I've gotten three different awards in the past few weeks. Before I begin to tell you about them, I want to apologize for my lack of posting and visits to my furrends. Things have been crazy around here. Well, that's what TW told me to say but, let's face it, she's just damn lazy, is all.
My #WLF comrade, Savannah of
Savannah's Paw Tracks gave me the Liebster Award. If you recall, I also won that award on February 26 from Glogirly and Katie. You can read my answers from
that post. The only answer that's really different is the last post I visited cos this time I visited Savannah's blog.
King Spitty the Kitty presented me with the Illuminating Blogger Award. He wants me to share an illuminating fact about myself and then pass it on to 5 other bloggers.
The first part is easy enough. I've shared a couple of illuminating facts lately, such as that I'd never had a sunpuddle until very recently. My sunpuddles are gone by about 9 a.m. so I have to get up early.
The other fact was the I haven't drank water in over a year. OK, I took a few laps at Pop's sink about six months ago. My Drinkwell fountain arrived and I haven't
LOOKED at it. I barely go into the room that it's in. It arrived to much fanfare four days ago.. TW has kept the box in case it's such a bust that she has to return it. My fur is tented almost daily and the peeps make sure I eat extra stinky goodness. In addition, my stinky goodness contains high moisture for hydration and healthy urinary and kidney function and low ash and low carbohydrates to help maintain urine pH balance so hopefully all is well.
This past Caturday, my new doggie pals
Dogs N Pawz gave me the Sunshine Award, which
I'd won in March 2010. That was a long time ago when Mariodacat gave it to me. This time around, it comes with some questions. If you have questions; I have answers.
Favorite number: I've been digging on Pink's Raise Your Glass recently. That's quite the dance number to make my paws start tapping. The peeps like old peoples' music like the Ramones and Velvet Underground. To each, their own.
Favorite Non-alcoholic drink: At Nipclub, I only drink Niptinis (shaken, not stirred) made the special way Mario or @KConlon1 makes them for me. At home, I drink the pumpkin soup from my Luna Tuna and a little of my humans' blood.
Facebook or Twitter: Twitter, hands down! On Twitter, your followers aren't always sending you notifications to play dumb games and attend stupid events that are important to only them. Twitter is totally cool because I'm a DJ at the
Nipclub and
Nipclub Monthly and I have my MLB Anipal furrends @LilyLuWhoT, @SeattleP, @CrazyFusa and @Boomiethecat. We all root for different teams, but we respect and love each other.
My Passion: Playing in my tunnel, with my Silvervine fishie and, especially,
playing catch the foam rubber rockets that TW shoots to me. TW even says I have a one-track mind cos that's the only thing I like to do. I'm also passionate about biting the peeps, tuna and napping.
Check out all those yellow rockets waiting to be played with! My pathetic nip plant is behind me
but look at the ugly basil plant cluttering up my windowsill. |
Favorite Pattern: I don't exactly know what that means. I kinda like the pattern that's on my peeps green papers. You know, the ones with big George Washingtons. The Benjamins are even better.
Yeah, this is my favorite pattern. |
Favorite Day of the Week: Thursday cos that's Nipclub night! Caturday comes in a close second cos Pop is home.
Favorite Flower: Tuna! Tuna is a flower, isn't it??
The beautiful tuna is apparently a tropical flower. |
Anyone who hasn't yet received these awards should feel free to claim them cos anyone reading this far deserves recognition. I
would love to pass the Sunshine Award and Liebster Awards to is my new furrend Selina of
One Eye On the Future because I just met her, although I did know her from Brian's Place and trying to find her a home. I'd love to know more about what makes her
tick purr.
Keeping my paws crossed that it won't be another whole week until I see you guys.