Hola kitties! You can see it on my face. I have the sadz every year on
this date. Has it been 20 years already—11 since I first posted these first-hand
accounts—since the senseless acts of terror on September 11, 2001? These events
that happened before most of us kitties were born are so important that we have
to keep alive the memory of that day; of those heroic first responders who gave all and the office workers who never returned to their loved ones.
This is something humans—especially American humans—need to remember.
I concentrate on the World Trade Center but we can't forget those
who lost their lives at the Pentagon and aboard Flight 83 which crashed in
Shanksville, PA. We decided not to make this post image heavy cos it's the words
that should stand out. This is a day that might have changed MY history as well.
Along with Pop's recollections I'm also privileged to share another eyewitness
account written by one of Pop's co-workers and friends. I apologize for the
length of this post. Take it away Pop!