Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.
Hola kitties! It's Friday! I'm gonna flashback a couple of weeks and tell you about our washer and dryer delivery. Early on Friday morning—too early for TW—our maintenance guy came up to disconnect the old machines. I should mention that our machines are in a small closet. Not that long after he left, the delivery dudes came with the new machines. From my spot in my office, I heard the peeps arguing with them.

Hola kitties! I'm gonna tell you a dirty little secret we have around here. We talk about the neighbors. HAH! Who doesn't? Am I right? What do you do when you talk about the neighbors but you don't know their names?

Cats Run the World
Hola kitties! It's one of my favorite days of the entire year! This, the 24th day of June, was declared Cat World Domination Day by Sparkle Cat on her 10th birthday in 2012, several years before she went to the Rainbow Bridge. Summer is now carrying on the tradition. I've been celebrating by posting since 2013. This might be the most important holiday of the year although I dominate every day. Believe me, I don't take this holiday lightly even if today's post is in cartoon form.
Hola kitties! Welcome Summer Solstice. I'm glad you could finally join us. It's been raining all week so I hope to see the summer sun at some point. I'm a treat whether it be summer, spring, winter or fall. The peeps should be honored to be bitten by me. Don't you think so?

Hola kitties. This has been a tough week for TW. What are the chances that the same time our washer/dryer is down that the laundry room in our building is also down? Apparently it's a hunnert percent cos that's what's happening. She's behind on her housework and trying to make time to apply for Medicare but there's so many other pressing things. Poor poor pitiful TW. But what about The Cat? My blog doesn't type itself!

Hola kitties! We had some weird stuff going on in the condo Friday night. Being DJ CK it reminded me of some songs that I wanted to share on Music Monday. This is another freebie week where I pick the prompt. Let me set the stage.

Hola kitties! Wanna know where this title came from? TW was watching the Yankees/Indians game earlier this week and the sign behind home plate read "Hey Biter Biter" rather than "Hey Batter Batter." It was an advert for hot dogs. She looked at Pop and said that would be a perfect title for the post. Of course, I had no say in it. Considering this is Feral Friday it does make sense.

Hola kitties! I told you about this new chef the peeps have. They're getting dinner from her rather than ordering Chinese. Well, the new chef is killing me. Check out the fun items on this week's menu: Shell Fish Stew (with clams, mussels, shrimp, crab and BACON!), Crispy Sweet & Spicy Chicken (can be made not spicy), Lamb Souvlaki Meatballs, Vegetable Lasagna Roll Ups and Cajun Spiced Wild Tilapia. With a lineup like that, what did the peeps order? The Lasagna Roll Ups and a salad. Srsly peeps? No meat or fish for the most precious member of the family? I have to eat cat food?

Hola kitties! You would not believe what happened over the weekend! Since it's been warmer, I've been able to get whiffies and I've been spending some time on the window sill daydreaming. In the early morning, there are sun puddles to lay in. I might add they're the only sun puddles we get. I also have an update on my injured paw at the close of the post.

Hola kitties! I'm not feeling too feral right now. This little ghetto kitteh has been hurting. Getting old is a contact sport. The peeps and Dr. D. think Arthur-itis has been attacking my right front paw. I've been limping and standing with that paw raised. I sent pics to Dr. D. who said there was no swelling which was a good sign. Cos I've been hurting, I haven't been eating much which worries TW more than the paw.

Hola kitties! DJ CK here. I was wondering what to do for my Music Monday freebie. Then the answer dropped into my lap. Two musicians who may not have been household names—but should have been—passed away late last week. When we tried to create a playlist, YouTube wouldn't let us save any songs so Music Monday became Music Wednesday. Our playlist is a lot different than the songs you're used to hearing from me but as the title suggests really weird. Weird as in different.
Hola kitties! So this stinks. In case you were expecting a Music Monday post—and we were planning one—it's moot. We can't share or make a playlist on YouTube cos Google is down and TW left writing the post till the last minute. We have to think up something sneakier. BTW, I had a terrible weekend. Thanks for axing.

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