Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Feral New Year!

Hola kitties! Happy New Year! Sunday is the start of a brand new year. My "brand new starts" are usually same old, same old. I thought I'd be reviewing my Secret Paws today and not talking about an unwanted visit to the stabby place. The peeps said that was the last place they thought they'd be spending their Wednesday, how do they think *I* felt? 

Feral New Year!

Yeah, I'd been sneezing and sniffling for a couple of days but I didn't expect to be punished for it. No photos were taken and instead of rehashing old pics at the stabby place, I'm just gonna go with New Year's images.

Feral Friday: The 2022 Limited Edition CK Holiday Cards

Hola kitties and Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Festivus! Merry Winter Soltice! Happy Kwanzaa! Thank you for all your lovely cards! Every day I make Pop walk down those four flights of stairs and get the mail. We're cheap so we're sharing my card here.

Feral Friday: The 2022 Limited Edition CK Holiday Cards

Feral Friday: O Plastic Tree

Hola kitties! Are you all ready for the human in the red suit who brings you prezzies? We got our tree up but it's not Fraser or Balsam. It's an imposter! The peeps say it's better for my allergies since we had to kick Balsam out the day after Christmas last year cos of allergies, not to mention he was a deadbeat. I'm gonna give you the 411 about what I know of this imposter.

Feral Friday: O Plastic Tree

Feral Friday Flashback: Christmas Rapping

Hola kitties! No, I'm not about to sing that song about "So deck those halls, trim those trees, Raise up cups of Christmas cheer" and all about Christmas rapping. How was your Thanksgiving? Our's was uneventful. Instead of cooking a turkey, the peeps made homemade stuffings and bought slabs of real turkey breast luncheon meat.

Feral Friday Flashback: Christmas Rapping

The original plan was turkey sandwiches with homemade stuffing an inch thick but they wound up cooking mushrooms, Brussel sprouts and yams to round out the dinner. TW's homemade pumpkin pie and some sparkling apple cider completed the meal. I had a few pieces of the turkey but the peeps cut me off cos they said it was too salty. Bah!

Reasons to be Thankful, 1, 2, 3

Hola kitties! Today is the day to give thanks for a warm home and food in your bellies. It's also a day to mooch as much human food as you can from the dinner table. We're not having traditional turkey nor do the peeps even have the Thanksgiving tablecloth on but there are still some things to be thankful for in our little condo. There are many more than three reasons but the post title was taken from the Ian Dury song title replacing "cheerful" with "thankful."

Reasons to be Thankful, 1, 2 3

Feral Friday Flashbacks: The Cat in the Tunnel & Other Tails

Hola kitties! It's that time of the week again. It's all about Keisha and nothing but Keisha. You down with that? Glad I could make some of you laugh last week at my post about the lottery and TW said reading the comments made her smile. I, however, found nothing funny. This week I have a flashback for you. These are from March 2015. Whoa, that was about 50 years ago! I'll try to remember why we took them.

Feral Friday Flashbacks: The Cat in the Tunnel & Other Tails

Feral Friday: And the Winner Is …

Hola kitties! How many of your peeps went out and bought lottery tickets this week? I guess you all know by now that someone else "won" the big Powerball jackpot.  That should have been ME! I'll tell you why I really won fair and square. 

Feral Friday: And the Winner Is …


Hola kitteh brofurs and sisfurs! We are again participating in the annual BlogBlast 4 Peace. This is the 17th year for one of my favorite blogging events. I've been doing my part since 2011. Mimi Lenox, the founder, wanted to know what would happen if the entire blogosphere posted about world peace on the same day using the same title—Dona Nobis Pacem. It hasn't changed the world—yet—but it's provided some creative and wonderful images of peace. Our theme is "No Freedom. No Peace." 


Feral Friday: Pop's Big Day

Hola kitties! What's shaking? You know I'm a daddy's girl who mentions my Pop a lot. The end of the month is a grand holiday. Not only is it Halloween but it's Pop's birthday—a special birthday. Not any old birthday but one that ends in a round number. 0. The lead pic is a scary Halloween image but there's some—koff koff—sweet pics in this post. I hope they don't ruin my bad-girlcat rep.

Feral Friday: Pop's Big Day

Feral Sunday: National Feral Cat Day

Hola kitties! Today is National Feral Cat Day and my good furrend June Zoolatry fixed ME up to be one of the cats representing Feral Cat Day! She knows I was and will always be now and forever feral. I am proud and honored to be sharing the role with Simon and Seal from Brian's Home and Trout Towne's own Mackerull. I'll always be true to my roots and remain at least part feral.

