Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

TW's Art Fail

TW's Art Fail

Welcome to my Caturday Art gallery. I've sprung for a poster-size billboard outside the gallery. This week I decided to do something different. What a mistake that was. I dunno if we actually achieved the effect I was looking for which pains me. I assigned TW the task of drawing ME on a chalkboard. She failed miserably but it's all I have. So come on in and enjoy the show. I have a new concession stand where you can buy all sorts of noms and refreshments.

Flashback Friday/Foto Frenzy. It's All About Memories

Flashback Friday/Foto Frenzy. It's All About Memories

Some cats call this feature Flashback Friday; I call it my Foto Frenzy. Same idea but this kitteh marches to her own drummer. Unlike other Flashback Fridays, we let you be the one to tell us which fotos you want to see, then we oblige. This week's picks are brought to you from my good furrends the Trout Towne Tabbies. Hang tight and join me in reliving old memories cos the ones I made this week aren't so pleasant.

Counting Cat: This Cat is a Genius

Counting Cat: This Cat is a Genius

You guys know how much I love to play rockets. TW and I have a new game we play with them. It will give you some idea just how smart a cat I am. Oh and I know what you're thinking about the image so get your mind outta the gutter.

A Spoonful of Tuna Won't Make the Medicine Go Down

A Spoonful of Tuna Won't Make the Medicine Go Down

A battle is raging in my condo. It's me and me alone against TW and the evil PILL. Right now I'm the victor. As you may remember, last week I had a bad asthma flareup and had to go to the vet. TW was told to give me prednisolone twice a day for a week since the weather is well over 90 degrees and then to taper off. The condo has become a battleground and each meal is a war. I eye every meal suspiciously.

Clear the Shelter Art

Whoa! Maybe you can ax for a repeat of this for your birthday.

I'm not in the art gallery today cos today is Clear the Shelters Day in which anyone can adopt a shelter animal for free. I'm hoping instead of spending time at the gallery, you'll be off adopting cats. My old jail alma mater Liberty Humane Society is participating. I dunno if free pets is a good idea. It's good for the shelters because they clear space but is it really good for the animals? I mean no one can deny that getting 20,000 pets adopted is a good thing but I'm thinking outside the box.

Cold Weather Flashback Fotos

Cold Weather Flashback Fotos

It's been a stressful week and now it's supposed to be 90ªF for the next five days. Both TW and I have grown to hate summer which used to be her favorite season. She always loved the hot weather but no more. Both our asthma is freaking out. TW hasn't taken any fotos of me since I've been feeling poorly and I give her props for that. (Did I just say that?) Our Foto Frenzy should make you feel cooler.

48 Hours

48 Hours

Your old stunning pal CK had a rough and trying day Monday although Tuesday was even worse. Lemme start at the beginning. Sunday night I was lethargic and I went to bed early. TW was awake with me all night because she knew we were in for a scorcher weather-wise and I wasn't feeling well. She was waiting for me to start coughing. We were both restless. I'd toss; she'd turn and so it went until about 4:15.

The Demise of Hello Kitty

The Demise of Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty became Goodbye Kitty at my condo last week. Every year Pop and I get TW balloons for her birthday (which was Wednesday) since she already has enough material goods to open a store. I decided we should get Hello Kitty balloons. When they arrived, the porter brought them upstairs to surprise TW. We couldn't believe how big and impressive they were. We have 16 foot ceilings and they almost reached them when placed on the table.

A Paying Customer

A Paying Customer

Last week I showed you how I was advertising my art and today the paying customers started coming in. Check out this black dude perusing this week's offerings. I think he may be about to make me an offer. Yo, bruv! 'Sup? Like what you see? Lemme tell you a bit about them so you can make an informed decision.

Confessions of a Vet Tech—I Help Declaw Cats #BtC4A

Confessions of a Vet Tech—I Help Declaw Cats #BtC4A

I'm participating once again in Blog the Change for Animals. Today I have a guest blogger who's been a friend of TW's for almost 20 years. You know this message is special cos Stunning Keisha never uses guest bloggers. She has axed to remain anonymous because there's a good chance she could lose her job at the clinic if they see this piece. This is her story.

