Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Wednesday Word—Salmon

They actually put the Christmas tablecloth on this year!

Yesterday, I mentioned on Facebook that I had tried something new. I usually beg at the human’s table but rarely show an innerest in what they’re eating cos it rarely contains meat or anything I like. For Christmas Eve, Pop decided on the spur of the moment to make a Salmon Loaf.

After it came out of the oven, TW gave me a small piece and I walked away in disgust. I thought they were having something nommy like Chinese food. Have I mentioned that I LOVE Chinese food but TW doesn’t want to give me any. It seems Maxwell, Faraday and Allie’s Mom wrote an article about cats and onion and since then I haven’t been permitted any of my favorite foods.

Secret Paws: The Secret is Out!

What do you think? There allegedly was a bite involved but TW screwed up the video evidence.
She has no proof.

For the second year, I signed up for the Secret Paws, hoping one of my furrends would get me. When my package arrived a few weeks ago, I didn’t recognize the name on the package so I did some investigative snooping. I learned that the sender has a blog named A House With Two Cats. Unfortunately, her beloved Rosie had just gone to the RB so William is living there as an only cat. Let me tell you, William and their Mom know how to make a cat happy.

Smooth Attack Cat in Action!

Today’s PhotoHunt challenge is Smooth. With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I couldn’t really concentrate on this theme. I settled on how Smooth Pop’s hand is; a perfect target to be attacked. I started Christmas morning by attacking Pop’s smooth hand as he foolishly got between my and my nip truffles. I’ll be reviewing them in the coming weeks. They were very smooth indeed.

Final Foto Frenzy of 2014


We’ll soon be saying goodbye to the Christmas tree. This one looks healthy cos it was taken the day the peeps brought Fraser Sr. home. Welcome to the final 2014 Foto Frenzy! Appropriately enough, this is the end of round two. I have 11 ready for the third round. Pop picked some too. One of them was #2015. TW cropped it because there was a box with our address that she didn’t feel like cloning over. And, well, since she did that, she also decided to auto color it to get rid of the yellow from the lights.

Merry Christmas Everybuddy!

I’ve shown you my past Christmas cards so now I can reveal the 2014 Christmas card. Unfortunately, I just had a few–40 to be exact—so I couldn’t send them to everyone. I also have a bunch of Twitter furrends who I’ve been exchanging cards with for years. I did send my ecards to everybuddy on the CB list. Anyone who got a snail mail card received an extra special gift; a piece of myself. I enclosed a clump of my furs with every card. Hopefully no one threw the furs out with the envelope. I like to let my furrends actually smell me and get me know me. That’s how I roll. All my furrends in the U.S. got special CK stamps too.

Wednesday Word–Grampa

Grampa had a wicked sense of humor. He called all the male children in the 'hood “Charlie” cos he couldn’t remember their real names. The kids loved him so they’d go home and tell their Mom that their name was Charlie, not what she was calling him.

Because this is Christmas Eve, I’d like to share a Christmas story TW told me about about Gramps and one of the cats that came before me.

Who is Christmas Carol?

Yo! Welcome to another holiday edition of Stunning Keisha. Today I ax an important question that’s been on everybuddy’s mind. Who is Christmas Carol? This Carol chick seems to be everywhere. Every time I hear one of these “Carols,” I hear new and confusing names who may or may not be her friends.

Honing My Craft

I had to think long and hard about this week's PhotoHunt challenge. It was so challenging that the lady who runs the hunt couldn’t get it right. She jumped straight to January’s words. MOL! She’s a crafty one!

This certainly was a tough one for a blogging cat but I refuse to back down! Even though Aunt Pauline bought me that adorable hand-crafted ornament the other day, I’m not going to repost it so soon. We have lots of artsy-craftsy stuff in the condo—too much in fact—but nothing I’d permit shown on this blog.

My craft is as a deejay and it’s something I do well. I’d naturally be posed by a turntable. My next gig is the 9th Annual #CatmasEve pawty hosted by the HotMBC cats and @GeorgeTheDuck to benefit Black Cat Rescue. I’m working the 9-10 pm EST shift so TW better make sure all my tunes are ready to play. You can RSVP here and be eligible to win an Amazon gift card. It’s a great idea so that no one has to be alone on Catmas Eve. All religions are welcome.