Feral Sunday: National Feral Cat Day

Feral Friday: Pumpkin Spice Cat

Hola kitties! Do your humans wait all year until pumpkin spice season rolls around? Mine aren't fans of stuff like pumpkin spice coffee, ice cream, cereal, yogurt, candy, etc. but they do love them some pumpkin muffins, bread and homemade pumpkin pie. They also love them some real pumpkins.

Feral Friday: Pumpkin Spice Cat

Feral Friday: I Wanna Take You Higher

Hola kitties! By higher, I'm not not talking nip today. I'm talking the other kind of high. There are two kinds of cats. Those that like staying low to the ground (bush dwellers) and those who like to be up high (tree dwellers). Tree dwellers are more akin to leopards, perching in trees, surveying their surroundings, and lounging up high. They are often a little more confident in themselves and can be found in cat trees or atop cabinets.  I'm one of those. 
Feral Friday: I Wanna Take You Higher

Even in my old age, I can be found high up on the Tower of Power. TW actually grabbed her flashy box and was able to shoot a few pics. Here are some action shots you won't want to miss.

Feral Friday Feline Fussin'

Hola kitties! All 97 of you who viewed the last post. Thank you to the 12 commenters. Yeah, I'm gonna kick up a fuss and do some serious griping. Why am I doing this blog? Why am I making TW stop everything to type for me? She could be climbing four flights up and down the stairs instead. Sigh. Earlier this week, the peeps did get to see Jupiter when it moved closer to the Earth than it's been since forever. She doesn't have a good camera so she couldn't take pics. Pop has been an astronomy nut for years so I'm sure he was more than excited. Now let's get right to the fill-ins.

Feral Friday Feline Fussin'

Feral Friday Flashback: Holding on to Summer

Hola kitties! Today is the first full day of Autumn but yesterday was National Ice Cream Cone Day. That is the perfect example of a juxtaposition; at least I think so but I'm just a cat. Maybe it's just an oxymoron. It must be getting cooler though cos I've been doing a bit of playing. But in condo news, our elevator is still running so it must be summer. The new date is next Wednesday for the peeps to climb those stairs. I'm so confused. I haven't posted a flashback in a few months so let's do that.

Feral Friday Flashback: Holding on to Summer

Feral Friday: Going Down? X 2

Hola kitties! Hope you had a fun week. The post title refers to two topics this week and I'm going to meow about them both. Next week starts a fun 10-12 weeks for my peeps. HAH! Our condo is becoming a 4th floor walkup although going down won't be half as bad as going up. More later on that but that's only one of the topics I want to talk about today. I want to talk cat food and how it's packaged.

Feral Friday: Going Down? X 2

Looking Back 23 Years: The Day That Changed America

Hi everybuddy, CK2.0 here.  Just wanted everyone to know neither Pop or I have forgotten that terrible day.  This is the last post Cathy Keisha did before TW ended up in the hospital last year on this day.

Hola kitties. 23 years ago was before most of us kitties were born. 2001 was a year of change for my peeps. Gramma had passed the year before and they still had to decide what to do with the houses. Nicky and Autumn were the resident cats and I was yet to be born. 

Both of the peeps had jobs in NYC which they commuted to daily. No one could have expected what happened on a clear September day—election day in New York—of that year. I'll let Pop reflect back on that September 11 as he's done each year on this blog.

Feral Friday: Stand Up to Cancer

Hola kitties! This is gonna be a brief one. Just some fill-ins and art. Today is Stand Up to Cancer Day so I do have to mention TW's fight with the killer C. It's also International Sudoku Day, which is one of the things that takes up her time so she can't comment on you guys' blogs.

Feral Friday: Stand Up to Cancer

Stand Up To Cancer Day is observed every second Friday of September. It is a day for creating cancer awareness. It is also a time to support the fight against cancer, using various means. There are many new treatments and ways to cure/control this disease which affects practically every family at some point. TW's can't be cure but this month marks the second year she's been battling.

Feral Friday: Peeping Keisha

Hola kitties! This has been the week that was. Was what? Don't ax me. It was hot or that's what Pop said when he went out. I guess that's why I sleep so much. I do do other stuff which is what this post is about. TW wanted me to change that "do do" but I'm leaving it cos everybuddy knows what I mean. Once again all fotos were taken this week so no file footage. Unlike the peeps, I don't look my age. I do some some breaking news that I saw while I was Peeping Keisha.

Feral Friday: Peeping Keisha

Feral Friday Fail: What is it?

Hola kitties! Oh sorry. You caught me in the middle of a bath. I'll be ready to start this post in a sec. You'd better wait for me!  

Feral Friday Fail: What is it?

