Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

EZ Thursday

I'm resting up after my big Gotcha Day bash the other day. You guys were great. TW woke with a headache yesterday from the squeals of over 50 kittehs having fun. It's all in a day's work. For those curious, the only thing I got for my Gotcha Day was a dinner of rotisserie chick-hen. The peeps are sticking to the fact that my ToP was a combined Christmas/Gotcha Day gift. TW did buy me a cute cow that shoots small nerf balls, which I ran after for a short while.

I put her to work today helping me to create the February 2013 CK collectible calendar. Unfortunately, for the working peeps in the U.S., there's only one long weekend this month. Except, of course, for those who still work for Gestapo Inc., where TW used to work. They didn't believe in holidays.

Valentine's Day is a wash for this little ghetto kitteh this year. People think cos I'm stunning, I get all the man cats; but au contraire, it seems they're all scared of me. Sigh. Oh, sure, I date several but I'm still waiting for my one true Valentine. I do have a certain cat in mind but he's a youngster. (No Katie, it's NOT W2!) Who will be the one man cat to dare approach CK now that Buzz Lucas apparently has cast me aside like a pair of sweaty old socks?

Lucky Seven Pawty

Glogirly made me this stunning avatar because today is my 7th Gotcha Day. My peeps have got to be the luckiest peeps in the history of the world. You can read my Gotcha story here, here and here. You might want to skip directly to parts 2 and 3 since the type is kind of small on the first one.

Come on it and join in the celebration!

Welcome to my crib. You can leave the prezzies on Pop's bed.

My furrends at Nipclub gave me this!


Get the Party Started by Pink on Grooveshark

Feel free to take as much as you want. We will restock as needed. We have a pork appetizer stuffed with nip, a meat platter, prawns, an assorted savory platter, chick-hen platter, grilled seafood, sammiches and Blimpie platter. I'm sure even my woofie guests will find something to eat. My posse—'Rson Kitty, P.Kitty and Jamal—is ready to serve you or you can serve yourself.

We have a delicious dessert tray, highlighted by the lifelike CK chocolate fondue, designed by Nipclub's @TinyPearlCat! We have French pastries, canollis, a cake baked by my Twitter furrend @NancyCakeFace and the stunning CK chocolate fondue. There's also a fully stocked bar. HHGutt will be mixing drinks and if he tries any funny business, let me know.

If you get tired of playing on my Tree of Pain or the other 2 cat trees, bunnykicking the kickers and running through my tunnels, I have an array of activities set up in the courtyard. There are playground activities, a huge slide to climb on and everycat's favorite activity—Dumpster Diving! TW nixed the roller coaster, unfortunately. Don't be scared of the dogs that live in my complex. My armed posse will stand guard. They know how to use those stun guns. I'm sure you won't be bored.

Don't forget to take a swag bag on the way out. It'll contain some or all of the following fun toys: smousies, springs, balls, kickers and, of course, feathers. For the woofies, we have some squeakies and chew toys (not pictured).

Thanks for stopping by my pawty! Hope you had fun and enjoyed all the noms. You can leave my prezzies on Pop's bed.

Truth in Advertising

Can you believe my footlong is 11 inches??
Some of you may have heard about that class-action suit that Subway "footlong" sammiches aren't a foot long as advertised. I guess they never heard that size matters. When you visit Stunning Keisha, you get what you pay for! Last week's Wednesday Word of the Day—Stunning did not get one complaint saying that I wasn't stunning as advertised. I vow to continue the practice of giving my readers what they pay for. As Rumblepurr points out "My dear, some may think this photo MUST be photoshopped—that no lady can look SO stunning…I know the truth. It is ALL you." Why, thank you, kind Rumbles. TW may clean up the background in some photos, but she NEVER has to do retouching on this kitteh. Stunning Keisha is indeed Stunning As Advertised or, as HHGutt would say La gata es impresionante!

Cathy Keisha—Vogue's Super Model of the Year!

Senile Saturday—This cat is a genius!

Have I got a Senile Saturday for you! This Senile Saturday is the perfect description why this series is called Senile Saturday and will have your peeps wetting their pantaloons with laughter.

