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The Scoop About the Scoops

Hola kitties! This is gonna be an almost wordless Wednesday. Almost. Aunt Pauline was very disappointed when I mentioned in my last post that Pop had broken two of our litter scoops in one week but I neglected to mention how or why.

The Scoop About the Scoop

The peeps had brought these scoops over from the old house so they were old. Old and plastic—so it's a miracle they've lasted so long. The beautiful thing about these scoops—and we haven't found a metal one with the same design—is that you can attach a bag so that the clumps slide from the scoop right into the bag. No muss; no fuss. Plus, we use the bags the newspapers come in so we never have to buy extra bags. Recycling and reusing is good.

The Scoop About the Scoop

Pop liked the one that was straight across while TW liked using the curved one in the pic. That baby is totaled. What you probably can't see is two of the other bars are broken as is the side. Yep, they couldn't agree on which scoop they liked so they both used a different one. After Pop broke his, TW had a bad feeling about him using her's.

The answer to how they broke? We'll never know. All Pop will say is that they were old and when he dug into the litter down to the bottom of the box, they broke.

The good news for Pop is that TW was able to order the straight one from Amazon. The bad news for TW is the curved ones doesn't exist anymore. Deal with it, Woman! They should be arriving today. You gotta love Amazon Prime. I'll leave you with a gratuitous pic of myself.

The Scoop About the Scoop

Would you like to comment?

  1. What is with your male human and those scoops? Is he too rough with them or something?

  2. Humans can be so careless, can't they? Thank you for the gratuitous pic! :)

  3. TW will have to file the straight scooper into a round one. ;) I'm just here for the Stunning CK pictures. I hope Aunt Pauline is feeling better.

  4. He was probably a little too hard when scooping the litter, but at least they were able to get one of them for you. So you can have a clean kitty box. Thanks for sharing the photos. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  5. Too bad TW's favorite type of scoop isn't available any more, but glad the new one is arriving today. Love your beautiful picture :-)

  6. What a great scoop. Mom likes the idea that the litter slides into the bag...she's always making a mess.
    The Florida Furkids

  7. We're back......Mom just went through 30 pages on Amazon and can't find it. Can you send us a link?


    The Florida Furkids

  8. The scoop is always most important CK!

  9. We don't have a choice. We have a lovely off white scoop. I would have preferred pink but as long as they remove the pooh...I'm ok whatever they use. Using their fingers would be gross though.


  10. ck.....furst up ya look stunning N gorgeouz...thurd......we noe all two well
    how import de scoop iz....round heer; itza MUST for cree atin itz all in de mindz eye art gal o ree peecez....bad scoop....bad peece ~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  11. Did your dad scoop your poop with too much energy and break your scoop ? Purrs

  12. Sorry your peeps broke the scoops. We've not seen that kind befur. Mommy uses a metal one we got at BlogPaws the year we went. She likes it pretty good, but there's no bag attachment. 'Course now, she just scoops and tosses it into the Litter Robot most of the time and it cycles right through to the bag unnerneath. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  13. How did we exist without Amazon Prime??? I had a plastic Garfield scoop that I loved and it snapped :(

  14. Sometimes with those scoopers, it's the handle. My housekeeper has a scooper so big and strong, it can scoop elephant poop. Haven't seen her do that, but I can't wait. Meanwhile, she has to scoop da poop from little old me. I try to give her variety, like creating a little Stonehenge with my poop, but she's not amused. - Tom x

  15. That is a nice design. Great photo of you. XO

  16. Haha, thanks for the gratuitous shot at the end. You look so satisfied with yourself.

  17. The mom only uses metal scoops and she’s bent a couple of them. We have some tough poop. ;)

  18. Great gratuitous photo, CK. Thanks for that!

    It sounds like Pop doesn't know his own strength!

  19. We had a scoop like that for about 5 minutes. Mom hated it. She thought it was really awkward and couldn't figure out how to keep the plastic bag from dragging through the litter box and making a dusty mess.

  20. CK, as I was totally into your gratuitous glamour shot...I totally did not read about your Pops destroying your poop scoop! I know that as a cat, I don't care how it gets OUT of my litter box, just that it does and how they do it does not matter.
    Now I shall go back to drooling, staring at beauteous you!

  21. We love the Litter Lifters! They are the best.

  22. So far Mom hasn't broken the scoop for my litter box. It is plastic, too. The scoop you had where your humans could attach a bag to it sounds so-o efficient! If Mom or Dad accidentally break my scoop, I bet they'll be looking for the kind you had. Wink. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews


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