Hello and welcome to this week's masterpieces for the Saturday PhotoHunt and Athena & Marie’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. It’s next to impossible to top the last two art images I’ve done so don’t be too disappointed if this one reeks. I have to admit, we [read TW] waited till the last minute to do this and we [read TW] weren’t very inspired.
It all started when I saw today’s theme was grape. You guys know my quirky sense of humor and I didn’t want to disappoint. I mean, I couldn’t just run a photo of a bunch of grapes, could I? TW thought of using a photo of the grape coolers we used to have in the back yard but she din’t have time to look for one. As if she’s that busy? Sigh. She suggested using my CK Meowlot. Instead, I give you Moby Grape starring CK.
Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.
Last Saturday I posted a pic of my yellow feather wand toy and wrote how I dragged it through the house talking trash. CK reads your comments and aims to please. Many of you wanted video proof. I will offer said proof. TW recorded it in the most unsavory of ways. It was the middle of the night and most of the lights were out so the videos are a bit grainy. I enhanced the light and sound as much as I could.
Pouches are for cats. Am I right? Everycat knows what comes in pouches: cat food and cat treats. Can you believe that some human noms come in pouches also? I can’t wrap my paw around that. In other words: that ain’t right!
I get my grain-free Soulistic food with pumpkin soup every day around noon. When TW gets out a pouch, I know what to expect. Most of the time, it’s gut rot but it’s MY gut rot. At night, she gets out a pouch of treats for me. I only get a couple; however, it’s another example that proves if it’s in a pouch, it’s for The Cat! Can you draw another logical conclusion?
Today is Memorial Day in the U.S. of A. I didn't call this post HAPPY Memorial Day cos I don't think this necessarily IS a happy day—or should be. Many humans think today is all BBQ's, shopping the sales and fireworks; but, in reality, it's to honor the fallen. Those heroes who went to war and never came back. Heroes like TW's Uncle George, who she never had to privilege to meet. He never came home during World War 2. I’m sure most of my furrends from this country know someone who never came home.
A little history lesson is in order. This holiday was originally called Decoration Day and officially became known as Memorial Day in the 1960s. Its roots date to 1865, when it focused only on Union soldiers. As the nation healed; however, slain fighters on both sides of the Civil War were honored.
Did you know yellow is one of the colors cats and dogs can see best? I guess that’s why my favorite toys are yellow and yellow is this week’s PhotoHunt theme at the WhistleStop Cafe. It all fits together nicely just like The Cat likes it. OK, so there’s no yellow nip in this post but I bet the title caught your attention.
Everybuddy knows about how much I love my yellow foam rubber rockets. They’re legendary. Let me tell you about my yellow feather wand toy. It was one of my gifts last Christmas from Aunt Pauline. She’d bought it for her cats but one of them was deathly afraid of it. Their lose is my gain.
Doesn’t she look like me? Kinda. Sorta. Without the ears and all. |
CK back with all the news that’s fit to print. Many of you may be confused about the new Bitstrip comics that have been appearing on my Facebook timeline. While I’m not turning into a human—Cod forbid—I am trying to keep my FB account and identity.
I just celebrated my 5th Twitterversary and after a while, it became apparent that some of my Twitter furrends had branched out into Facebook. It only took a week of begging before TW gave in. We didn’t know the different between FB pages and profiles and I didn’t have a blog yet to hype. I just wanted a page cos Herbie Cat had one. She opened accounts for herself and for me cos she wanted to keep our friends separated. As if! She’s all about segregation. What can you say about someone who still separates whites and colors in the laundry.
I was innocently lying here on the kitchen table when all hell broke loose. |
Dateline, the Condo—Whoa! What a lot of stuff I have to cram into this blog! Unfortunately, I don’t have any any video footage or anything, but I know you’ll follow along. I can see everything that goes on in the condo from behind this lamp.
a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that CK won’t drink
what outdoor kittehs do to your plants whether you want them to or not
Today is Straw Hat Day across the Blogosphere. Over the past year, I’ve modeled many straw hats: baseball hats, sombreros, Easter bonnets—who could forget those atrocious Easter bonnets!—but TW tells me I can’t use them. She wants me to model yet another straw hat. Sigh! The things I’ll do for my Fans cos you know it’s all about the Fans. I hope you guys appreciate it.
What a crappy weekend it’s been for The Cat. The Cat will hide until things get better. The peeps claimed they were busy and I got no playtime! What’s a cat to do?
There was a bright spot and that was I got to DJ the Blogpawty that took place during the Nose-to-Nose Awards at Blogpaws. I even won a swag bag! It almost made me feel like I was there instead of Plush CK who was thrilled to meet all my many fans.
♫ I love the sound of breaking glass especially when I’m hungry. I need the noises of destruction when there’s nothing new. Nothing to do. ♫ Today’s piece of art I’m contributing to Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop shows me punching my paw through a pane of glass. I’d like to think I’m breaking into a pet store and I’m gonna stuff my bag full of Fancy Feast. My boi’s Tuna and PKitty are right behind me. We gonna have a pawty with all the toys in the place and leave before the po-po show up. Anybuddy else want in??
I’m here to discuss a serious topic today. Perhaps the post title gives it away or perhaps it’s the look on my stunning face.
To an outsider, it may seem as if TW is the panicky sort; and, yeah, she does sweat the little things a bit too much. When an emergency strikes, she has been known to keep her wits about her. There was that time I got my head stuck in the handles of a plastic shopping bag when I was much younger. Pop was chasing me around screaming; TW got the scissors, calmly called me over and cut the handle. There was also the carbon monoxide incident. Then there was this other time … oh wait, there wasn’t.
Another photo shoot? Just shoot me now—and no flash. |
Happy Cinco de Mayo! I have some happy news for those of you who have missed my brilliant DJ sets, I’ll be working today’s #Chilipawty on Twitter in honor of Kittehboi's sisfur Chilipepper’s 17th birthday. The pawty runs from 2-8 pm EDT and will benefit Black Cat Rescue of Boston, MA. I hope you'll join in the festivities. They'll be lots of noms, prizes and good music. I hope to see you during my shift from 4-5 pm. Use hashtag #Chilipawty.
CK here on this beautiful Caturday where once again I’m taking part in Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. The images here are part of a colorful gif we made on some online program a while back. Translated that means no talent was required.
CK here with some breaking news. This may sound like a headline from The Enquirer but it’s true. Over 50% of all U.S. cats and dogs are overweight; and, in most cases, their pet parents don’t care! It’s an outrage! That’s what it is. A study by the Banfield Pet Hospital State of Pet Health 2012 says that over the past five years the number of overweight cats has increased by 90%! Tell me that’s not an epidemic.
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