This is a post I started last month. These past few weeks have been Feral Friday fails. So much that we're thinking either blogging break or hanging it up. TW just renewed the domain for like a decade so retiring might not be an option right now. Blogging is getting harder and harder and glitchier and glitchier. Things that used to work no longer do. Apparently no one can leave comments anymore. And now Google is giving us fits about their new Workspace. They switched us to a paying account and if we don't give them green papers, they'll discontinue our "subscription" and by "subscription" I'm not sure if they mean this blog. TW is disgusted and I'm disgruntled.

Feral Friday: Getting to Know Me

Hola kitties! I hope those of you in the U.S. and Europe survived the heat. I didn't do too bad. I did frow up once on Pop's bed and had a slight asthma attack since the ac was on so much. The peeps actually ventured out of the house several days to run some errands. They tend to go out after 4 pm when the sun isn't that bright or hot. Enough about them. I figured it's been awhile since I posted a meme so that's the plan for this week. My hope is that it appeals to more of you than my last posts which were abysmal failures.

Feral Friday: Getting to Know Me

Feral Friday: Who's Better Than Me?

Hola kitties! I'll bet you find yourself axing the question "who's better than me" at least once a day. The answer is ME. Last week Pop ripped apart his bed and I got to lay on it. This week TW did the same. No one is going to move me and they better not so I'm here for the day. Ahhhhhh! Who's better than me?

Feral Friday: Who's Better Than Me?

Some Words from Your International Cat Day Spokescat/Model

Hola kitties! I'm here to talk about International Cat Day which falls on August 8 cos I'm a CAT and thanks to Ann, I'm the CB spokescat for this day. We all know that every single day is Cat Day so why is August 8 special?

Some Words from Your Int'l Cat Day Spokescat/Model

According to Days of the Year, the original festivities for International Cat Day were put together for the first time in 2002 by IFAW, the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Along with other animal rights groups who joined in to celebrate, this was declared to be the day to appreciate and honor one of the most popular pets on the planet.

Feral Friday Flashback: Christmas in July!

Hola kitties! How was your week? Monday is July 25 which some people consider the official Christmas in July day. My flashback features a holiday tradition we'd started after I began blogging and was getting free product for reviews. Unfortunately, I don't do that anymore since many frown upon the practice. It was pretty pawsome getting to donate some wonderful items to my favorite shelters and rescues.

Feral Friday Flashback: Christmas in July!

Feral Friday: Our Neighbors Did What?

Hola kitties! I thought since I really have nothing to post about, I'd do a newsy post and tell you all about the 'hood. Lots of changes and new neighbors. Sometimes I can't bear to watch. I'll start with the home front. TW had a PET scan and Pop had an x-ray. I had an asthma attack. Oh, TW says the secret messages in the pics are funny so don't forget to hover.

Feral Friday: Our Neighbors Did What?

Feral Friday A Very Stabby Birthday

Hola kitties! This was hell week for The Cat. The only good thing was I learned when my real and true birthday was and it just passed. You can still send cards and gifts anyway. Over the years, the peeps have been given a number of random dates. The date was … heh heh … seriously it will be revealed at the end of the post. I'm stunning but I'm shrewd too.

Feral Friday A Very Stabby Birthday

I was drugged with my breakfast but did put up a fight getting into the PTU (prisoner transport unit). We got to ride in Aunt Theresa's new wheels.

Tongue Out Tuesday? No, Feral Friday

Hola kitties! I know it's not Tuesday but I have a reason for sticking out my tongue. I'm sticking my tongue out today for an event that happened this week. You'll read about it next week. After having her flashy box for about a century, TW just noticed it has a super mackerel setting. Can you believe that? The pic below wasn't cropped.

Tongue Out Tuesday? No, Feral Friday

Cat World Domination Day 2022

Hola kitties! It's one of my favorite days of the entire year! This, the 24th day of June, was declared Cat World Domination Day by Sparkle Cat on her 10th birthday in 2012, several years before she went to the Rainbow Bridge. Summer is now carrying on the tradition. I've been celebrating by posting since 2013. This might be the most important holiday of the year although I dominate every day. So important, I've called a presser.

Cat World Domination Day 2022

The question on the lips of the media is Will Cats Take Over the World?

Feral Friday: Random June News

Hola kitties! Hope you doing well and the hotz haven't caught you yet. It's not too bad here yet. These past couple of weeks TW has taken some timely/topical pics; but, of course, she never uploaded them to the computer. So what else is new? I'm gonna use this post to catch everybuddy up on the posts they never got to see when they were actually relevant. Think of it this way: I'm always relevant.