What Goes on In Pop’s Bed …

What Goes on In Pop’s Bed …

What goes on in Pop’s bed obviously doesn’t stay in Pop’s bed thanks to the flashy box. Welcome to another Foto Frenzy! This one takes place—as if you couldn’t guess—on Pop’s bed and it stars ME. Surely you weren’t expecting something raunchy and norty, were you? Speaking of norty, I only have enough requests to do another week of these, so if you want to keep seeing unexitedcotos unedited fotos that otherwise wouldn’t make this blog for various reasons, you need to act now. Just pick a number between 1 and 4582 and tell me in your comment. I’ll even give your blog a plug! Some fotos are norty and some even show TW! Even if you’ve already picked, you’re eligible to pick again. How cool is that.

Wednesday Word—Gratitude

This is a Thankful Thursday post on Wednesday. No, Woman, I’m not thankful that you went out yesterday at 11 a.m. and didn’t return until 4:30. I’m not at all thankful that I didn’t get lunch and my dinner was 30 minutes late. Let me tell you what I’m thankful for.

Tale of the Turncoat Redux

You did what, Woman? You cheated on me?

Due to the fact that TW has been catching up on housework and wrapping our Secret Paws package this weekend cos she was writing cards all last week, I decided to throw her a bone. I’m rerunning an old post from August 27, 2010 that didn’t get many hits or comments. I think it’s a good one with lots of funny lines. This is a story of heartbreak (mine), intrigue (yours) and violence (to TW). I added some new photos to get your attention even though Blogger is giving me a hard time adding them. Kick your shoes off and enjoy.

Beauty is in the Eye of You

This is from the same photo shoot as the picture in the header.

I have no idea why it took TW almost an hour to find the perfect picture of me for this week’s PhotoHunt challenge “Beauty.” Oh yeah, she had to find one in focus. All photos of yours truly are pictures of Beauty, Grace, Elegance and Stunningness. Don’t you agree?

The Gift of Giving. Here’s Comes Santa Kitty

The Friday Foto Frenzy is being preempted for something way more important. It will return next week—same cat time, same cat channel. In November, a bunch of blogging cats got together to decide what to do for fellow kittehs for the holidays. We’d heard unofficial official rumors that the elves weren’t prepared to do the annual Santa Paws Drive for homeless and shelter kitties which turned out to be false. A plan was devised. Summer at got things rolling. Her human designed the above badge and shared our plan on her blog.

Wednesday Word—Watching #MyPetLovesLG4KTV

This post is sponsored by LG 4K TV and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping to share the funny cat and dog video and awesome giveaway, but Stunning Keisha only shares information I feel is relevant to my readers. LG is not responsible for the content of this article.

This is a very special Wednesday post and I hope you’ll stick with me cos I’m gonna give you a chance to view a funny video of cats and dogs watching tv and then give you a chance to win a tv. Yes, you read right. This little ghetto cat is gonna be giving away a tv—a brand new LG 4k tv not one that’s fallen off a truck. Note to LG: please ship the tv to my address.

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

What a week! TW was busy and I still have a turkey hangover. Can you believe she was designing NEXT year’s Christmas cards? As if she’ll remember she did it. I started getting ecards but haven’t sent mine cos they’re the same as my snail mail cards and I want to get those out first. Maybe I’ll just design new ones for email.

Friday night I had uncontrollable zoomies. I ran through the house so many times at such a high speed that I was left panting. Then I had a 3 a.m. hockey game with all three of my rattle balls that lasted about 30 minutes. Of course, I won.

Nothing though prepared me for what happened Sunday. The peeps got up before breakfast and left me all alone. At least they fed me Weruva before they left so my belly was full. It was after 2:30 when I heard TW’s key in the lock. I rushed to greet her at the door and THIS is the sight that greeted me.

Quién Es Más Precious?

I guess it’s no secret who’s the most Precious of them all. *smiles & winks* Precious is this weeks PhotoHunt challenge. Precious is a word that was meant for ME. Nothing in this condo could be more Precious than Moi.

Deck the Hall With Laser Eyes

It’s Foto Frenzy time so let’s get right into it without further do-do.  Spitty, the Florida Furkids and Moosey all chose fotos of me in the hall. In fact, they’re all pretty similar. Of course, they had no idea they were choosing these fotos since they just picked a random number.


#1224 was selected by King Spitty. I hope that’s not the year his human was born. HAH! Sorry, Spitty’s Human. Here I am once again glowering at TW in her bedroom. Hey Woman! Get out here and play with me now or I’m coming in after you!

Wednesday Word—Drugged

I’m gonna tell you a true story you won’t believe!

