Hola kitties! Bet I have you thinking about this title. How and why is CK in England? Heh! You'll find out
later. July is World Watercolor Month so I'm going to be sharing a lot of
watercolor art. Mr. AI has helped quite a bit.
Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.
Happy Birthday to ME!
Hola kitties! I'm celebrating today! Looka what my boi Tuna just brought in! I
think that's a fishie pizza. I'm 18 and I know what I want. Kitty's brain and
a kitty's heart. Took 18 years to get this far and learn when my actual birthday is. I always know what I'm talking
about. 18 and I'm gonna milk it for all I can.
Hola kitties! Hope your week went better than mine our's. As
you can see from the image below, I'm looking for the next disaster to
strike. When you read the post you'll unnerstand why I'm looking over my
shoulder. Good news is my sniffles seem to be gone. We didn't post last week cos
a lot happened. On Saturday last Pop almost crushes me by passing out while I'm
sitting next to him; the next, TW almost crushes me by sitting on me.
Hola kitties! *snuffle* How was your week? I dodged a bullet the other day.
*kachooo* A bullet of the v-e-t kind. Every once in a while I get these
sniffles. I guess they're allergy attacks. For days I'll be congested. I'll
snuffle into my wet food when I try to eat it. The last one I had was
accompanied by a trip to the stabby place where I was checked over and deemed
to be in good health. Dr. H. suggested *kachoo kachoo* that I might have
some furz caught in my nose.
What, TW, I shouldn't say too much until we innerduce the Friday Flashback
and so the readers have to read the rest of the post. Ok, you guys heard that.
Hola kitties! How was your week? Did you catch any lizards? We don't got
lizards up here so I'll bet you're wondering how I can be catching them. You can be catching lizards to cos there's a giveaway later in this post. This
post links aren't sponsored. I'm
sharing this brand cos I believe in them. We've purchased their items and can vouch for them. The owner, Mimi Pipino has been a Twitter
and FB friend for quite a while.
Hola kitties! How you doin'? Anyone stop by Chilipawty? We did and it was
hopping. We went over our goal by $250! A big win for Blind Cat Rescue. I won
big and donated $50. OK, I won those donations in my name. Many thanks to the
'pals who provide donations as prizes for those of us who can't afford it.
Hola kitties! Is anybody home? Gimme a shout or a comment if you are. Does this
filter make me look fat? Poetry always makes me tired. Imma gonna take a short
siesta but I promise I'll read your comments. I also promise some fill-in
answers and puzzle art.
Hola kitties! Qué pasa on this wonderful Cinco de Mayo. Turns out Pablo
Picasso was so jealous that I sat for VanGogh that he requested that I sit
for him! How amazing is that. I know he's from Spain and not Mexico but I'm
still waiting for invites from Frida Kahlo and her husband Diego Rivera. I'm
sure if I keep checking my email, they'll come through. Along with Fill-ins
and those great masterpieces from a master, I'll have an update on the
that's so near and dear to my heart.
Hola kitties! Everyone reading this is a winner! Ready for another exciting
post. I may have an update on TW's fight with the big C coming up after my
flashback, fill-ins and fabulous art. How was your week? I eat (sometimes),
sleep (all the time) and play (rarely). It's a cat's life.
Hola kitties! Can you tell what I'm laying on in the lead pic? If you do, you're
better than TW who took the pic in 2010. She had no idea. HAH! She thought it
was a colorful sheet or towel although she didn't remember them having sheets are
towels that loud. I do look all warm and comfy though.
Hola kitties! Qué pasa? This is going to be an all-art post! Today's post was
going to be a flashback but several of you
have requested some tips on handling the big Mr. AI monster. After seeing some
of our AI creations over the past couple of weeks, we're not the experts to ax
for advice. For each good one, there are many, many fails that will never see
the light of day. If at first you don't succeed, try something sneakier is my
advice. HAH!
Hola kitties! Happy Easter or Hoppy Easter as I prefer to say. Happy Passover
and Ramadan too. This will be a short, sweet post. Well, as sweet as I get. Rawr!