Feral Friday: Random June News

Dark & Dramatic Feral Friday Flashback

Hola kitties! How you been? My week started when I delivered a bouncing baby hairball on the rug. It was a big one too. That was dramatic, at least for the peeps who ran in when they heard the telltale gurgling. We chose some dramatic pics for today's post. Apparently the lead pic wasn't dramatic enough so TW added a bunch of filters. I'll explain why I look perturbed. (🎶 duuuunnnn duun … duuunnnnnnnn dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn dunnnn ♬) You cut that out, Woman!!!

Dark & Dramatic Feral Friday Flashback

Feral Friday: Who's This Trouble You Speak Of?

Hola kitties! Do I look flummoxed? I mean what the Hell-O Kitty is going on? We all have nicknames. Most of mine I can live with like Baby Girl, Smokey Gray Diva, etc. Even Sweet Cheeks. This name is puzzling. Seems the peeps must have a new rogue cat they call …

Feral Friday: Who's This Trouble You Speak Of?

Feral Friday: Photographs 'Rn't Us

Hola kitties! What's shakin'? How many of you know May is National Photography Month? Not many! I thought it would be fun to show our worst photo of the month. HAH! TW couldn't take pics with this analog camera and now she's just as bad with a digital one.

Feral Friday: Photographs 'Rn't Us

Feral Friday: Comfy Cat Nap

Hola kitties. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you may have noticed the weather is finally warming up. Some humans—TW, I'm looking at you—may like this. I don't. Our ac has already been busting it, much to TW's dismay. She sez it's barely 70F outside. I sense the hots coming once the ac goes on and settle in for a long summer's nap.

Feral Friday: Comfy Cat Nap

Feral Friday Orange Flashback Fun

Hola kitties! Did anyone go to the Chilipawty? It was fun. I donated some prizes and even won one. We went over our goal of $500 and raised $617 for SAFE Haven for Cats. Not that I was counting but I raised $155 just during my DJ shift. They love me I tell you! I believe the donation page is still open. Now on to the flashback from February 2011.

Feral Friday Orange Flashback Fun

Feral Friday: A Week Better Forgotten

Hola kitties! Is it over? Can I come out of hiding now? What a week last week was. As some of you know, I was left alone most of the week … unloved and unwanted. Yep, TW went on some sort of vacation. I was of two minds about that. 

Feral Friday: A Week Better Forgotten

Then we lost two blogging/Twitter humans. 

Feral Friday: Spring Cleaning

Hola kitties. Lemme start by once again apologizing that we haven't been visiting or doing puzzles lately. Some human who shall remain nameless has a pinched nerve in her right arm and can't type or do anything with that arm. She is typing this with one hand. TW is useless again. I, on the other paw, have been doing my Spring cleaning. As Willie Shakespeare would say "out, out damn spot!"*

Feral Friday: Spring Cleaning

Feral Friday Flashback: What the Woof?

Hola kitties! This is it! Easter week leading up to Easter Sunday. Passover starts tomorrow too! It's also last call for tax day. Has your peep done their taxes yet? Mine have. They claimed me on the census but not on their taxes. This post isn't about taxes though. It's about an egregious mistake a pet food company made. Do you see what the bag of kibble says? Can you believe they mistook ME for a dog? What the woof? Then again it's National That Sucks Day and that sure sucked.

Feral Friday Flashback: What the Woof?

Feral Friday: Career Kitty

Hola kitties! How was your week? A kitty's work is never done so I'm working long into the night. You can see how pleased I look too. If I want something done, I have to do it myself. I'm a career kitty; a high-tech cat who knows her way around a lap top. I just wish I got some respect!

Feral Friday: Career Kitty

Feral Friday: Cooking With The Cat

Hola kitties! I thought I would show you some of my cooking prowess but once again TW's camera took rotten pics. So what else is new?

Feral Friday: Cooking With The Cat

Dona Nobis Pacem: Slava Ukraini

Hola kitties! Bet you're wondering why I called you here over the weekend. We are participating in this special BlogBlast 4 Peace. Mimi Lenox, the founder of the annual BlogBlast 4 Peace, called a special Blog4Peace for Ukraine just to remind people that peace is so much better than war. We know these posts haven't changed the world—yet—but it's provided some creative and wonderful images of peace and some food for thought.

Dona Nobis Pacem: Slava Ukraini

Feral Friday: Cubist Cat Chronicles

Hola kitties. I guess Spring has sprung but nothing changes for The Cat. I still sing the song of my people all night, much to the peeps' dismay. I'm trying to get them to adapt to my hours and sleep during the day. At least twice I've had monumental zoomies. TW can't believe I still run that fast and keep it up for so long "at my age." Hmmmphhh! Let's get on with our program.