The night started out like any other. TW went to bed about 1 a.m. while I sat in the foyer singing the song of my people. Finally, I came to bed. *sniff sniff* Hmmmm, I smell something familiar. Something sweet. *sniff sniff*

I jumped on the linen chest and stared at TW. Then I saw it.

My Personal Space

No, you may NOT touch me!

I’m gonna take a poll: how many of you like your personal space invaded?

Candles in The Wind

Hola! It’s Saturday and I’m up to this week’s PhotoHunt Challenge, which is Candle. Even though we have many candles in the condo, it wasn’t as easy as I thought since TW likes to use something that’s already in our library rather than setting up a new photo shoot.

Being a cat on top of every situation, I’m snoopervising the Christmas decorating. There was parts of three candles in the pic. The most obvious one is the Santa in the bottom right corner. I’m the youngest thing on this table. All these tchotchkies are far older than myself but not as old as Pop and TW.

Frenzy Atop the Tree Of Pain

I picked this foto.
Technically, it’s still Fall even though it seems Autumn ends with Thanksgiving. Everyone seems to like this series and it’s an easy post for us to do. For your convenience and so you can see what numbers have been picked, I’ve created a tab on top for Foto Frenzy. Some numbers are popular and have been chosen 2-3 times. With 4582 numbers to chose from, you guys must all think alike.

Happy Turkey Day!

Wednesday Word—Turkey

I’m reviving a Thanksgiving post from 2011 with a little bit of editing. I figured I’d rerun it since I don’t think I can improve on it. I’m also starting with some art I made in 2011. These little postcards used to be my headers before I met the multi-talented Glogirly.

When Pop told me he'd bought the Thanksgiving turkey, of course I was thrilled. It was curious that he bought it online but that’s the way of the world. Whatever. I couldn't wait to see it and sniff it to see if it met with my approval. From the size of the box, it was a HUGE one! Size definitely matters to this kitty. Heh heh! Pop said he'd open it and place it in the pan so I could have a photo op. I can’t believe they trust me enough to let me post with the turkey!!

There WILL Be A 2015

Happy Monday cats and kittehs! Forget those signs that say “The end is near.” I’m here to announce they are WRONG! There will be a 2015. How can I be so sure??

Cats of A Feather

Welcome every cat to another Saturday PhotoHunt theme pawty. This week we have another challenge that is made for cats. Feathers. What cat doesn’t like playing with feathers? We all do. We may not all like catnip but we like feathers.

Hello Friday

#1306 PhotoShopped up the wazoo

Are you ready for Friday? Are you ready for the one day a week when YOU pick which fotos go in this post? It’s what I call the Fall Friday Foto Frenzy. For those new to my blog, you—my readers—pick numbers between 1 and 4582. TW is adding fotos all the time. Each week I post three of your picks. it’s that easy. The fotos you pick will be published unPhotoShopped, no matter how bad (or stunning) they are. It’s an opportunity for me to show some of the fotos we take that don’t happen to fit any of my past posts. The next round begins next week so start choosing.

Wednesday Word—Cow

I know I’ve been eating a lot lately but who you calling a COW, Woman! Oh, you’re not. Good. Better for your health.

It’s All In the Name

Welcome to Monday and another post about FOOD!

You’ve heard me rant about the grain-free gut rot TW feeds me for lunch but now she’s found some grain-free food that I really like. Unfortunately, she only feeds me this on Sundays. The fact that I love this food is very puzzling to her little human brain.

I’ve Read It in Books

This Saturday’s PhotoHunt isn’t very challenging. Books is such a cool theme. By now everyone knows that my Aunt is P.M. Griffin, the famous Sci-Fi/Fantasy author who’s also written some very cool books about cats and other creatures. The cat books include THE GIFT OF MAGIC (the award-winning novel with the four marvelous cats), TROUBLE THE CAT, the two-story collection leading to it, and THE BASTET TRILOGY with three unconnected tales (except by Bastet's presence), two of them award winners. You can read my review of Trouble the Cat and my short innerview with Aunt Pauline. TW has been her friend for four decades. Andre Norton was Aunt Pauline’s mentor. I posed with a few of Aunt Pauline’s books when we gave them away during the annual SciFi pawty on Twitter.