"This cat is a genius" was the cryptic message written on the pad this morning. That's all it said "The cat is a genius." TW thought I got up and wrote it during the night. Pop thought those little sayings were built into the pad. What does it all mean? All I know is the saying IS true but this little kitteh would need thumbs to write it.

Here I'm inventing the Theory of Relativity.
Last night TW wrote this incredible—if you take her word for it and I don't know if I can—blog post for me in her head.  She wrote down the first line cos she just knew the rest would fall into place as soon as she read that line. Only problem on this Senile Saturday was that she looked at the words and drew a complete blank. What did it all mean?

I suggested that it was because I connected up the Wifi. Then I said, no, I'd actually INVENTED WIFI! Didn't she remember? How genius is that?? While I was at it, I suggested that I cured polio or maybe I INVENTED polio. How about this one: I INVENTED the internet. She said she knew that wasn't true cos everyone knows Al Gore invented the internet. I had to give her that one.

That's the trouble with her going to bed so late at night. She stays up to play with me cos during the day she's busy doing Cod knows what on the computer. If an idea hits either of us at 12:30 in the a.m., she's usually too tired to go to the iPawd and type it out. It then dies a slow death.

She thought and thought. I could smell the wood burning. The century old wheels inside her head were slowly turning. Finally she mentioned that we were playing smousy laser right before we went to bed. I had decided that the best way to catch the evil little red dot was to sneak up on it slowly and quietly since charging after it wasn't working. She might've thought that was genius but it wasn't since that little [censored] got away anyway.

Yes, we both agree this cat is a genius but we may never know what TW actually had in mind until she GETS a mind. I have 2 words of advice for TW: Ginkgo Biloba. Senile Saturday never was so cruel.

This post is a part of the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop. Click on the badge to see the rest of the participating blogs.

Red Dot Special

TW says my energy level can go from zero to ten faster than any cat she knows. One minute I'll be peacefully sleeping and the next I'm zooming through the house full of energy. Take the other night. I come into the living room all sleepy and jump on the table where TW is doing attempting to do a crossword puzzle. She finally gets the hint that I'm not getting off her puzzle and agrees to play with me. One minute I'm standing around lazily and the next I've got the zoomies. All she has to do is shoot a rocket, throw a smousy toy or roll a ball. Through the tunnel one way … back through the other way … up my ToP … down my ToP … behind the sofa … back in the hall … bite TW on the leg … oops, now I have to run for my life! MOL

Guess what kittehs? I got me got real live action shots! I'm getting some exercise with the smousy laser.

I think I got it!!

Yes, I definitely got it!!

Where did it go??

I'll get you and make you wish you'd never been born!!

Curses! Foiled again. Until next time when you won't be as lucky!

Now that I've given you a tease, you can view the complete video here. Yo, check out these dance steps as I go after the evil dot. I got the moves like Jagger, dontcha think! At the end of the video, you can see me running off to my next adventure.

BREAKING NEWS: Don't forget to go to Fur Everywhere and vote for my pick to name their new cat resources blog. Vote for encyCATpedia: Cats A 2 Z. Voting ends on my Gotcha Day, January 29.

Wednesday Word of the Day—Stunning

This post is part of the Blogpaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. Click on the button to visit the other participating blogs.

Big Sale on Fancy Feast

Breaking News! PetSmart is having an incredible sale on Fancy Feast! Buy one, get 23 free! You read that correctly!!!! Do not attempt to adjust your monitor. Supplies are limited, so hurry!

This isn't actually the case she bought. It's a stand-in.

The peeps went with Uncle Vince to the big box store BJs. Of course they didn't have the Fancy Feast I eat so she ran into the PetSmart in the same mall. She picked up a case of Fancy Feast grilled tuna, a box of Whiskas poultry and some filters for the 360 fountain that I don't use. It came to $19 plus change. TW thought it seemed a little low but maybe the filters were on sale. When they got home she looked at the receipt and discovered the entire case of FF rang up at 60 cents. That's not only a SCORE but also the extra point after. Even though it said 60¢ on the shelf—which she presumed was the price of a can—she feels a little guilty. I say if that's the price that scanned, then it is what it is. THEY certainly wouldn't feel guilty had they overcharged her. Would do you guys think? I think she should've went back and bought 5 or 6 more cases and hoped that they wouldn't catch on.

