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Curse of CK

CK never backs down from a challenge and this week’s PhotoHunt challenge is Curse. I thought and thought. Hmmm, I could do The Curse of the Bambino or The Curse of the Mummy or The Curse of the Billy Goat. I got a better idea!

I present my new rap CD [censored]. Unfortunately since this is a family blog, I can’t perform any of the songs for you. There be lots of cuss words in my raps. Heh-heh.

Since I used several online program to create the CD cover, I could also use it as my entry in Athena and Marie’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. That would be too easy. TW might have a few minutes to read the newspaper. We can’t have that, can we? Heh heh, did I just hear TW curse?

This piece may make you curse as in "Holy Carp, what is it? and how did she make it?” The truth of the matter is we made it a couple of weeks ago and don’t remember. It was one of the online programs.

Would you like to comment?

  1. We could not think of a single thing to do with are very creative!

    Ironically, we wrote a song this week too...but our lyrics can be printed on a family blog ;)

  2. I'm an adult kitty, so I'd love to give your album a listen!

  3. LOL CK I am senior so can I have a listen?????? Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Such a funny photo. Love it. Have a lovely weekend.

  5. Oh go on, CK just one little cuss!!

  6. That is some amazing cat art!

    Hope you have a wonderful Caturday.
    Curse-free, of course. MOL!

  7. Actually that's very cool CK. Good job even if you don't remember what you did. (Now you sound like us.)

  8. We'd give it a listen as we're not too shockable.

    When I was young I got a cassette (see told you it was ages ago!) of my favourite Tom Robinson album and it took me months to realise the x's were there to warn of the content....eek!

    Re: your Wed post about claws I've left you a post on my own blog with some thoughts.

  9. Nice teefs....I'm thinking they could do some damage when attached to a human arm or leg. As for the new CD - I bet it's too hot to handle without gloves too - right???

    Go girl...
    Hugs, Sammy

  10. That's great! Very creative :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  11. A new rap CD? Love it! What a pawsome idea!
    I absolutely love that Caturday art of yours!!! Very unique!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  12. Hey CK, isn't your new album a piece of art in itself?! Too bad there won't be a performance!

  13. I'd love to hear your new rap CD. I can handle some cuss words :-)
    The art image is very cool!

  14. This week's theme was REALLY hard....We think there might have been a lot of cursing while people were trying to come up with pics!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  15. OMC Meez wulda nevew came up wiff anyfin' fur curse. MOL Gweat foto.

    Luv ya'


  16. I love it when you cuss CK. I'm man enough to listen to you and your rap CD all day.
    I love your art picture too except I was worried you were disappearing before my eyes.

  17. 'that' really you??? Just askin'...been watchin' too much sci-fi channel prolly

  18. Oh darn! We would have loved to hear some of your songs. That album cover/Caturday art is the grooviest! Sure wish you could remember how you did it. We will be starting our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop tomorrow. Hope you will join us. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Jo

  19. We would totally listen to your CD, CK. LOUD. While rolling down the boulevard.

  20. I'll go lock Waffles in the bathroom if you promise to do just ONE of your raps.

    Or, I'll just go lock Waffles in the bathroom.
    ; ) Katie

  21. CK, I used ALL of the bad werds in the WORLD going to the vet's twice last week!

    XX Maui the Pottymouther

  22. Love that CD cover of you CK and that art photo is very cool! Have an easy Sunday!

  23. The kitties were asked to leave my office before I opened this post. And what did I find? teehee Your are a class act my friend.

  24. Hello my sweet darling. In answer to your question....of COURSE I'm always watching you. Me & Sting, but I'm better looking. Right? XOXOXO


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