Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Presenting Cathy Keisha for #PreciousCat

GOOD EVENING CAT BLOGOSPHERE! THANKS FOR HAVING ME! Our program is brought to you by Precious Cat's Cat Attract Litter Formula.

CK sings to the tune of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight” (with apologies to the late, great Pete Seeger):

♫ I’m in the box, I'm in the box
I'm in the box, I'm in the box
In the litter, the clumping litter, the kitteh pees tonight.
In the litter, Cat Attract litter, the kitteh poos tonight.

Not all kittehs are good like me and use the litter box. Some cats don’t use it for such reasons as stress, environmental change or illness. Tonight I have a very special guest to discuss these topics. Would you please welcome to the stage my friend, Dr. Bruce Elsey! He’s been a feline-only veterinarian for 30 years. During that time he’s cared for over 8,000 cats and he’s here to help me sing about Precious Cat Cat Attract litter.

Eight years

The many faces and poses of CK! You can click to biggify it.

Today is my 8th Gotcha Day. Broken down, this means I’ve been in this same condo approximately 

96 months
(or) 417 weeks
(or) 2922 days
(or) 70,126 hours
(or) 4,207,590 minutes
(or) 252,288,000 seconds.

Whoa! In all this time, I’ve never sat on a human’s lap. I can’t tell you how many pints of blood I’ve drawn, but I’m sure it’s been a lot.

Opt to Adopt—Sadie Needs a Home

This isn’t me but it could’ve been!

I’ve been very quiet about it, but tomorrow is my 8th Gotcha Day. I’ll be the face peeking out from your Cats of the CB calendar! Today I’m paying it forward by featuring a very special little girl. She looks very much like I probably did when I first was hauled into Liberty Shelter in Jersey City. By the time I was bailed out by Companion Animal Placement and I adopted my peeps, I was nearly a year old. I hope my new furrend doesn’t have to wait that long.

Two Posts in One

The first post has to do with this week’s PhotoHunt theme: vast. When a crossword puzzle’s clue is “vast expanse,” the word they’re usually looking for is ocean. When I hear the phrase vast expanse, I think of the Cat Who Came Before Me, Nicky. His expanse—and his girth too—were vast.

At 22 1/2 lbs, he was so vast, the photo couldn't hold his entire stomach.

Wednesday Word—Questions

OK, Woman. I have questions and you better have answers. They better be the answers I want to hear too!

Why can’t I blog every day?

Why don't you play with me more?

What did you buy that stupid water fountain for?

How come you only get rid of MY stuff?

How come you don’t play with me more?

Did you remember my Gotcha Day is coming up?

Am I getting a new cat tree?

Whatchoo doin’, Woman?

and the most important question:

Can I bite you … hard?

My Human Water Fountain

Bring it on, Woman! This betta be your A-game.

I’m famous for never drinking water but I do sneak some in a most unusual way. Forget Mr. Drinkwell and his 360s. No offense Keith Davitt but your handmade ceramic fountains are no match for my own human drinking fountain. It’s taken TW about a hunnert years to finally document it on video.

The Ripple Effect

This is a cool Ripple-design rug. It’s now mine.

This week’s PhotoHunt theme is Ripple. I don’t drink Ripple and I don’t eat Fudge Ripple ice cream so we were going to skip this one. Circumstances changed and viola! I have a blog.

Wednesday Word—Shelters

I was going to write about something else but the other day one of my Twitter friends tweeted “Plz donate your used towels & blankets to an animal shelter.” I mentioned that we had a pile of donations waiting to be picked up by A Call 4 Paws. The pile included cat food, toys, cat tree, and old t-shirts and sweatshirts. Pepper then axed what they would use sweatshirts for. I was a little surprised she didn’t know.

Last year this cat tree was donated.

CK & the Vishus Deer

Some of you might have noticed that I’ve been absent recently. I haven’t been allowed to visit or blog. I was deserted on Sunday. Abandoned. Left alone. The peeps left before dawn and didn’t come back until way after dark. There I was, without food, water, litter box and with no one to bite play with. Oh, is that really an exaggeration, Woman? How about stale food, stale water and dirty litter box. Does that meet your approval, Woman? Not that what you think concerns me.

This Door Swings Both Ways

OMC! What is TW doing in there?? Maybe I shouldn’t be looking.

This week’s theme on the Saturday PhotoHunt is DOOR. In our condo, we have an open Door policy. To allow me free roam, all Doors are left open or ajar. Even when the peeps are using the facilities, I must be able to gain entry. Sometimes, what I see is downright shocking and don’t get me started on the odors.

I’m a Russian Blue Tuxie Tabby

I’m a proud Tuxie. I’m also proud of my Russian Blue furs. When I first started blogging, I tried to join that Tuxedo Cat Hideout or whatever it’s called. Apparently, they didn’t want me or I didn’t fit in or something. I said hiss on them.

I always secretly wanted to join the Tabby Cat Club. They were active unlike the other kitty clubs. There’s always something fun going on at the TCC and this ghetto kitteh is all about fun.

Wednesday Word—Nipfest

I have a reputation for not being a Nip Head. I’ve never gone completely nutz over a nippy toy. There’s only one kind of nip that’s excited me. Every year, my #Nipclub furrend @TinyPearlCat sends a pouch of her Buzz Nip from Tiny Pearl Cat’s Field of Zooms in with her Christmas card. Her nip plants are over 6 ft. tall! She tweeted a warning:

Newsday Tuesday

This is your Roman Reporter, CK, coming to you from our condo retreat. I’m wearing my hat cos it’s around 5ºF this morning, with a wind chill that’s something like -25ºF.  It’s been a busy news week.

A New Bed Fit For a Queen

At the December monthly #Nipclub, I won a cool Colorado Catnip bed. I’m not sure that @KingTuttiFruiti didn’t pull some strings cos I really wanted the bed. Heh heh. I have that effect on the men cats. My bed came shortly before Christmas. It’s gorgeous!! I look stunning in it. See for yourself.

CK Grants an Innerview!

Today you can read an exclusive, uncensored (even though TW thinks it should have been) innerview with myself in Peace, Love & Whiskers. I think I hit the big time. Thanks to a sistah, Christina, for innerviewing me and letting me say my piece. Read it now before Wordpress shuts it down!

Please Remove Berets 4 a Fallen Comrade

Long ago and far away, I signed on to Twitter. One day I was shocked by the beauty of an avatar I saw on my timeline. It was a black cat; a stunning black cat. She was as stunning as I and I think she knew it. She was wearing an incredible hat and over the weeks and months, she became known for her hats that changed with the seasons and her moods.