BIG CONCATS to the San Francisco 49ers for making it to the Super Bowl. We'll be watching and cheering them on. Well, at least the peeps will.


Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

That old law about 'an eye for an eye' leaves everybody blind. The time is always right to do the right thing.—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Reality Star

I'm here to report that this stunning kitteh has gone from has-been to the Next Big Thing to Reality TV Diva! JWoww has nothing on me. Whatchu saying, Woman? Speak up! She claims the Reality Blog Award has nothing to do with Reality TV? Oh snap! I knew by keeping it real, I'd get some place.

Nice to see you, Savannah! Thanx for the award!
My BFGF Savannah of Savannah's Paw Tracks should be commended for having the foresight to present me with this award. Thank you Savvy. There'll be a little extra in your kibble dish tonight.There are a lot of rules and instruction for this award and you know how much I hate rules and instructions. I march to my own drummer but I'll try not the upset Savannah much.

1) I have visited Savvy and thanked her. See above.
2) I have acknowledged her on my blog and linked back to her. Um, how many times do I have to do this?
3) I might answer the 5 simple questions. Lemme see if I like them first. Stay tuned.
4) Nominate up to 20 blogs for the award and notify each of them. SAY WHAT???!!!
5) Display the award on your blog somewhere. Whatever.
6) Yak up a hairball. Where did that come from? It's NOT part of the rules and I DID NOT DO IT!

OK. Here are the questions and my amazingly truthful answers.

1) If you could change one thing, what would you change?
Two words: Gun Control. I'd take all those NRA nuts, have them neutered, line them up and shoot 'em. What now, Woman? That question only pertains to things in can change in my life?? You're kidding! OK. If I had to change one thing, Beyonce would be my human and I wouldn't have to listen to TW.

2) If you could repeat an age, what would it be? any year?
It certainly wouldn't be that year I was at the penitentiary shelter.

3) What is one thing that really scares you?
My teeth and claws are sharp and I have no fear. [Ed. Note: If I were you, CK, I'd fear getting sent back to the shelter.] Watch yo mouth, Woman! Pop never gonna let that happen!

4) What is one dream you have not completed, and do you think you’ll be able to complete it?
World domination. Yes! After I become the most powerful cat on the internet, I'll rule the world. Every cat will have a home and no cat would EVER be abused. (Maybe I should start small and say running TW out of the house!)

5) If you could be someone else for one day, who would 
it be?
If I had to pick someone, it'd be Beyonce. She's everything I am except she's human. She's stunning, talented and successful. Did I mention stunning? She's also got money up the wazoo. Of course, I'd prefer to stay a stunning, talented and successful cat except I wouldn't turn down her money.

Check it out. Now I have to pass this baby to some other blogs. I have all this power to make or break these blogs! World domination will soon be MINE! Lemme pull some names outta my hat.

Shiva and Jaya cos they keep it real too. They're the Purrime Ministerettes of Planet Purrth.
Allie and the Boyz at A Tonk's Tail (err … Tale …) cos they gave me a shout out Friday.
And, lastly, Janis Felidae from Catonauts cos she's my new Twitter and blogging furrend.

Friday Follies

Aunt Pauline sent TW ME this today.

And now for my own LOL.

Make sure y'all download Aunt Pauline's latest book The Bastet Trilogy. You can download it at Amazon for Kindle, Barnes & Noble for Nook, or from the publisher in 4 different formats. You can't go wrong for $2.99.

Catching Up With Keisha

MY ToP! All mine!
So many have axed about my Tower of Power so here's the poop. Uncle Vince came over with Aunt Marta and little monster they call Violet Tiffany. Pop wasn't home so TW axed him to put my ToP together even though she knew how much Pop wanted to do it. It took him about 15 minutes and there were no HBO words or anything. It went THAT smoothly. You can see Uncle Vince in the Nightmare video here. The peeps say Uncle Vince is an Angel cos then he set up our Wifi again. Aunt Marta's job through all of this was to keep Sticky Little Human occupied. Nonetheless SLH kept coming into the room I was in watching Uncle Vine on the computer. TW finally had to shut the door because whenever SLH would come in, I'd start hissing, growling and spitting. Heck, I even hissed at Uncle Vince and I've always liked him. Usually, I'll go in my office UTB when someone comes over, but Saturday, I refused to back down. It was bad enough that I couldn't come out of Pop's room. No way was I staying UTB all day.

