Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Wednesday Word—Broken

CK is a broken cat and not just cos of all the sickies I’ve been dealing with. Sunday, TW dealt me a blow much lower than the sickies have. She broke my most beloved dish.

In the condo, we have lots of dishes for The Cat’s food BUT there are only two in which I get my beloved Fancy Feast Grilled Tuna. They’re hand-me-downs from Cod knows how many cats before me. They’re strong; they don’t chip when Pop does the dishes and throws everything into the dishpan. They had to last forever cos TW doesn’t know how and where she could buy those same dishes. Y’all remember I stopped drinking H2O after my favorite water dish broke. The peeps didn’t dare break my FF dish!

A Stunning Keisha Exclusive—CK in Crisis!

Warning: the images in this post may NOT be pretty.

To recap my last post, I was stuffed into the PTU against my will and brought kicking and screaming to the evil v-e-t. Once there, I was shot up and abused in front of my peeps who did nothing to stop the insanity. Now I was safe at home BUT was I really safe? TW dosed my food with Prednisone to add insult to injury. TW was about to regret her actions.

Sporting Cool Ink

Thanks to Ann for the badge!
Before I get started with the Saturday PhotoHunt and Caturday Art Blog Hop, let me thank everybuddy for the blog comments on Wednesday Word—Asthma. Gotta say I’m much more comfortable giving the healing purrz rather than receiving them. I was hoping to post an update yesterday but I promise to do so next week. I have good days and I have bad days. I was running around like crazypants last night even though I ate around my pred. In the days to come, I hope to reciprocate all comments. It’s been a nut house here with TW watching me like a hawk. ♥︎ to all those who care for this little ghetto kitteh.

Wednesday Word—Asthma

That’s a pretty scary Wednesday Word. I’ve been having a terrible time with my asthma these past 2 weeks. After an extremely bad night on Monday, the peeps whisked me off to the evil v-e-t on Tuesday. I was betrayed by Pop.

I regret to say, I’m usually kinda a pushover to get into the PTU. I’ve only fought them on one occasion. This year, Pop picked me up, carried me to the living room and introduced me to the open PTU. I climbed right in. All hell broke loose once the door was locked. I clawed the bars. I banged up against the sides of the box. I sang the song of my people—loudly and proudly. I was like a caged animal. Wait—I WAS a caged animal!

Enjoying Earth Day

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day so I thought I’d soak up some sun rays on the window. Aahhh! Peace and quiet.

Here Comes Keisha Cottontail

Yep, I’m hopping down the kitty trail in another ugly Easter bonnet. This was my first bonnet ever.

Suffering For Her Art

TW took this stunning reflective photo of me but it looks a little grainy. She tried to get a close-up using just natural light. You ruined it, Woman! How to save this photo? Here’s an idea. We could make it part of the Caturday Art Blog Hop sponsored by Cat Goddess Athena!

Queen of the Easter Bonnets

Today is Easter Bonnet Day over at the Tabby Cat Club. I’ve worn more Easter bonnets than I care to admit. Last year, TW tried hard to embarrass me. She googled "Embarrassing Easter Bonnets" and "Atrocious Easter Bonnets.” I was forced under threat of starvation to model the ugliest ones. I admit I look stunning in anything, but gimme a break! The collage below shows you pictures of all of the hats of shame and you can decide which one I should wear in this year's Easter Parade down the Avenue—5th Avenue.

Click on the image to biggify it.
I axed you to let me know by number which hat you wanted to see me model in the Easter parade. And to keep your laughter to a low roar.

Wednesday Word—Profiled

Being a little ghetto kitteh, I’m used to being profiled and stereotyped. Na mean? I’m sure many of you black panfurs feel the same way. You sat in your cage at the local jail shelter and purrayed that a real cat lover would come in and not stereotype you as a bad luck omen.

The Spin Cycle

Here in the condo, we’re getting ready for next month’s Blogpaws’ conference. My nemesis stand-in HHGutt Plush CK will be heading to Las Vegas. He’s stowing away with Prudence’s Mom and he’s been prepping for his big trip. I want him to make a good impression. Yesterday was laundry day and HHGutt was thrown in with the towels had a bath day along with his furrend Plush Nicky. He’s all squeaky clean and ready to boogie.

HHGutt: Viva Las Vegas! I cannot wait to play the slots and see Britney, even if she doesn’t really sing!

In Another Dimension

This week I’m taking part in the Caturday Art Blog Hop sponsored by Cat Goddess Athena. I’m using an image that I used in 2011 for Boris Kitty’s SciFi Pawty cos it just so happens that this is the weekend of this year’s SciFi Pawty. As always, it benefits One By One Cat Rescue of Kutztown, PA, a no-kill, non-profut organization. You can Like them on Facebook and donate here or on Boris’ blog where you can bid on some super cool autographs. They also have a special Remembrance Wall where you can put the names of your beloved fur children who went OTRB in the past year. I know I forgot some and am sorry about the omissions.

A Handy Week Ending Review

Take that and that, Woman!

It’s all about the hand. TW is distressed because of this. Anytime she’s near me, I stare at her hands. I always have to know where they are. She says I don’t trust her after eight and a half years, even though she’s never hit me. I say my motto is “trust no one.” Deal with it, Woman.

Wednesday Word—Marg

Today I am honoring Ms Marg of Marg's Animals.

Monday Mewings

CK: Yo, Woman, am I ever going to have another blog post up?

TW: Well, CK, I haven’t done anything really stupid and you haven’t done anything incredible. What do you what to blog about? How about a foto and caption post?

Stunning Stained Glass

NEWS FLASH! This week I’m skipping the Saturday PhotoHunt cos the theme is family and I’ve devoted all too much time and space on this blog to the peeps. They’re not getting anymore—not without paying for it. This little ghetto kitteh don’t work for free.

I will devote all my attention to Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. However, the images I made can also be part of Sepia Saturday over at Ruckus the Eskie and the Black and White Sunday at Dachshund Nola blog hops. Being the jet-setting superstar that I am, I’m gonna be hopping all over the world!

Be Happy. Be Healthy. Live Longer. #HillsPet

Yo! It’s CK and I’m here to tell you how you can help your pet lose weight and save your relationship. Your relationship with your pet, that is. I ain’t no Dear Abby! I’m going to share some Before and After pics that should get your attention. It’s time to stop denying Fido or Fluffy might have a weight problem.
Plumpy—I mean Autumn.
When the peeps first brought Autumn into their house, she was a little round ball of a cat. She had been TW’s Mom’s cat. Gramma used to tell TW that Autumn was a “dud” because she never played. Her nickname was “Plumpy." Gramma’s intentions were good; but, because she was in her late 70’s when she adopted Autumn, she didn’t have the energy to play with her. Autumn became lazy. She was the equivalent of a human couch potato.

Once TW adopted her, she changed Autumn's diet and set up a daily exercise time for her. Every day, she’d come home from work and get out the feather wand toy. Every day, Autumn would jump and play for the entire 20-30 minute play time. Did I mention she’d also purr the entire time. Autumn was definitely not a dud. She loved to play and was so much happier. Autumn was a slender cat trapped in the body of a flabby tabby.

Wednesday Word—April

April has been here for little more than 24 hours and the weather is already getting warmer in our neck of the woods. I haven’t been doing my monthly calendar’s and, to tell the truth, the only one who misses them is my Pop. Pop was hanging them in his office but now he has the Cats of the CB calendar on his desk.