last Friday of the month. I have been taking notice, though, that these photo fail posts are also fails when it comes to post views. What does that mean? It prolly means that you'd rather see stunning shots of me that aren't blurry, dark or just poor quality and I don't blame you one bit. We updated the lead image with a new stunning image.

Feral Friday: May Bloopers Plus CK's a Rock Star!

Feral Friday: Counter Kitty

Hola kitties! Would you care for a spot of catnip tea? How about valerian tea? Today is International Tea Day which gives me a flashback of the night TW made herself a cup of valerian tea and brought it into the bedroom. She really thought she was going to get to drink it. I was all over it. She took the tea into the other room quickly although I dunno if she drank it. Speaking of flashbacks, hope you don't mind that this is a Flashback Friday post.

Feral Friday: Counter Kitty

Feral Friday: We're Going Where???

Hola kitties! I hope you had a good week. Mine started out not so good. I was blindsided! Yes I was. This morning I was subjected to my annual trip to hell trip to the V-E-T. I was rammed into my PTU and whisked away before I could realize what was happening. Usually I have a clue by hearing TW make the appointment over the phone but this was a total surprise. Is the pandemic over already? They told me I wouldn't have to go unless one of them could come in with me. That one turned out to be Pop who doesn't write this blog.

Feral Friday: We're Going Where???

Feral Friday: Saluting a Cat Lady

Hola kitties! How was your week? Did you celebrate Cinco de Mayo? We had Mexican takeout last week and I'll celebrate at the #Chilipawty this weekend. More on that later. Tomorrow is World Ovarian Cancer Day so I figured I'd do a little remembrance of Aunt Pauline who died from this horrid disease last year. 

Feral Friday: Saluting a Cat Lady

Feral Friday: April Bloopers & Other Fails

Hola kitties! How was your week? I've been under the weather. Allergies. They've gotten me bad this year and yet I'm posed here by these lilacs. Ahchoo!!!!. I've had the sneezies for almost a week and haven't done anything but sleep. I've been eating well even though the peeps are feeding me in bed. I've been pooping and washing—not at the same time—but the peeps are still concerned. TW is treating me with pred like last year only I'm not eating it. That's the only meal I turn down.

Feral Friday: April Bloopers & Other Fails

Feral Friday: Getting Feed Burn

Hola kitties! How was your week? It may not have started out too good if you subscribe to Stunning Keisha and received an empty email instead of my blog feed. We're totally sorry about that. We've been sending our emails using Feedburner simply because we've been too lazy/technically challenged to find another platform. Now that Feedburner is discontinuing sending email lists out in July, we've been forced to search for other platforms.

Feral Friday: Getting Feed Burn

Feral Friday: I Spy With My Stunning Eye

Hola kitties! What am I staring at? Nope, it's not Baldy's (TW's new nickname) shiny pate but that would be a good guess. It's not BBQ Bob grilling in the rain either. If you read the secret messages, I have a lot of questions that need answers. Truth to be told *I* don't even know what it is.

Feral Friday: I Spy With My Stunning Eye

Feral Friday Funny Flashback

Hola kitties! It's me again cos it's *my* blog. No big post today to give you time to digest yesterday's thankful post. TW thanks you for all the comments on that post that made her cry. Today is Cherish an Antique Day so I guess I'll have to cherish TW another day. For my post, I was wondering about finding picture 2021 in our archives to match the year 2021. It turns out to be a funny one that never would see the light of day cos of a little "quirk."

Feral Friday Funny Flashback

Thankful Thursday

Hola kitties! This is a Thankful Thursday post even though it's a post TW and I never wanted to have to write. As long as this blog goes on, it will be about me but seeing as I'm not getting to visit my furrends or leave comments on their blogs regularly anymore, I thought you needed to know why. Not my fault.

Thankful Thursday

A Tisket, A Tasket, Guess Who Got an Easter Basket!

Hola kitties and Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. Most years the coming of Easter mostly meant the peeps more or less went vegetarian during Lent which doesn't please me. It did mean that it's one of the two times during the year, they make a ham. Ham is a special fave of mine. This year *I* get to celebrate Easter the right way and not with a 'shopped basket like the lead image!

A Tisket, A Tasket, Guess Who Got an Easter Basket!

Feral Friday March Foto Fails.

Hola kittes! Happy International Cathy Keisha Day! How many of you knew about this holiday? OK, I'm celebrating Make Up Your Own Holiday Day but my holiday is real. Today is also bloopers' day. A few weeks ago we had a guest in the condo. A woofie and what woofie isn't a blooper? TW tried to take my photo with the woofie but what she actually got was a bunch of March Pet Photo Fails. These are doozies, kitties.

Feral Friday March Foto Fails.

Where Was I on Feral Friday?

Hola kitties! Was I hiding in a box or maybe celebrating World Sleep Day? I could have been neighbor watching cos the joint was jumping. Lots of Hippies out tending to their garden which for some reason, they covered with Astroturf. Lots of Hippies polluting the air with cigarette smoke on the front porch. The "Giant" is home from vacation and things are quiet on the BBQ Bob terrace. Only one cookout now that the weather has warmed up. Oh, and they started to make lots of noise over our heads as they prepare for the upgrade of our building and complex. That wasn't a good thing at all.

Where Was I on Feral Friday?

Feral Friday: Midnight Munchies

This post was supposed to post Friday but due to illness, it was postponed.

Hola kitties! What a week. You've heard of singing for your supper I'm sure. I get the munchies after midnight. I sing all night. I sing cos I can. I sing cos I've trained the peeps to always walk me to my food dish. It's not that I'm scared to go into our little galley kitchen alone, I just like to keep them on their toes—and make sure they don't get too much sleep. TW says I'm getting senile but it's her who is senile.

Feral Friday: Midnight Munchies

Feral Friday: Joy and Sorrow

Hola kitties! As I mentioned when I last saw you, I finally got my 44-cent one slice of roast of beef (or roast beast if you prefer). Oh joy! What a delicious taste in my mouth! But there was also sadz this week when the love of my life Spitty from Spitty Speaks went over to the land of the Rainbow Bridge, joining Buzz Lucas, Herba from the Burba and Flynn, my other main paramours. This week's art is dedicated to him.

Feral Friday: Joy and Sorrow

Feral Friday February Foto Fails

Hola kitties! Welcome to another all-new edition of Feral Friday which will give you insights into the mindset of a slightly-feral stunning gray diva cat. The last Friday of the month means I'm sharing a blooper/photo fail along with the fill-ins and my new art. Can I top last week's masterpiece? Read on and lemme know.

Feral Friday February Foto Fails