Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

A Product That Promises to Up Your #SundaySelfies Game #ChewyInfluencer

A Product That Promises to Up Your #SundaySelfies Game #ChewyInfluencer

Do you think your Sunday Selfies could use something, anything to liven them up? Are you a cat who forgets to look at the camera while taking your selfies? I've got the answer to up your game to a whole new level. Or have I?

A Product That Promises to Up Your #SundaySelfies Game #ChewyInfluencer

A Touching Moment in Art

A Touching Moment in Art

Welcome, kitties, to my studio. Disregard the wine bottle. How did that get in here? It's some fine French CK Nip Chat-donay left over from my 6th blogoversary many years ago. Today I'm going to show you the anatomy of an artwork. I had something different planned but TW found some "lost" pics of ME on a thumb drive. I dunno how they failed to make the cut. I thought ALL my pics were on the hard drive here slowing down the computer. You take that back, Woman! You're slowing down the computer! Sorry, folks.

Anyway, some of the pics like the one you'll see today were blurry and out of focus, while others were fine and focused.

Friday Fill-Ins Follow Flashback Fotos

Friday Fill-Ins Follow Flashback Fotos

Woohoo! Another Friday rolls around. Did this week seem long to you? To me it felt like an entire year went by. Today we have fill-ins but first we have fotos and flashbacks. Not just any fotos—flashbacks that my readers chose in the comments. These fotos haven't been edited at all except for the watermark and the number. Now on to the business at paw.

How the Venta Airwasher Helps CK Breathe Easier This Summer #sponsored

How the Venta Airwasher Helps CK Breathe Easier This Summer #sponsored

Hi kitties! Glad you could join me. Today I wanted to explain a little bit about how the summer season affect humans and cats with asthma. As you know, I was diagnosed with asthma about four years ago. Did you know TW has asthma and seasonal allergies also?

How the Venta Airwasher Helps CK Breathe Easier This Summer #sponsored

Last summer was the worst yet. My asthma kept attacking me and I even made an unscheduled trip to the vet. TW was determined this summer would be easier on both of us which is why she did her due diligence on the best humidifier/air cleaner to help with the dryness and air quality in our condo. This summer, I have a Venta® Airwasher to help with dry, unhealthy air and low humidity. It helps both myself and TW breathe easier, which makes us happier.

The Cat Proves She's a Genius

The Cat Proves She's a Genius

Monday already? We got our a/c up and running so things have cooled down. Have y'all read the tale of when this cat became a genius? I'll give you a moment to go back and refresh your memory. Well now The Cat has proof—an online certificate. Wanna see?

Getcha Hot Art!

Getcha Hot Art!

Can you tell I felt like I was burning up while the a/c was on the fritz? We all did except Pop who ran off to work while we were suffering. They finally had the new condenser up and running shortly after 3 pm yesterday. That's 24 hours without a/c. Even now while I'm writing this, it's still 80 in the condo with the a/c running. Wonder how long this is gonna take to cool down.

Freonless Flashback Friday and Fill-Ins

It's something like a hunnert degrees in here. Neither of us feel much like working. The sweat is dripping off TW and she's spitting mad. Late this afternoon, she discovered the a/c had been running but the condo was 79 degrees. She went near the vent and didn't feel cool coming out which could only mean one thing. The a/c needed more coolant. We've been through that before. In fact, we just filled it up last year. It shouldn't need refilling already.

Dear CK—Litter Box Etiquette Edition

Dear CK—Litter Box Etiquette Edition

I'm baaaaack! Sorry for the absence. First I had writer's block and then TW got sick. How. dare. she.

Someone out there must have mistaken me for Sparkle Cat. I received a letter axing for advice. I don't know that I could do as good a job as Sparkle did but I'll give it a shot. Being a cat who's never had litter box issues, I may need assistance with this. What would Sparkle say? The writer is obviously very distraught.

Celebrating World Watercolor Month

Celebrating World Watercolor Month

July is World Watercolor Month! An artist such as myself takes note of this day. Watercolor is one of the most ancient forms of art. In honor of this important art date, I set up the easel and took out my watercolor paints to give it a go.

Snooze Fest 2017 & Fill-Ins

Snooze Fest 2017 & Fill-Ins

Welcome to Snooze Fest 2017, where The Cat—played by myself—finds the most comfy spots in the condo to snooze. I'll be your host for the evening. I'll also be answering some nosy fill-in questions later in the evening—if I can stay awake. On your mark, get set, read!

Chowtime! Just the Food, Maam

Chowtime! Just the Food, Maam

We're nearing the end of the Happy Cat Happy You series. OK, who's the wiseacre clapping? Not nice. The pamphlet provide some quick tips for building a bond with your feline friend—or do they? These bonding tips are suggested by the humans at the Catnip Newsletter and compiled for Tufts Institute. I offer a cat's expert perspective which often differs from what a human thinks we like. This series is not sponsored by anyone except me.

Can You Use Ginkgo Biloba on Your Cat?

Can You Use Ginkgo Biloba on Your Cat?

I've posted before about how I love to play with ginkgo leaves. TW tosses them in the air and as they flutter to the ground, I chase after them. TW finally remembered to pick some off the tree outside last week. I couldn't believe my luck! She even made time to play with me. I had so much fun.

Sketchy Business

Sketchy Business

I thought today I'd show you some sketches I've been working on so I'm opening up my sketch book to you, my readers. I hope you like what you see. I've been a busy kitty over the past week. I'm still debating whether I should throw my beret into the ring and run for president in 2020. Many of our presidents have dabbled in art and some are quite good.

Fill-ins, Flashbacks and Fotos

Fill-ins, Flashbacks and Fotos

I thought Friday would never get here. You know why? Pop is on staycation next week! He'll be home with me all week and TW best not monopolize him. Today I'm adding a new feature to the Friday Flashback Foto Frenzy. I'm gonna be joining the Friday Fill-In challenge so you can learn more about me. This could be a one-week thing or I may keep doing it. There's a lot to do so let's get started.

Almost Wordless: Don't Try This At Home

Almost WW: Don't Try This At Home

While TW was at the BlogPaws' Social Media Conference, she and Plush CK attended a birthday pawty for Sophie from Kitty Cat Chronicles. One of the activities was making wand toys for all the cats out of ribbon. TW didn't make a wand toy but she brought one home for me cos she knew I'd love it.

Declaring My Independence

Declaring My Independence
Does this make noise?

HAH! TW thinks she a comedienne. A few nights ago she was picking up the toys on the floor. She picked up the ice cream cone. She picked up the tickle pickle gherkin and then she picked up …

6 Reasons I Should Be the Next President

6 Reasons I Should Be the Next President

I thought it would be fun to do a "selfie" today since I found a pawsome template that is appropriate for this patriotic holiday weekend. What do you think? I got an outtake for you too.

The Art Post That Almost Wasn't

The Art Post That Almost Wasn't

Art Caturday. Should I or shouldn't I? That was the question TW posed to me last night at around 9:30 after she wasted all day going to the doctor and stuff. I told her of course I want an art post. I don't want to disappoint the 30-something people who read this blog. They—and you might be one of them—look forward to my posts like most cats—I'm not one of them—look forward to prawns or bacon.