Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

(Almost) B&W Sunday

Everyone knows my eyes are my most stunning feature so I've highlighted them in this mostly black and white foto. Thanks to my pal Gizmo GeoDog for showing me this technique. This will be my entry for the Black & White Sunday Bloghop, which is hosted by My Life in Dog Years.

Senile Saturday— RIP Maxwells

"Where's TW. She was supposed to meet me here."
"Where's CK. She was supposed to meet me here." Can you spot TW in the photo?

It was late 1978 when a young woman walked into the little club in Hoboken, NJ. She'd been to some clubs in NYC but read about this place closer to home in the Village Voice. As she gazed at the framed poster of Patti Smith over the jukebox and then saw the selection of songs on the jukebox, she knew she had found a home away from home. Over the next 15 years or so, the young woman, now known as The Woman, would be hangin' there just about every weekend. The club was Maxwell's, which is set to close for good at the end of next month. Since this is Senile Saturday, I'll let TW tell you a little about it.

The Bongos outside Maxwells. Photo by Phil Marino.
Like everyone else who hung out in Maxwell's little back room—capacity 200—I have some glorious memories of the little rock club that could. It's safe to say Maxwells served to shape the music I still listen to and CK spins at #Nipclub. I'm going to list some for you.
  1. Seeing  bands such as New Order, R.E.M., the Replacements and Flipper in that little room. 
  2. Making friends with musicians from local bands the Bongos, Feelies, Winter Hours and Cyclones, some of whom are still my Facebook friends.
  3. On a work night, going into NYC with the rest of the "regulars" to see the Bongos first NYC gig at Max's Kansas City (the 2nd Max's) and coming home early the next morning drunk as a skunk. That was a special night.
  4. Meeting my future editor, Jim Testa, who had just started a fanzine called Jersey Beat. He asked me to write for it. Always an outcast, I was now hanging with the "cool crowd" at Maxwells and interviewing cool bands.
  5. Getting invited to a private party the owner Steve Fallon threw for R.E.M. in the apartment upstairs from Maxwells where the out-of-town bands stayed.
  6. Dancing in a conga line with the Fleshtones' Peter Zaremba. The Fleshtones were always a fun show.
  7. Witnessing the Young Marble Giants only U.S. appearance. They broke up after the show. The Trypes, a Feelies' spinoff band opened for them.
  8. Having Husker Dü as house guests in 1984 and getting a hug and a kiss from Grant Hart as all the young punks stood around envious.
  9. Michael Stipe and Syd Straw wishing me a Happy Birthday from the stage during the Golden Palominos' show in 1986 and having Winter Hours dedicate a song to me.
  10. Stealing someone's boyfriend during a New Year's Eve party. Heh-heh.
  11. Playing softball with members of Yo La Tengo, dBs, Wygals one summer. I was terrible.
  12. Smoking a "funny cigarette" with Vic Chesnutt. RIP Vic.
  13. Dancing, dancing, dancing to the opening band, going outside for some cool air and a Mister Softee; then dancing, dancing, dancing to the second band. The club wasn't air conditioned in the early days.
  14. Seeing hundreds of amazing bands over the years AND getting to be part of the birth of the independent music scene in America.
My biggest regrets were not getting to see Nirvana and Jason & the Nashville Scorchers' appearances.

On a given Friday and Saturday night, I could usually be found near the DJ booth in the tiny back room. Those were great years filled with awesome memories. Maxwells was once voted "Best Rocknroll Club in NYC" in New York Magazine even though it was in NJ. RIP Maxwells. It was great knowing you.

CK again. What the Sam Hill? I let you write something and THIS is what you come you with, Woman? Pure fiction! I'm ruined! No one's gonna read this junk. Ahem. Sorry you had to hear that, furrends. Frankly, I think The Woman made all this up. She's always been boring and she'll always be boring. I don't believe for a minute she ever smoked a nip cigar. Am I the only one who thinks she's lying?

SPECIAL OUTTAKE! Thought you'd like to see an outtake from this blog.

Stupid Human Trick #1086

Since the peeps haven't been providing me with many new Stupid Human Tricks, I'll have to report on this one that happened many moons ago. I teased Mariodacat by tweeting about this the night it happened at Nipclub. I told him he'd have to wait until I wrote it up for the blog. Little did I know it wouldn't be blogged about for over a year.

Welcome to the Laundry "Room."

