Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

The Awesome Blog Award

Yes, my furrend Mariodacat of Mario's Meowsings has presented me with another award. He has the good sense to know how awesome this stunning little ghetto cat is. Now that I've thanked him, I'll move along to telling you, my devoted readers, seven things about myself. If you know me, you'll know that this is one of my favorite topics. So without further doo-doo, I present the awesomeness of Cathy Keisha.

  1. When I first came home with the peeps, I had amber eyes. You can see their color in the picture up top. They've since turned green. If I get really angry, they sometimes return to their amber color. I do not, I repeat, NOT wear colored contact lenses.
  2. No matter what I'm doing, I run to the door when I hear someone in the hall. I believe that the hall is part of our apartment and the peeps won't let me in it. I get even more excited when I hear animals running down the hall. I don't, however, like when they vacuum it.
  3. To get TW's attention when she's at the computer, I gently poke her in the bubble butt or the back. She mostly seems to like this and gets right up to walk me in the kitchen because ...
  4. I won't eat my food unless TW is standing right there, watching me. In fact, I won't venture into the kitchen unless TW is right behind me. This sometimes—I don't know why—irks TW.
  5. I don't like prawns. There, I said it. I love tuna but won't eat human prawns or prawns in cat food.
  6. Last year, I was treated for the Bartonella Virus. This virus has been known to cause everything from bad teeth to stomach issues in felines.
  7. This is the most important one. I don't get mad, I get even. If, say, one of the peeps trips over me or hits me with a toy they're throwing during playtime, at the exact right moment, I'll take a huge chunk out of their ankle, leg or hand. Peeps know this is coming, so they better be careful and look where they're stepping.
I let the cat out of the bag and told you everything.
Next time I receive an award where I have to give seven facts, I am going to post seven embarrassing facts about TW. I think you'll find them fascinating and amusing, to say the least.

Instead of passing this coveted award on, I intend to keep it for myself. Or, as Sparkle the Designer Cat pointed out in her excellent blog, that passing it on to 15 other cat bloggers is a bit excessive. If you're reading this and you haven't received the Awesome Blogger Award, tag, you're it! HAH!
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I'm having a contest. The woman had a blood test last week and I think she must have failed because the doctor wants to see her for a return engagement. The contest is to guess TW's cholesterol level. The cat who comes closest, without going over, will win a bag of cat treats. It's probably something like a million after all those brownies.

Would you like to comment?

  1. I can tell from your facts that you are definitely in charge at your house! Are we supposed to be guessing overall cholesterol level? 'Cause I'll take a wild guess and say 221 mg/dL.

  2. Concatsulation for Award !!!!!
    Love The way you get TW's attention..MOL : )

  3. Hmm, M is thinking hard bout how cholesterol levels run cuz it's been awhile since she had her done. Let's say 300 over 120. Hope it comes in under dat tho cuz den she has to give up all kinds of good stuff.

  4. Well, let's be completely honest, we all know you are awesome!!! Congrats on the very nice award though and I enjoyed reading more about you!

  5. Loved reading more about you, That's what's so good about these awardies.

    I guess 220 bad, 42 good.

  6. What a beautiful kitty blog! Congratulations on your award. I'm just stopping by on the Saturday Blog Hop. I hope you'll come visit when you get a chance.

    -Mayli the Labradane

  7. Congrats on your award! You are certainly Awesome!!

  8. I am not a cat, but a guinea pig. Don't eat me. I do think you are very stunning indeed. My mom loves gray cats, so you are now on the fave list.
    Cholesterol? I don't have any. But I will guess 260, most of which is LDL. I recommend chasing her around the house 10 times a day for 10 minutes each. That should do it.

  9. Clawlesterol has been a big issue with Julie who claims its level is hereditary, but I, too, have seen an excessive consumption of brownies and those yummy little soft wedgies of cheese..

    I don't know what to guess. I'm glad we cats don't have to worry about such things.

    Your eyes are amazing and I'm happy to know you better! Concats on the award!


  10. um, you don't like PRAWNS?????? I practically eat mom's finger while I'm grabbing them from her!

  11. Oh we are so behind in visiting - it is great to come back to a post filled with so much information! Congrats on the award!!

  12. Oh I won!! YAY!!! You can mail me here:
    My sister has two cats that will love these!

  13. Oh yah, we're very behind in visiting as well... Thanks for stopping by our place. Ok, you got it goin' on over here and are certainly Awesome, so congrats on your award! And theese are very, very interesting go girl!Maybe one of theese days I'll see you at the Nipclub...that is if my Human can ever get me there on time before the event is over!

  14. I sure am grateful for the Face in a Hole on accounta I am wearing my Tuxie suit in honor of @Mariodacat! I started wearing it way ahead of time.

  15. MOL OMC! I just luvs you my furriend!! Are you sure TW wants to gives you away? Momma says you still welcome here wif us. *nosetaps*

  16. we're very behind in visiting as well... Thanks for stopping by our place. Ok, you got it goin' on over here and are certainly Awesome, so congrats on your award! And theese are very, very interesting go girl!Maybe one of theese days I'll see you at the Nipclub..

  17. Concatulations on the great award, you deserve it!

    Elvira, The World's Most Delightful Pussy...and Nikita


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