Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

The Awesome Blog Award

Yes, my furrend Mariodacat of Mario's Meowsings has presented me with another award. He has the good sense to know how awesome this stunning little ghetto cat is. Now that I've thanked him, I'll move along to telling you, my devoted readers, seven things about myself. If you know me, you'll know that this is one of my favorite topics. So without further doo-doo, I present the awesomeness of Cathy Keisha.

  1. When I first came home with the peeps, I had amber eyes. You can see their color in the picture up top. They've since turned green. If I get really angry, they sometimes return to their amber color. I do not, I repeat, NOT wear colored contact lenses.
  2. No matter what I'm doing, I run to the door when I hear someone in the hall. I believe that the hall is part of our apartment and the peeps won't let me in it. I get even more excited when I hear animals running down the hall. I don't, however, like when they vacuum it.
  3. To get TW's attention when she's at the computer, I gently poke her in the bubble butt or the back. She mostly seems to like this and gets right up to walk me in the kitchen because ...
  4. I won't eat my food unless TW is standing right there, watching me. In fact, I won't venture into the kitchen unless TW is right behind me. This sometimes—I don't know why—irks TW.
  5. I don't like prawns. There, I said it. I love tuna but won't eat human prawns or prawns in cat food.
  6. Last year, I was treated for the Bartonella Virus. This virus has been known to cause everything from bad teeth to stomach issues in felines.
  7. This is the most important one. I don't get mad, I get even. If, say, one of the peeps trips over me or hits me with a toy they're throwing during playtime, at the exact right moment, I'll take a huge chunk out of their ankle, leg or hand. Peeps know this is coming, so they better be careful and look where they're stepping.
I let the cat out of the bag and told you everything.
Next time I receive an award where I have to give seven facts, I am going to post seven embarrassing facts about TW. I think you'll find them fascinating and amusing, to say the least.

Instead of passing this coveted award on, I intend to keep it for myself. Or, as Sparkle the Designer Cat pointed out in her excellent blog, that passing it on to 15 other cat bloggers is a bit excessive. If you're reading this and you haven't received the Awesome Blogger Award, tag, you're it! HAH!
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I'm having a contest. The woman had a blood test last week and I think she must have failed because the doctor wants to see her for a return engagement. The contest is to guess TW's cholesterol level. The cat who comes closest, without going over, will win a bag of cat treats. It's probably something like a million after all those brownies.

Washday Wednesday

Depending on who you listen to, I've either raised the flagpole or I'm playing the cello. I'm ignoring my smousy toy, that's for sure. What do your peeps call it?

Director, where's the [bleeping] director? We need a close-up of my form. Yeah, come in for a close-up. Lights, camera, action!

TW's Purrformance Review

If your name is The Woman, you may not want to read this blog. You may wish to hang your head. I've given careful thought to this and have come to the following conclusions. However, I can be bought with a couple of extra cans of tuna over the next few days.

Quantity of Output. TW has been lax—no, let's call it what it is, LAZY— and hasn't posted to my blog daily. If I'm lucky, I'll get one post a week. If I'm luckier, it just may be funny and up to this cat's high standards. She hasn't even been providing me with material to blog about. I'm looking for some good, embarrassing situations on her part. You think she could've at least fallen in the snow or something. I give her an F or 2 paws down.

Quality of Output. TW has taken over 1300 photos of me with that flashy box. My eyes are shot from looking at that light. We have about 150 that are in focus and up to my specifications. I mean, she's got the World's Most Stunning Cat to work with and she can't do better than that? I'll give her a B- or 1 paw down since my readers seem to think my blogs are humorous and fun. I'll give my readers an A (2 paws up) for hanging with me through the "filler" posts, on the chance that they're going to get one they can laugh at.

Client Pawticipation. Can you believe I'm still using TW's e-mail and I'm too embarrassed to give it out on my blog or anywhere else? That's about the size of it. Another F or 2 paws down. I'm also sticking my tongue out at TW.

Pawticipation (Part 2). What a laugh. TW doesn't let me join in any of the reindeer, er, kitty games. If there's a blog pawty, special event, contest, etc., don't look for this kitteh there. She is totally ruining my social life. Big whoop, she let me send out a dozen Christmas cards. I didn't even hear about Secret Santas until it was over. Another F or 2 paws down and I'm starting to hiss.

Client Satisfaction. Strangely enough, my furrends seem to LOVE my blog. I don't get many comments but the ones I get are all fun and positive. TW may get an incomplete because I'm gonna wait until the Anipal ACATemy Awards to see how much the readers actually like it.

Overall rating. TW gets two swats, claws extended, and a couple of hard bites. Seriously, I don't know what I ever did to TW to get treated this way. Sadly, I don't expect any improvement next year, unless, of course, certain of my demands are met. In the mean time, look in the litter box woman, you'll find a special reward from me to you to show my appreciation for a job far from well done. That is, of course, if you can fit it into your "busy" day.
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I'd like to take a minute to thank everyone who contributed to A Call 4 Paws and made my first ChipIn a success. You are wonderful.

Report From the Front Lines

Can you spot me now? This reporting work is hard!
This is Stunning Keisha, your Roman reporter, coming to you from the A Call 4 Paws Cat Sanctuary in Jonestown, Pennsylvania. I'm here to find out just how hard life could be for these 60 or so feral kittehs that were taken off the mean streets of Jersey City, NJ, by Linda Perez and her staff. These kind animal lovers drive through the city with a car full of cat and dog noms looking for strays. Once apprehended, they are taken to Bayonne Veterinary Medical Building where they're spayed or neutered and given a thorough exam. The social ones are put into foster homes until they're adopted and the feral ones are sent up the river to this 4-acre community, where they nurse them back to health and try to rehabilitate—er, socialize—them so they can be adopted. This is more luxury hotel than jail.