TW said babies are like cats! Can you believe this?? I don't see it. So SLH played with all my toys and put them all in her mouth. So she can't speak the human's language and she has trouble holding onto things. That has nothing to do with cats and TW owes me an apology. Like I said, Pop wasn't home and TW was too busy shooting video to realize how my toys and tunnel were being abused. She did take my food away so SLH couldn't eat it this time.

I did shoot up to the Penthouse a few times but not long enough for TW to get the flashy box. Today I fell off the 3rd floor. Don't be alarmed, I grabbed onto the 2nd floor. My claws are sharp and I have no fear.

You, too, can purchase a Tower of Power just like mine at Petco. In fact, it's on sale right now. Click and ye shall find. MOL!

In other news, TW finally discovered why her photos were coming out so dark. She had the exposure set at -1 instead of 0. She pleaded innocence and as usual had no idea how she managed to muck it up. She found out that Photoshop has a magic little button to correct it. All she has to do is set the exposure to +1 and it will cancel out and lighten the photo. Hooray! But I bet all you Photoshop experts out there already knew that and are laughing at us. You can see the difference in the mug shot below. I have faith that she's still gonna find a way to take lousy pictures of this stunning cat.

This becomes THIS!

Moving right along, Willow of Devoted to Willow was kind enough to give me The Next Big Thing award. Even though I've posted about the award before, I thank her very much for her kindness. I also made a new furrend because of this award. I passed it on to Jessie Janie and she passed it to a sweet German cat named Janis Felidae. Janis and her huMum have a very cool blog called Catonauts, which IS the Next Big Thing. I think you'll like it. She's also on Twitter.

Play time! For a year and a half, all I've wanted to play with were the foam missiles. Now, I've been going through a smousy laser phase. I hadn't played with the laser in a long time but I'm having a great time with it now. My favorite place to play is the tunnel in the hall. I LOVE the location! It's so inconvenient for the peeps!  I run through the tunnel after the evil red dot. My one-track mind is stuck on smousy laser.  TW can't wait for me to start playing missiles again—heh heh—because the batteries in the laser cost green papers. She's found it's cheaper to just buy another smousy laser. I'm switching back to the foam missiles channel since I got the ToP. For some reason, TW finds this cartoon about the red dots highly amusing. You can click on it to biggify it. Hmm, you don't think SHE considers it the Laser of Power, do you?

Blog the Change—Help Wanted

Linda rescues Hope.

My favorite animal rescue is A Call 4 Paws, in Jersey City, NJ. We've become friends with the owner, Linda Perez, and her son, Steve, who's studying to be a Veterinarian. Linda also owns some land in Jonestown, PA, which she converted into a Cat Sanctuary. At the beginning of this year, the lady who was taking care of the cats at the sanctuary left. Linda is looking for someone to live at the Sanctuary. This person must be responsible and must love cats since they'll be looking after them; i.e. feeding them, cleaning their boxes and bedding, providing them with love, etc. In return, the person gets free rent and utilities. In short, this is a perfect job for an artist, writer, retiree, or someone who loves cats and wants to make a difference.

Let me give you some background on A Call 4 Paws and their Cat Sanctuary from an article I did back in 2011. Unfortunately, Linda's is too busy saving the lives of animals who have been abandoned or abused to be innerviewed at this time. You can see some of their adoptable pets at

Can you find me in the picture? Reporting is hard work.

This is Stunning Keisha, your Roman reporter, coming to you from the A Call 4 Paws Cat Sanctuary in Jonestown, Pennsylvania. I'm here to find out just how hard life could be for these 60 or so feral kittehs that were taken off the mean streets of Jersey City, NJ, by Linda Perez and her staff, who also do TNR. These kind animal lovers drive through the city with a car full of cat and dog noms looking for strays. Once apprehended, they are taken to Bayonne Veterinary Medical Building where they're spayed or neutered and given a thorough exam. The social ones are put into foster homes until they're adopted and the feral ones are sent up the river to this 4-acre community, where they nurse them back to health and try to rehabilitate—er, socialize—them so they can be adopted. This is more luxury hotel than jail.