Hola kitties! Lemme get right down to the nitty gritty. Since I live here, I've
gotten four squares a day, lotsa toys and some playtime. Being a cat, I don't
really have to do anything to return the favor but I feel I have two
responsibilities. Patrolling and snoopervising. I'm retired from patrolling but
still take the snoopervising seriously especially when it has to do with my bed.
Hola kitties! It's ME time again which just so happens to be my favorite time
of the week. I'd ax how you are but this blog is all about Me. I have a flashback this week. Usually I try to find photos which
haven't been published before but these ran back in 2014. I have a couple of
new readers since then. It may appear in these shots that I'm hiding under
Pop's bed. Pictures do lie. That couldn't be further from the truth.
If I were hiding, would I look so defiant?
Hola kitties! Welcome to my page and my life. Happy St. Paddy's Day! Did I tell
you about the time TW crashed the NYC St. Paddy's Day parade? No, some other
time. Heh! Shoebox Greetings: wasn't that the name of a card company or
something? Well, just don't tell them I borrowed it for my post title.
No flashback this week. TW actually took some new fotos the other day! That's a big happening around these parts. For the past several years, I haven't really been down with boxes. Usually by the time I finish my all-day nap, the peeps have any boxes that came in the mail all cut up and put out into the refuse room. TW made an exception this time.
No flashback this week. TW actually took some new fotos the other day! That's a big happening around these parts. For the past several years, I haven't really been down with boxes. Usually by the time I finish my all-day nap, the peeps have any boxes that came in the mail all cut up and put out into the refuse room. TW made an exception this time.
Hola kitties! It's me, the Grand POO-bah, with some bad news. The streak ended
Wednesday after 38 days. Imma try for another. Our flashback post is one all
kitties can relate to. Speaking of which, TW was tossing around posting a
flashback pic every week instead of a long story re: condo news and other
stuff you may or may not care about. I don't pose too often if at all these
days. Does that sound like a plan?
Hola kitties! How was your week? Did you celebrate yesterday's holidays—Dr.
Seuss Day and National Rescue Cats Day? I shared some Seuss-related content on
FB since I'm not allowed to post on Thursday. I guess the interwebs will
explode or something. HAH! Oh, yeah, about the post title. I accomplished
something I've never done before. Not even when I was younger.
Hola kitties! I can answer that for you. I am The Boss and everyone around these parts know it. Everyone
in our condo community call me The Boss. I'm not kidding. It all started when
the concierges started noticing that all the packages addressed to our unit
were for me. Our head concierge started it. Lemme tell you a bit about it.
Hola kitties! Did you get treats for Valentine's Day? We don't really
celebrate it here except with chocolate. I didn't get chocolate and Pop shorted me some treats. TW did a V-Day photo shoot with me
and my hearts. She said it's hard to get photos these days cos I'm either
sleeping or when I'm awake, I'm moving too darned fast. Blame her for the
title of this post.
Hola Kitties! We are no longer posting on a weekly schedule. I'll post instead
when I want to and have something to say or to share. Today I'm sharing some
adorable and stunning pics from the archives. I still have a Tree of Pain but I
mostly pole dance using the legs of the Tower of Power which explains why Pop
has to change the legs on it again. We like Armakat trees since you can buy new
sisal legs rather than buying an entire new tree.
Hola kitties! Guess what? I've been known to come up with some pretty cool
quotes. I love to keep my peeps guessing. I thought I'd share one of them
here. I may look a bit angry in a few of today's pics cos I'm annoyed that TW won't post every week anymore. An angry Keisha is a creative Keisha.
Hola kitties! Remember me? I'm celebrating both Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day
and My Gotcha Day. The peeps think this could possibly be my last Gotcha Day.
To tell the truth, my health hasn't been too good. I'll get to that later. For
now I'm doing a commentathon. I'll donate to my TLC fundraiser (see Friendly
Fill-in #3 for link) for every comment.
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