For those who don't know, I started out as a feral cat from those same mean streets. I wasn't taken to a resort like this. I was shipped to a kill shelter. A rescue then brought me to a no-kill shelter. I was thrown into a cell and never properly socialized. When I was adopted, my peeps couldn't pet me. I would attack at a moment's notice. My peeps think I must've been abused on the street because I still cower when a hand is raised to pet me. This upsets TW since they've never tried to hurt me.

Linda has provided us with these exclusive behind-the-scenes photos. As you can see, these cats are treated with tender, loving care. They have a human who lives rent-free at the sanctuary, who's sole job is to take care of the darlings. The cats live in four heated houses. They sleep on bunk beds and cozy cushions. Whoa, this IS band camp!
Crowd into the photo. I'm gonna make you famous!
What I found were happy cats who were glad to tell me their stories. They told of how much they appreciated living in the lap of luxury while still keeping it real. Some are hardened Alleys; others are wishing for furever homes. That little calico on the top bunk on the left wanted to sneak a ride home with me! Many were reluctant to talk about the crimes they had committed back in Jersey City. I did find out what goes on in the bunks, stays in the bunks. Just for the record, I would like to know which [censored] stole my wallet.
What goes on in the bunks stays in the bunks.
Really, do these guys look feral? Look at the one in the wicker bed!
Now comes the messy part: To keep up this level of care and rehabilitation, Linda and her staff need money. That's why, with the help of @TheNascarKitty, I started this ChipIn. She needs funds for the veterinary bills and for the upkeep of the Sanctuary. There are taxes, gas and electric bills and water bills to be paid, as well as the cost of buying food, litter and all the necessities to keep cats happy and healthy. The sanctuary also needs donations of cleaning supplies, paper plates and other housekeeping items. Really, do any of you want to see these cats living on the streets again—panhandling or washing your car's windshield with a dirty rag—just because they may be deemed anti-social? Many of these Alleys will resort to selling nip that isn't organic and robbing delis and Chinese delivery men. That's why the peeps and I have provided over $500 in donations of my slightly used toys, beds, scratching posts, carriers and cat food; plus the peeps old towels, blankets, clothing, etc. Before we throw anything out, we call Linda to see if she could use it. Judging from conditions here, everything gets put to good use.

I'm well aware that my furrends have their own charities and hometown shelters and are very generous. I've seen it during countless PawPawties. I just ax that you hack into your human's PayPal account one more time so these kitties won't have to go back to a life of crime to feed and defend themselves. Won't you please help Keisha's Kittehs?

ADDENDUM: Got an e-mail from Linda at A Call 4 Paws. She writes: "Thank you so much for exposing our furry friends at A Call 4 Paws Sanctuary. The generous donations are greatly appreciated and will be used to help more of our less fortunate furry friends. We'd also like to share with you that the cat inside the basket was adopted out to a beautiful permanent loving home last week. Thank you, Ms. Keisha!!!"

And thanks to everyone who's donated. You can make a difference. We're so happy to get that little bit of news. Time to do the "Happy Dance."

Whoa! Wednesday: Where's Keisha?

You've heard of Where's Waldo, now play Where's Keisha. (Click
to enlarge photo)
You may wonder where I'm hanging out. Whoa! This place is like a band camp or something for cats. Landscaped grounds, noms and a relaxed atmosphere to rest. Some of the coolest cats in New Jersey live here and they let me visit them. Tomorrow, I'll let you know where this fabulous place is and how you can help these kittehs.

Stylish Blogger Award

Another day, another award. Such is the life of a stunning cat like myself. My good furrend Mariodacat of Mario's Meowsings has bestowed this honor upon me. How can I refuse such a generous and good-looking man-cat?

As recipient of this award, I'm supposed to—stop the presses! this little kitteh does what she wants NOT what she's supposed to—I'd LIKE to link back to the person who gave it to me and then tell 7 things about myself that you don't know. Trust me, this will be hard cos if you're a hardcore reader of this blog, you know more about me than my peeps.

  1. I have a cute, little kink at the end of my tail.
  2. I love to support animal charities and causes but my peeps aren't having the best of times financially. What little money they have, I make sure they lavish on me.
  3. I come from the ghetto by the mouth of the Holland Tunnel. Since this is Black History Month, I intend to celebrate by making my own "Put the Bitey On the Whitey" month. Pop almost needed stitches yesterday morning to close the bite I put on his wrist. hee hee
  4. I don't drink water. I stopped suddenly last August. This gets me more stinky soft goodness so I get liquid.
  5. I don't scratch the furniture or rugs.
  6. I'll only eat dried catnip and only if TW pulls it off the plant for me.
  7. Pop is the only human who can pick me up. He's also the only one I'll purr for.
Finally, I'd like to pass the award off to 7 other bloggers. OMC! I feel like I have God's powers thrust upon me! What do you mean, I exasperate, woman? "No, Cathy, I said exaggerate" Woman, for the last time, stay. out. of. my. blog!!! I apologize for the scene TW just made. Without further ado—or interruption from the cheap seats—the winners are:

Now don't I look like a Stylish Blogger?

Mews and notes: Thank you to everyone who's contributed to the ChipIn for A Call 4 Paws. I hope we'll reach our goal. I'll be posting some pictures from the sanctuary very soon.