GOOD EVENING CAT BLOGOSPHERE! THANKS FOR HAVING ME! Our program is brought to you by Precious Cat's Cat Attract Litter Formula.
CK sings to the tune of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight” (with apologies to the late, great Pete Seeger):
♫ I’m in the box, I'm in the box
I'm in the box, I'm in the box
In the litter, the clumping litter, the kitteh pees tonight.
In the litter, Cat Attract litter, the kitteh poos tonight.
Not all kittehs are good like me and use the litter box. Some cats don’t use it for such reasons as stress, environmental change or illness. Tonight I have a very special guest to discuss these topics. Would you please welcome to the stage my friend, Dr. Bruce Elsey! He’s been a feline-only veterinarian for 30 years. During that time he’s cared for over 8,000 cats and he’s here to help me sing about Precious Cat Cat Attract litter.