Feral Friday: Cubist Cat Chronicles

Feral Friday Flashback with Rockets

Hola kitties! Are you recovered from the corned of beef and cabbage? The peeps got an Irish Guinness stew from the local gourmet chef they've been ordering from for a couple of years. Her food is fresh, all natural ingredients and contains no processed ingredients. It's prolly the healthiest meal they have all week. When they order something with meat, I get to enjoy a taste. Since they only deliver to our hood, I won't mention Lorraine's name.

Feral Friday: Flashback With Rockets

Feral Friday: Something to Kibble About

Hola kitties! Here comes the weekend so here comes the Keisha! We had a Petco gut rot delivery this week. I'm thrilled—maybe. We ordered nine boxes of pouches and one toy. Guess how many shipments came? Six—and we had to message them since one box that was listed on the packing slip wasn't enclosed. Not only that but they threw the pouches into one of the boxes like garbage. Sigh! But I have something else to kibble, er, quibble about.

Feral Friday : Something to Kibble About

Feral Friday: SIP! CAT!

Hola kitties! Did you have an eventful week? I hope it wasn't too exciting and you got in the required cat naps. What does the post title mean? Wouldn't you like to know! Do your humans use acronyms around the house? They may do it to keep you from knowing what they're talking about. Mine do it as kind of a code so when I recently saw a meme on Facebook and although that one are for cats, I thought about our's.

Feral Friday: SIP! CAT!

Feral Friday: A Post About a Cat

Hola Kitties! Last week I noticed that even though I poured my heart out to you guys, all the comments were directed at TW. This is NOT her blog so I've banned her from writing about her troubles and foibles so maybe you'll comment on ME and this stunning photo. I still haven't gone into this igloo since Aunt Pauline passed away so now Pop stuffed a bunch of my toys in it so I can't. Bah!

Feral Friday: A Post About a Cat

Feral Friday: Short and Feral

Hola kitties! No, I'm not short. I'm long in physique and personality. I'm an imposing figure but this is gonna be a short Feral Friday. TW's torn/strained pectoral muscle bothers her too much when she's on the computer. We've been limiting her time. Unfortunately, she can't do the jigsaw puzzles she loves or comment on my furrend's blogs. Neither of us are happy. She's been trying to use her left hand to steer the mouse rather than the right but that has it's limitations. We're gonna start with art and then follow with fill-ins.

Feral Friday: Short and Feral

Playing Musical Chairs on Feral Friday

Hola kitties! I've been telling you about some of the games I like to play. Last week I played hide and seek and in the past I've told you all the games I play in the tunnel. I've been playing this game ever since Pop retired. Musical chairs. It's a game we play multiple times every day, not just feral Friday.

Playing Musical Chairs on Feral Friday

Feral Friday Flashback: Hide & Seek

Hola kitties! And welcome to this week's show. It's gonna be some stunning pics from 2013 that somehow never made the blog before. I don't think TW liked the flag growing out of my head. Those were the days when we had plants in the window.

Feral Friday Flashback: Hide & Seek

Feral Friday: Happy Gotcha Sweet 16

Hola kitties! Do you know what holiday tomorrow is?? It's Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day, the holiday started by myself to celebrate all tuxies but especially MY Gotcha Day!! I've been living in this condo for 16 years! I've seen it all. Mostly I've seen the condo go from neat and tidy to the cluttered ruins it's in today. If they sell it at a loss, it's not this kitteh's fault. We wanted to do something special for the header so we used art by Barb Kowalik, added animation and even made a puzzle.

Feral Friday: Happy Gotcha Sweet 16

Feral Friday—Can You Keep a Secret?

Hola kitties! It's me! Last week I'd mentioned I found my new tunnel had a secret and many of you wanted to know what it could be. You were curious as cats! MOL! Again, it's hard for TW to get pics since the tunnel is in an unlit part of the condo and I'm usually running crazypants through it. The secret isn't earthshattering but I'm gonna spill the beans.

Feral Friday—Can You Keep a Secret?

Feral Friday: What's CK Up To in 2022

Hola kitties! What am I up to? What aren't I up to? Heh heh. Lemme give you the skinny. I've been playing rockets in the tunnel and shmousy laser. I've been helping TW make her bed. I've been enjoying my new water fountain. I've been up to a lot of no good. I've woken TW up by biting her nose and ear. I've discovered TW likes taking pics of my back and rear end. You would think this here post was a year-end rear-end review of last year. All these photos were taken last week. 

Feral Friday: What's CK Up To in 2022