You Can Find Me in Pop’s Room


All our Foto Frenzy picks this week are set in Pop’s room, which is apropos since I spend most of my time here. Ernie and Bert Wally of The Island Cats picked #248. I always loved to roll around in and rub all over Pop’s clothes when he came home from a hard day at the office. He would throw them on the bed and two minutes later I’d be all over them. Notice how I’ve been using the past tense. I’ll give you two guesses who spoiled my fun. Yeah. Her. She actually told Pop that my claws were making snags in his good shirts. She told him not to throw them on the bed. She ruined my love fest with Pop’s shirts. Why does Pop listen to her?

Wednesday Word—Stretch

I know I hear something …

Double Door Pleasure from #RichellPet

This post is sponsored Richell USA and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Richell products, but Stunning Keisha only shares information I feel is relevant to my readers. RichellUSA/Richell is not responsible for the content of this article.

"Over the river and through the woods, to Aunt Ruthie’s house we go … “ My peeps aren’t world travelers. The only time they travel is during the holidays to visit family. The Cat—ME—has to stay home. I have to miss out on all the fun and the delicious food. Last year they even saw real venison live vishus DEER in Aunt Ruthie’s yard! Did I mention the food? 2014 is a whole new ball game. The peeps can load me into my new Richell® pet carrier, strap me into the train seat and away we go. I know I’d be the hit of the gathering cos there would be so many new ankles to attack people to  bite meet. I’ve always wanted to bite meet the Mom of my cousins BB, Isabel and Makena and my Aunt Karen, who fosters cats and woofies for Brookes Legacy Animal Rescue might be there. (Of course, the photo above is just part a dream sequence. Had it been the real deal, I’d be in the PTU, which would be strapped onto the train seat.)

We Can Eat Heroes Just For One Day

I’m a cat. I think of food … all the time. Hero is the PhotoHunt challenge this week and I can only think of one kind of hero. You got it … a sandwich filled with all kinds of salty, tasty lunch meat. I pulled the pic above from the blog I did about a certain sandwich shop that was allegedly cheating it’s customers out of one inch of their foot longs. TW doesn’t shop there cos there’s none within walking distance. Come to think of it, TW hasn’t shopped at their competitor either. I want my cut of turkey breast roll when she does.

Close-Up and Personal

Welcome to another (Not) Friday Fall Foto Frenzy brought to you by ME with help from YOU if you picked a number. Today I’m featuring some close-ups, which are not to be confused with selfies. TW is responsible for the photography.

KatieBella of Katie Isabella Colors My World opted for #163, which is today’s lead foto. Check out the devil horn markings on either side of my nose. Bwaaahaha! It’s completely unexitedcoto unedited and completely stunning. Sorry I don’t have a story behind it. I do look like I’m ready to talk to TW and I don’t look very pleased. Can anyone come up with a caption?

Dona Nobis Pacem

I’m honored once again to be a peace blogger. For this, my fourth year participating in BlogBlast for Peace, my Peace Globe is dedicated to Pete Seeger (1919-2014) who died earlier this year. The words inscribed on this globe are taken from words Pete had written on his banjo, “This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces it to Surrender.”

Slave to the Clock

Maybe I can set the clock ahead to 4 p.m.

Since we in the U.S. turned back the clocks Saturday night, I thought this post would be appropriate. You did remember to set your clocks back? Good! I didn’t think you’d forget. This post has been sitting in my Blogger drafts for a few hunnert weeks now so I have to dust it off. *Blows* Cough, cough! It’s so old, it still has the old-style watermark.

TW says I’m a slave to the clock; that I clock watch like someone who has a nine-to-five job. I say she’s wrong, of course.

Bunny or Barbie

Happy Harvest to everybuddy! I hope you got lots of treats yesterday and your peeps didn’t eat themselves sick on trick or treat candy.

Happy Howl-o-ween Foto Frenzy

Happy Howl-o-ween and welcome to another Fall Friday Foto Frenzy starring ME! Can you believe that someone—the gang over at Fur Everywhere to be exact—chose a Halloween foto? Amazing but true. Today I’m gonna kinda combine Foto Frenzy with Caturday Art Blog Hop since there are lots o’ scary holiday fotos.

The photo above has a “Feel” PhotoShop action making it dark and scary. We added some cutesy clip art over that pawsome CK shadow.

Wednesday Word—Cats

Isn’t National Cat Day everyday?? I certainly think so.

Remember to do something nice for your cat today and—more importantly—to do something nicer for a homeless cat you encounter on the street or in a shelter who doesn’t have a nice warm bed to lay in or may not get three square meals a day. If you’re a cat, milk this day for all it’s worth!!

