Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.
Hola kitties! Welcome to this month's edition of Pet Photo Fails and what better day to have photo fails than on National Camera Day. Photo Fails are different in the eyes of the beholder and the photographer. What's a fail for some is seen differently by those viewing. This depends on the kind of equipment and knowledge the photographer has. I see bloopers on other blogs [that would be you, Summer] that look fine but those photographers are more schooled and expect more of themselves. On the other paw, I'll complain about a Foto Frenzy foto and some commenters will ax "what's wrong with it?".

Hola kitties! This is gonna be an almost wordless Wednesday. Almost. Aunt Pauline was very disappointed when I mentioned in my last post that Pop had broken two of our litter scoops in one week but I neglected to mention how or why.

Hola kitties! I have a special Music Moves Me setlist today. Before I start queueing up the tunes, I thought I'd tell you what's been going on around the condo. TW was down with a stomach bug yesterday. She couldn't go shopping thereby depriving me of rotisserie chicken on Cat World Domination Day. I think it was caused by that free donut and coffee she got in the morning courtesy of our condo board. I'm hoping by today she's feeling better and can attend to my needs. In other news, Pop broke—not one—but both their favorite litter scoops. Ka-CHING!

Hola kitties! This, the 24th day of June, was declared Cat World Domination Day by Sparkle Cat on her birthday several years before she went to the Rainbow Bridge. Summer is now carrying on the tradition. I've been celebrating by posting since 2013. This might be the most important holiday of the year.
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My image above represents cat' domination over a world of humans. |
Hola kitties! What a week we've had! Temps were in the upper 80s to low 90s with humidity. Leave it to Pop to see a lady in a skimpy bikini sunbathing on the deck of the new building next door. HAH! He took Thursday off so I could "go to work" with him. I chose to stay awhile and around noon decided to take the rest of the day off. Work is hard but my Friday post isn't.

Hola kitties. It's no secret that Pop and I have bonded. I have him totally wrapped around my paw. On the other paw, he's the only human I'll purr for. A week after I came to live in the condo, Pop had to go to the human vet hospital for major back surgery. He was gone an entire week. When he came home he wasn't allowed to go to work for a long time. During that time alone, we bonded.

Hola kitties! It's a new week. This week is loaded with cat holidays like National Cats in Film Day. Thursday is Take Your Cat to Work Day so I'm trying to talk Pop into working at home so I can "be at work" with him. He said he's gonna work at home Tuesday but he can work at home more than one day a week. It's also National Selfie Day on Thursday. I don't post on Thursday so I thought I'd do a "selfie"—otherwise known as a "plandid" since I'm still the lacking thumbs needed to press down a shutter. Are plandids even a thing anymore? I don't have Instagram so I don't know.

Hola kitties! TW promised me we'd get the Chewy Influencer done this week cos it ties in with Father's Day. She lied to me or should I say she failed. I have to ban her from looking at FB, although I do have a post on there that went viral so I shouldn't complain but I am. That was gonna be my Father's Day post and now it's not.

Hola kitties! This post has been hastily put together. Pop installed our new modem today, which of course caused some minor problems. Then TW watched the game. Seems everything comes before The Cat but I'm sure you're wondering about the new red beret.

Hola kitties. Lots happening around the condo this weekend. First, some bad news. I know you guys have been purring loudly for Aunt Pauline—and we all appreciate it very much—but she's back in hospital after having had a setback. What you may not know is many decades ago, it was Aunt Pauline who always carried a bag of kibble in her purse to feed the stray cats she passed on the way to and from the subway. Her family had a colony of feral cats in their backyard that they fed and built enclosures for. TW admired that and followed her example. To this day, she always carries food for the community cats in her bag.

Hola kitties! We have a special edition Flashback Friday today. For today's featured Foto Frenzy, the Randomizer happened to pick two fotos chosen by Aunt Pauline. As you know, she just had surgery and now could use more purrz and prayers as she's begun chemo, which is never easy. She enjoys reading all the messages my furrends post for her and appreciates the well wishes. Uncle Neil and Nickolette are being wonderful nurses. Uncle Neil is a medical professional and a near gourmet cook and Nickolette has intense purr therapy going.

Hola kitties! It occurred to me that I haven't posted any of those Facebook memes in months! I know many of you like them so I'm about to remedy that. I've reworked some questions so that every kitty should be able to answer them. No more coffee or tea questions. These relate to the feline of the species. Check out my answers to these 12 amazing facts that may surprise you and then let your furrends learn about you.

Hola kitties! Pop's staycation is over. I tried to talk him into working from home today but he said he had a meeting. What meeting is more important than me? Oh yeah, that whole thing about money and keeping food in my dish and a roof over our heads. I hear ya loud and clear—but I still don't like it.

Hola kitties. It's blog-hopping Friday as well as the first of June. Dunno why there's so much going on at the end of the week cos Friday is still a weak day for blog traffic. Na mean? Pop was on staycation all week. I'm going to miss him next week. I may hide his computer so he can't go back to work. Ohhhh. TW says then he can't earn the "Benjamins" to keep me in cat food.

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