For those who don't know, I started out as a feral cat from those same mean streets. I wasn't taken to a resort like this. I was shipped to a kill shelter. A rescue then brought me to a no-kill shelter. I was thrown into a cell and never properly socialized. When I was adopted, my peeps couldn't pet me. I would attack at a moment's notice. My peeps think I must've been abused on the street because I still cower when a hand is raised to pet me. This upsets my peeps since they've never tried to hurt me.

Linda has provided us with these exclusive behind-the-scenes photos. As you can see, these cats are treated with tender, loving care. They have a human who lives rent-free at the sanctuary, who's sole job is to take care of the darlings. The cats live in four heated houses. They sleep on bunk beds and cozy cushions. Whoa, this IS band camp!

Crowd into the photo. I'm gonna make you famous!

What I found were happy cats who were glad to tell me their stories. They told of how much they appreciated living in the lap of luxury while still keeping it real. Some are hardened Alleys; others are wishing for furever homes. That little calico on the top bunk on the left wanted to sneak a ride home with me! Many were reluctant to talk about the crimes they had committed back in Jersey City. I did find out what goes on in the bunks, stays in the bunks. Just for the record, I would like to know which [censored] stole my wallet.

What goes on in the bunks stays in the bunks. Really, do these guys look feral?
The one in the wicker bed was adopted after this story ran!

Now comes the messy part: To keep up this level of care and rehabilitation, Linda and her staff need money. She needs funds for the veterinary bills and for the upkeep of the Sanctuary. There are taxes, gas and electric bills and water bills to be paid, as well as the cost of buying food, litter and all the necessities to keep cats happy and healthy. The sanctuary also needs donations of cleaning supplies, paper plates and other housekeeping items. Really, do any of you want to see these cats living on the streets again—panhandling or washing your car's windshield with a dirty rag—just because they may be deemed anti-social? Many of these Alleys will resort to selling nip that isn't organic and robbing delis and Chinese delivery men. That's why the peeps and I have provided over $500 in donations of my slightly used toys, beds, scratching posts, carriers and cat food; plus the peeps old towels, blankets, clothing, etc. Before we throw anything out, we call Linda to see if she could use it. Judging from conditions here, everything gets put to good use.

 If you, or one of your friends, would like to talk with Linda about the job at the Sanctuary, you can e-mail or give her a call at 201-736-6625.

A Day in the Life of My ToP

Yeah, it test drives OK. I think I'll keep it.

Sunday Shocker: Nightmare on Jane Street

The scream heard 'round the world! Beware!
We don't live on Jane Street anymore but I'm certainly not going to broadcast our current location. I have political enemies, you know. This is a true story of a sticky little person who found her way into MY condo. While it's true that her father got our Wifi working again AND built my ToP (more on that tomorrow), this little monster thoroughly terroritzed THE CAT and her toys—and the peeps allowed this! I seriously don't know how Herba From the Burba lives with one of these. He's got his Neme and now I'm got a Monster in MY condo.

The following video may not be suitable for all kittehs. Some may find it disturbing; others may find it distasteful and even REVOLTING. For that reason, I've rated it PG-3. It's not suitable for kittens under 3 years of age. To view it, you must be with an adult cat. This video contains explicit images that might cause nightmares. Let this be a warning: THIS. COULD. HAPPEN. TO. YOU. 

You can view this video on YouTube here.

Don't they know that my tunnel is a teleporter? No telling where the Monster named Violet Tiffany could have wound up.

Today is "You Better Suck Up to the Cat for What You Put Me Through Yesterday" Day.


Hold the Onions

Luncheon meat is something that never makes an appearance in La Casa Keisha. I wouldn't mind it if it did but the peeps think we're healthier without it. In that same vein, TW never brings lunch home. She's rather eat out by herself than bring something home that she thinks I might enjoy. Taking both of those factors into consideration, I was surprised and delighted when TW brought lunch home the other day. This was no ordinary lunch; this was a legendary BLIMPIE! TW's lunch usually consists of either yogurt or a bagel with fake butter. This was spectacular. It was turkey luncheon meat! I immediately jumped on the table to partake. Unfortunately, the sandwich was covered with onion and oil and vinegar and little round black things that kept falling out, but at least it didn't have cheese. TW found a section with some meat that didn't have that stuff on it for me. A great time was had by all with the exception that TW smelled like a freaking onion all day. Yuck! I didn't even want to get close enough to bite her.

