Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Youth Gone Wild

A few years ago I posted a true story of a sticky little person who found her way into MY condo. This little monster thoroughly terrorized THE CAT and her toys—and the peeps allowed this! They even shot a video of the carnage this she-devil wrought as she tried to crawl through the Tunnel of Pain. The Saturday PhotoHunt theme is Youth and I’m using a still from this video. You can watch the entire video here. Be warned: The video may not be suitable for all kittehs. Some may find it disturbing; others may find it distasteful and even REVOLTING. THIS. COULD. HAPPEN. TO. YOU.

Commentathon In Sparkle’s Memory

I’m on my way to Sparkle’s Memorial Service. I’ve brought flowers
but just as importantly, I’ve brought money for Tabby’s Place.

Today is a a solemn day. Sparkle Cat’s Memorial Service is going on right now. Click the link to pay your respects. I’d like to think it’s a also a time to celebrate her life and all she’s meant to the Blogosphere and cats everywhere. She was a wealth of advice to cats and humans alike. I can’t think of anyone who’s done more for feral/community cats than Sparkle. She was born to a pedigree but became a champion for the down-trodden and homeless kittehs. Politicians could take a lesson from her. I know Summer has been taking notes and will do her best to carry on, while being herself.

Wednesday Word—Influence

Yep, those are all records behind me.

The Lone Star Cats, Travis, Crockett and Maurice, have presented ME with the Most Influential Blogger Award. Being the Influencer that I am (see badge on my sidebar), I’m not surprised that I’m receiving this award for the 3rd time. This time the rules are different. Being a DJ, I think I like this set of rules best. Many thanks to the Lone Star Cats, who have a very tasty blog. If you haven’t visited yet, check them out and have a drink on me.

Healthy Cats are Happy Cats #GetHealthyHappy

What cat likes going to the vet? Can I see a show of paws? Hmmm, Waffles may be the only one. I’m gonna bet that not too many dogs like going to the vet either. This is a big problem for pet parents who love their pets and don’t like to see them stressed but know that the only way to catch illness early is by annual vet visits. That’s why Hill’s has started the #GetHealthyHappy campaign and I’m honored to be promoting it.

Expecting to be Engaged

The PhotoHunt challenge is engage and I’m about to engage TW in some serious paw to hand combat and she’s not gonna like it. Then again I didn’t like it when she misremembered the theme again. We had an entire blog written around the word expect when she went over to check the link. Good thing we did. Her senility and incontinence are getting worse and worse. What, Woman? Incompetent? You of all people are telling me I’m using the wrong word. HAH!  I’m afaid I’m going to have to engage new staff to help me blog. All innerested parties can email writing and photography samples along with a doctor’s note proclaiming you are NOT senile.

An Open Letter to Sparkle

Photo ©

This little ghetto kitteh is at a loss for words. The world and blogosphere lost a very special furrend. Ironically, it was one year ago today we lost Homer Blind WonderCat.

Dear Sparkle, thank you for being a part of my life and sharing your wisdom. Thank you for working toward a no-kill nation. Thank you for all your work with feral kittehs; for speaking for those who have no voice. Thank you for helping to get countless kittehs adopted into good homes. Thank you for your support of this blog and blogs all across the blogosphere. Thank you for your friendship and wisdom. Thank you for letting me into your house and life virtually. Thank you for keeping it real and being you. You’ll live on in our hearts furever. You’re the sisfur I never had. Godspeed. Love forever, Cathy Keisha

Share your love for Sparkle by sharing your tribute post. This will make it easier for Sparkle’s Human and loved ones to see all the posts in one place. If you don’t have a blog, you can leave a message for Sparkle at her blog. Bloggers who wish to include the link up on their sites may click HERE for the embed code. Thanks to Glogirly for creating this Link-Up.

Wednesday Word—Gramma

I’d like to pay tribute to my Gramma as today would have been her 100th birthday if she was still with us. Don’t ax me how TW is older than Gramma but I guess it happens. MOL! Sadly, Gramma left us early in 2000, during an ice storm.

In a Pickle

CK is in a pickle. Well, actually as you can see above, I’m ON a pickle— my Tickle Pickle from Tipsy Nip. There’s a fun story behind my Tickle Pickle who we’ll call Mike for brevity.

Curse of CK

CK never backs down from a challenge and this week’s PhotoHunt challenge is Curse. I thought and thought. Hmmm, I could do The Curse of the Bambino or The Curse of the Mummy or The Curse of the Billy Goat. I got a better idea!

I present my new rap CD [censored]. Unfortunately since this is a family blog, I can’t perform any of the songs for you. There be lots of cuss words in my raps. Heh-heh.

The Color Purple

Does purple make me look fat?

Today’s post is brought to you by the color purple.

Wednesday Word—Claws

The peeps think I lay with my paw stretched out cos my claws are too long.

Kittehs, I dodged a bullet. The peeps once again had their finger on the panic button. It seemed that every time they saw me working my claws on my Ultimate Scratching Post, my dew claw got stuck. To dislodge it, I’d pull and pull. TW was scared I’d pull my entire claw out and that wouldn’t be fun for either of us.

A Tail of Two Parties

Last week I knew I was in trouble when I saw the peeps looking at the above flyer. Anybuddy who remembers my post about last summer's party at the condo complex will remember that it didn’t turn out too good for The Cat. Oh, sure, I got exploited when the peeps used me to get the conversation started, but did I get any sliders or food? NO.

Don’t Call Me Lacy

Click to bigify if you can’t read my comments.

A Post About … Nothing

Like Seinfeld was a show about … nothing, this is a post about … nothing. I’m gonna fake it, but in the end the stunning photos will make this another winner.

You may have noticed I’ve been posting a lot of photos of me siting on tissue paper. Here’s a couple more.


Why is Stunning Keisha posing with a goat?
Photo used by permission of

I don’t usually ever post on Tuesday but today is NOMS Day. Yeah, when I saw the title, I thought I’d get to post about my favorite cat food and treats. This Day is more. It stands for Not of My Species. We get to shout out to furrends of ours who are different then us. It was started by The Cat’s Realm. Here’s how they describe it.

Requiem for a Nip Plant

My nip plant in happier times.

Recently some of my furrends have been complaining on how their humans haven’t been keeping up their nip plants. Then they proceed to show photos of happy, healthy nip plants that make the plant in the above photo look pathetic.

If you guys wanna see what my pathetic nip plant looks like today, I’m gonna show you. It ain’t pretty. In fact, some of you may get physically sick. It’s not for the weak of heart.

The Skies On Fire

Cats tend to get up really early in the morning and I’m no exception. After I eat, I like to sit on my prayer rug in the window and snoopervise whatever is going on out there. I’m often witness to the sunrise. Last weekend, TW happened to spy my sunrise and ran for her flashy box. She couldn’t get over how gorgeous it was as the morning sun fought to make it through the clouds from the rain we’d had the night before.

The Blame Game

Here I am, minding my own business. I have my tissue paper; I have some feathers and I’m just waiting for someone to play with me. What can I possibly be doing wrong? Yet, I am being blamed once again for something beyond my control.