Everyone has a chore they hate to perform. I hate doing laundry. And I hate having to assist in declawing cats. You see, I am a veterinary technician. This has been my profession for over 30 years. And I am not just any old vet tech; I specialize in cats. Cats, the most wonderful creatures on this planet; the animal I have devoted my life to in so many ways.

My Cat is Missing. How Can I Find Him?

My Cat is Missing. How Can I Find Him?

July is National Lost Pet Prevention Month. According to the National Council of Pet Population Study & Policy and the National Humane Society, a family pet is lost every two seconds in North America. That's a lot of lost pets. 10 million dogs and cats are lost or stolen every year in the U.S. and of those only 22% of dogs are reunited with their owners and less than 2% of cats ever see their families again. That's a lot of grim statistics.

CK Tells All!

CK Tells All!

Woohoo! It's time for another "Ask CK" where my listeners ax me whatever they want. No subject is taboo. I'm not gonna waste our time with idle chatter. I'm standing by to take your calls. Our first callers today are the Florida Furkids. How's the weather in Florida guys?

We want to know what your favorite time of day is? Napping? Nomming? Private time? Biting TW?

Advertising My Art

Advertising My Art

I need to get more customers into my gallery so I thought I'd start advertising by hanging these flyers up where folks can see them. Then I'll sign it with my handle. You think anyone is gonna see them here? Only losers pay for advertising. Heh heh. Smart cats know that placement is everything. A few well placed flyers and people will be flocking to the CK Gallery. Now I better make myself scarce and wait for the paying customers.

Who Doesn't Love Bloopers?

Who Doesn't Love Bloopers?

It's Blooper's Round-up day and I must say I don't look too impressed, do I? I guess the reason is cos we have to show you a few of your Foto Frenzy picks first. It's getting to be time for you to put your thinking caps on and come up with some new numbers between 4 and 6315. Actually 4 and 6 are the only two in the top 10 that I haven't shown you. The 411: you pick a number and I dig it out of the files and publish it in raw form telling you the true story behind it.

Keeping Hydrated on a Hot Day + Giveaway

Keeping Hydrated on a Hot Day + Giveaway

It's summer in the Northeast U.S. This week the temperatures are expected to be in the mid 90s. You need to take extra care to see that your pets are drinking enough water but everyone reading this blog knows that Stunning Keisha doesn't drink water. I haven't for years. OK, TW has caught me drinking out of "Pete" fountain once or twice. She keeps trying new bowls and water additives to get me to imbibe. When she saw the TORUS™ water bowl from Heyrex at the NYC Pet Expo a few months ago, she wondered if this might be the magical water bowl I couldn't refuse.

Disclaimer: We received  product as compensation in exchange for our fair and honest review. Heyrex is not responsible for the contents of this post. Stunning Keisha only shares products and information that I believe are of interest to my readers.

Independence Day Mewsings By The Cat

Independence Day Mewsings By The Cat

Dunno what all the fuss and pyrotechnics over Independence Day on July 4th is. Independence Day for me came on January 29, 2006, the day I declared my freedom from the little shelter in Hillsborough, NJ. It’s more commonly known as a Gotcha Day but once we leave their buildings, we also leave behind the confinement, the cages and the sorrow. I busted out and entered my new furever condo as supreme ruler. After their own independence day, all cats become the bosses and the humans best obey us. I purray between now and next July 4th, every shelter cat can celebrate their independence and leave their cages behind. Er, now why are you innerupting me TW.

World UFO Day Art and Breaking News

World UFO Day Art and Breaking News

According to, today is World UFO Day and this cat is waiting for the U-FOs to quote an old fave song of TW's. Welcome to the art gallery in my spacecraft.

TW's Lame Excuse

TW's Lame Excuse

I'm sure several of you are surprised to see an art foto leading off the Friday Foto Frenzy. Not quite as surprised as I was when I opened Mudpie's pick of #488 and saw it. TW does have an explanation. This better be good, Woman!