For me? Maybe I misjudged TW.


One minute I was CK grooming; the next I was Sneezy.
I succeeded in panicking TW yesterday morning. It was the first night she let me back in our bedroom since she threw me out months ago. What started out as a typical morning, soon turned ominous.

In the middle of grooming, I got a sneezing fit. I couldn't stop sneezing. I sneezed and sneezed and snorted, then sneezed some more as we walked into the kitchen for my 5 a.m. feeding. While I was eating my breakfast, I continued snuffling. TW was in full-fledged panic mode. It's a wonder she didn't call the AmbuVet right then and there. Any sane human would've seen I was fine. I ate everything on my plate and then ran into my tunnel to play. Not TW. She couldn't wait for Pop to wake up to worry him. She was babbling about how I needed to go to the
v-e-t and, to hear her talk, I was close to death.

Doesn't she ever get a piece of her fur stuck in her nose like I did? Once it fell out, I was fine. I only sneezed once more all day.

My Angel Secret Santa

I hear you grumbling that the holidays are over and you don't want to read anymore about them unless it's a picture of my assembled Tower of Power. Yes, Balsam has headed for the hills but the ToP still sits in the box, thanks to TW. But this is a beautiful Christmas story that deserves to be told.

Back in November I signed up on @CheshireK's blog for Secret Santa—not to be confused with the Secret Paws that Brulee and Truffle's Mom Paula works so hard at. This one is mainly Twitter anipals and this was the 2nd year I was participating. Around December 10th, I sent out a nice package of toys and treats to the cat I was matched up with and what a package it was—Halo treats, Greenies® treats, not one but 2 kickers, a laser toy and more. My package arrived in Pennsylania safely.

Angel Ryker
I waited and waited for my Secret Santa to arrive. December 20th … nothing. Christmas Eve … nothing. December 26th … still nothing. New Year's Eve … nothing. I was stiffed and I wasn't happy. Sure, I won close to $75 worth of swag in December and it seemed like the peeps were picking up packages for me everyday. It's the principle of the thing; I wanted what was due me. I wondered if it was lost in the mail or just deliberately not sent. I learned from the other CK that my Secret Stiffer was from overseas and since most of the cats on the list are from Australia, I'm hoping that Mr. Custom's Man didn't bring it home to his cat. Na mean?

I did what anybody who feels cheated does in these times—I posted about it on Facebook. The unexpected happened: an Angel read my post. Angel Ryker Richman. Last Thursday I received a Priority Mail package that said "Secret Paws." The return address read Maxwell, Faraday and Allie of A Tonk's Tail (er…Tale…). TW was leaky eyed before we even opened it up. Inside the box were so many presents and they were wrapped with tissue paper and ribbon. Being a cat, I was instantly entranced by the ribbon. TW tried to get a photo session but that wasn't happening.

Whoa! Check out this ribbon!

Score! They really know how to wrap for a cat!

Of course, TW had to taunt me with the ribbon, only to hide it from me later on.

I"ll get you, you little red tease!

Feel the teeth of pain!

My package included a nice card from Ryker and Allie. They talked Faraday and Maxie into sending some toys to this little stiffed kitteh. Lemme tell you about all the cool loot. There was a door knob dangler, wand toy, 3 pink smousies from Allie's private collection, her snowman covered with primo nip, and a spool with feathers. There was a toy for each day of Chanukah, which they celebrate and I may start celebrating. Oh yeah, I don't know why they had to send TW stuff also. Lord knows she has enough. They sent her a cutting board with a pad and pen and sunglasses and a Laurel Birch case for them. She loved and appreciated her gifts as much as I loved mine.

I love all my new toys even if TW had to Photoshop me in the pic!

Guarding my new blue spool and snowman.

I've played extensively with the wand toy and woke Pop up the other morning playing hockey with the spool, which is sure to put a smile on Faraday's face. What a great toy! I've sniffed the snowman and jumped for the pink smousies. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Angel Ryker for thinking of me and also to Mom Lisa. Thanks Ryker's Boyz and Allie!