A Funny Thing Happened, Part 2

I may look serious but I’m trying to stifle a giggle.

Last Saturday I hinted that the peeps had pulled another good one; aka another stupid human trick. It gives me great pleasure to give you the 411. I think there’s a double standard in place cos whenever I do something, there’s always film footage but there’s never film footage when they muck up.

The other night I told the peeps to order out some Chinese food for dinner. They wouldn’t listen and now I have a funny blog post for you. Trust me, they weren’t laughing.

A Very Special Celebrity Selfie

OMC! Wait till you see my selfie! I’m so excited I couldn’t wait to post it! Ignore the stuppy selfie above.

A Funny Thing Happened …

TW thinks this picture is funny, which is this week’s PhotoHunt challenge. It also happens to be the photo (#1234) that Katie and Waffles of Glogirly chose for the Foto Frenzy. I usually run these on Friday but this fit the Funny theme.

Yes, TW was laughing at my foto but you can see I’m laughing too. As the old adage goes: whoever laughs last, laughs best. I got the best laugh as they performed yet another stupid human trick, which I’ll give you the 411 on next week.

Friday on My Mind

Peek-a-boo! It’s me with an outtake from my Wednesday post.

Hooray! It’s finally Friday. It’s finally time for another Fall Fun Friday Foto Frenzy. HAH! I just keep adding adjectives every week.

This week I’m starting with two picks by the gang over at The Cat on My Head. That would be Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo. I cutted and pasted so I wouldn’t leave anycat out. There are eight cats so I let them have more than one pick cos I didn’t want them squabbling. Anyway, I decided to do their picks today so I can warn you guys that on Sunday, I am gonna totally revolutionize cat selfies! Wait till you see my selfie! SCREEE!

Wednesday Word—Ginkgo

Every year when the ginkgo trees up the block start blooming fading, TW brings me some leaves. I crossed blooming out cos she never remembers until this time of year when all the other trees are turning colors. Suddenly she’ll remember she has a cat. She flips the leaves in the air and I try to catch them as they flutter to earth. Or, I just run, run, run around to where I think they’re gonna land. It’s a fun game but I soon tire of it.

#WholeBodyHealth is Making News

This post is sponsored by Natural Balance’s Original Ultra Whole Body Health and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Whole Body Health, but Stunning Keisha only shares information I feel is relevant to my readers. Natural Balance is not responsible for the content of this article.

Today on The News with Cathy Keisha I’m going to tell you about a 500-lb cat who …


I’m now permitted to share the results of the infographic that came about cos of the Whole Body Health survey you guys all better have filled out. You remember when I tricked you into clicking on my post by sharing a selfie? Heh-heh.

I am a Rock

As soon as I laid eyes on this week’s PhotoHunt theme challenge, I knew we were going to see the return of the big orange rock. It’s not hard to figure out how TW’s tiny brain works. A little known fact is that we have an affiliate account with the Himalyan Salt Shop, where TW bought the rock. If you’re thinking of buying one of these orange rocks which act as a natural air purifier as well as a night light and conversation piece, please use our link. They have a super sale going on right now.

I knew she wasn’t gonna make me a rockstar or even think rocknroll and I was right. We had a hard time deciding which shot from this photo shoot we were gonna feature. I looked exceptionally stunning next to the rock.

The 5’s Have It

It’s Fall; it’s Friday so it must be time for another Fall Friday Foto Frenzy! HAH! Today the fives have it as both 55 and 555 were picked and they’re some really good choices. So let’s cut right to the action.

Wednesday Word—Unexitedcotos

Do these bags contain “Unexitedcotos”?

I see that puzzled look on your face. What does it mean? I axed TW the same question. Before you go to, let me fill you in on the background of this mysterious word that only TW knows the meaning of.

6 Things Pop Says That Make Me Hiss

I gave Pop this Stunning Keisha bag!

Last week I told you some of the things TW says that hiss me off, Now I’m gonna give Pop equal time. It’s not really equal time since he says so much less to me so he doesn’t hiss me off as much. I love my Pop.

See Spots. See Spots Run.

My challenge this week was an easy one. Spots is the PhotoHunt theme. I could use my fast leopard transport tunnel or maybe some of the many spots of dirt and dust around the condo. I chose this comfy quilt that I won at a Twitter pawty, made by the wonderful Dana Pixie. You know Dana. She’s Pixie Pixie on Facebook and she’s in charge of the Pawcircles.