Hola kitties! I hope those of you in the U.S. and Europe survived the heat. I
didn't do too bad. I did frow up once on Pop's bed and had a slight asthma
attack since the ac was on so much. The peeps actually ventured out of the
house several days to run some errands. They tend to go out after 4 pm when
the sun isn't that bright or hot. Enough about them. I figured it's been
awhile since I posted a meme so that's the plan for this week. My hope is that
it appeals to more of you than my last posts which were abysmal failures.
▪︎ First job—cat
▪︎ Current job—professional blogging cat
▪︎ Dream
job—cat food tester
▪︎ Astrological sign—Cancer
▪︎ Favorite
food—Wellness salmon/chicken
▪︎ Favorite footwear—my saddle shoed furz
Favorite snack—Party Mix Natural Yums
▪︎ Favorite ice cream—never had it
but Nicky said something about vanilla with ham chunks
▪︎ Favorite Holiday—Christmas cos of Secret Paws and Catmas Eve prizes
▪︎ Night owl or early bird—night owl just like TW
▪︎ Favorite day of the week—all of them now that Pop is home
▪︎ Tattoos—virtual
▪︎ Favorite color—blue
▪︎ Do you like vegetables—NO altho I do like walking through the cranberry sauce
▪︎ Favorite season—Fall
Friendly fill-ins
You can learn even more from my fill-in answers cos now it's time for
Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which is already in
progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and
Four Legged Furballs—need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They
think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are boldface.
This week my image relates to number two.
1. I would like to see what books are on no one's bookshelves. I don't care about books and neither does TW.
2. I adore my She-Shed. Sometimes I spend all day curled up in it no matter how hot it is outside. It's so warm and comforting.
3. There is no amount of money you could pay me to get along with a woofie. The peeps swear I used to tolerant Chopper when they used to talk with Chopper's peeps but I know Chopper is really a cat.
4. When I failed to poo, I didn't hear the poo song. That could be a blessing in disguise. MOL!
Caturday Art
I always make three and can never choose which to publish.
In this week's painting, TW's clutter is reduced to colorful art by adding color and some well-placed brush strokes.
This one is not quite as colorful but this is World Photo Day and it does look more like a photo than a painting. I made a puzzle out of the third one and maybe one of the others.
Caturday Art is hosted by the lovely
Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty
and her mum to showcase how talented us anipal artists are. We can use the
many different digital apps, Photoshop or share original art.
To celebrate World Photo Day, I'm sharing an old flashback foto.
What a fun post CK!
ReplyDeleteThat sure is pretty art, and I love how you 'hid' the clutter. The second one really does look like a photo!
JUNE here, I am going off to ponder your favorites and then I shall return to offer my comments on them. This week mine Mommy made some "quick decisions" and some equally "quick remarks" and we both learned "quickly" that is how ones paws go into ones mouth usually in an unfortunate way. So I shall not be "quick" to comment. I am off now to ponder. As someone once famous (likely now dead, sorry) said, "I shall return."
ReplyDeleteWell, I sat at the window and pondered and now I'm back! We have the same first and current jobs; tho often I am threatened with being fired from the current one due to excessive clawing, but that's a story for another day. As for a dream job, I'm still young and have much more to ponder on that. As an Aires, I can be shy as you will see if you visit my Selfie post this Sunday. Footwear? I like being nekked, no clothes please and don't touch my paws. Snaks, ice cream, WHAT? Veggies, well I do see carrots and spinach in my Fancy Feast, and I don't "frow" them up, so I s'pose they're OK. Like you, I LUV Christmas, it is the best. Me 'n' Mom are early birds, up before the sun rises, but there is no special day of the week cause we are retired and all are the same. Tattoo, cattoo? What's that? Of course, blue, and even better: blue and white polka dots. My season, mine Mommy tells me with climate change most of the seasons aren't the same anymore, I'm not sure I can tell one from t'other. I'll keep trying. Oh, back to that Dream-Job, I think I might like be be an AstroCat, mine Mommy has always been kind of a space-nut, in fact she's going to Florida next week to see the Artemis launch, I can't go (but I might, virtually) and someday I want to fly to the moon, and beyond. And beyond ~ wanna come along with me?
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading about you CK, and what fascinating art! Both versions have their charms.
ReplyDeleteCK, my Angel Bobo was a Cancer too, he was such a special boy!! He didn't like woofies (or other cats) AT ALL! In fact, he wasn't thrilled about most people either. Tell the peeps to go out BEFORE 1pm....(4pm is still hot because the temps hit their peak around 2pm).....Lenny and I try to run errands around noon or earlier, much cooler then!!
ReplyDeleteCK, why not frow up on the floor, so someone can step in it, especially at night with barefeet?!?
ReplyDeleteLovely art, and the puzzle was a blast; love that broccoli-like texture!
ALways nice to learn more about you. I am sorry you have never had ice cream. Your peeps should let you try vanilla. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers except I am sad that you and TW don't like books. I am with you on not getting along with dogs though. I love all your art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO
ReplyDeleteThose "about yous" were all good CK, you're a special one but we all knew that. The fill-in answers were good too plus your fabulous art of course!
ReplyDeleteGreat photos & art! That's cute you have a poo song. I usually ask Mudpie if she pooperdoodled LOL. She's thinking of renaming her KatKabin to a She Shed.
ReplyDeleteCK! What is the world coming too? I can't get Mom to comment on our furrends blogs because she has been painting the walls in the house and when I guilted her into it (thanks for your help), she can't get Firefix to let her comment on any of the blogger blogs! and we had to update Chrome to get to comment on yours! Apparently they are "Improving the user experience" Mom said many HBO words...Now for my comments!
ReplyDeleteCK I LOVE learning about you with your answers to the meme! I LOVE your fill-ins! I love the photo of you in your cube (is there room for a small cuddly tabby with you?) and I LOVE your gratuitous Heart ballon shot - I am going to print that one and pretend that you posted it just for your #1 Fan Boy (marvellous Me!) and I LOVE your Art! I can't wait it get Mom to help me put you back together! CK You are AWESOME! Love and Purrs YOUR #1 Fan Boy!
I thought I knew everything about you already, CK, but I learned more from your meme. Cool art too! ~Ernie
ReplyDeleteKeisha, what a great tip! I never thought of disguising my clutter as art. You are not only stunning but pretty darn smart as well. I prefer the colourful one, as it is quite unique and it pops.
ReplyDeleteIt is always good to learn more about you, CK. I like your fill ins too. Your art is lovely and colourful. I like bright colours.
ReplyDeleteCK, you know we always love learning more about you! Your she-shed definitely looks like a great place to chill, so good on you.
ReplyDeleteLove your artwork, as always. Hugs, love, and purrs to you, TW and Pop!
Lovely art and flashback photo.
ReplyDeleteHi, CK. We think our favourite of your art pieces is the furrst one. We also love the flashback photo.
ReplyDeleteI read this early Friday morning. I typed out a comment of 3 or 4 sentences, then I hit the Facebook share button instead of the post button. Now I'm back to wish you a good week and I'm sending good thoughts to everyone in the townhouse!
ReplyDeleteKeisha: Love it. Sassy, beautiful. My cup of tea. Honest, refreshing! Have a wonderful week.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you were a Cancer sun sign, CK! So is my human - although she does have a LOT of Leo in her chart!