Saturday and Sunday are usually wash days at the condo but TW had to do a wash during the week. She wanted to wash a jacket or something that didn't fit in any of the weekend loads. Unfortunately, it wasn't big enough to wash by itself. She looked around for something she could throw in the machine with it. Then I started to smell the wood burning. OMC, I thought, TW has an idea!!! How novel!

She walked straight into the bathroom and came out with the 2 old area rugs that had been on the floor for centuries. "I've washed these already and so did Lucy" (the hired help who came in after TW broke her ankle a few years ago), she reasoned; so she threw them into the machine and went about her merry way.

The machine beeped and she pulled the jacket out. Flakes fell to the floor. TW had that funny look where you can see the question marks around her head. Then she pulled the rugs out. To her utter horror and dismay, the rubber backing on them had disintegrated! It biodegraded, I should say. Tears started forming in her eyes. "OMG WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!" she shouted. Rubber flakes were falling all over the laundry room rug and on the floor outside the room.

I came scampering over to investigate and see if I could add fuel to the proverbial fire. She almost took my head off: GET AWAY FROM HERE! THIS IS A DISASTER AREA. WAAAHHHHHHH! I burst out laughing Bwaaaahaaahaaaa! This was very amusing to me but obviously not to her.

She stuffed what was left of the soaking wet rugs into a plastic bag and ran out to the Refuse Room. The floor was covered with flaked rubber and so was the inside of the machine. That's what TW was worried about. She was sure she had broken the machine. I'm telling Pop! He's gonna beat you this time for sure, I taunted. The more she cried, the more I taunted like any cat would do.

TW: Waahhhhh! I just want to diiiiiieeeee. Good Lord how can you do this to me.

CK: Is Pop on speed dial? I want him to hear this.

TW: Please take me now! Why do you let me live?? Why do you torture me!?

CK: It might be my dinner time, you know.

What the hell happened here, Woman?
In a valiant attempt to shut me up—or was it to clean the mess up—she got out the vacuum. I'm not really scared of the VC but thought it was time to view the carnage from afar. For the next three—or was it four?—hours, TW had her head stuck in the laundry closet. First she vacuumed the floor. Then she vacuumed inside the washing machine. Then, as a coup de grace, she started picking out the little pieces of rubber by hand. All this was accompanied by whining, crying and moaning. God was evil cos He didn't take her that exact moment. The names she called herself. Just when I thought she was through, she called my Homey's human for advice on what to do‚ not that she was actually going to follow it. I think she just wanted someone to feel sorry for her cos I wasn't gonna do it.

CK: Erm, Woman. Look at the clock. It's past my dinner time.

TW: $#*$&#((@)*$*@*

CK: Can I repeat that on my blog?

Cut to Saturday aka laundry day.

CK: This is gonna be good. You never told Pop what happened and you wouldn't let me. You even replaced the rugs so he wouldn't notice they were missing. I can't wait to see him beat you if that machine is broken. That's not gonna be the only thing broken 'round here. 

Alas, the machine worked fine and the clothes didn't even come out covered in rubber flakes. Oh well. This kitteh will have to wait for another Stupid Human Trick to see a beat-down.

Has your human ever done anything as stupid as this?

Wednesday Word of the Day—Skeezix

Remembering a Legend


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Friday is the last day you can use your power to nominate your favorite blogs for this year's Petties Awards and at the same time help your favorite shelter win a $10,000 grant. It's win-win. Thanks to those who have nominated me——in the Funniest Blog or Blogger category.  Go to daily to nominate.

Cats Rule

Sparkle's Birthday is today and it coincides with Cat World Domination Day. CWDD is like most Holidays. It points out the obvious but gives the rest of the world a day to honor us and remember the brave cats who have gone before. *bows head* Yes, we dominate every day.

Campaign sticker from Facebook
Just the other day Pop was reading me a story about a cat, named Morris (not the 9 Lives Morris), who's running for mayor of Xalapa, Mexico. Morris has a Facebook page and has gotten support from such famous cats as Stubbs, the Mayor of a small Alaskan town who has held office for the past 15 years. As far as FB likes, Morris has left his competitor in the dust: 130,000 to 33,000. Morris' campaign platform includes protesting corruption in Mexico's political system. In addition, any funds he raises will be donated to local animal shelters. There are other non-humans also running in Mexico including Tina the Chick-hen, Maya the Cat, Chon the Donkey and Tintan the Dog.

JJ's campaign poster
In Australia, my furrend Jessie Janie is running as a proud member of their Feline Pawty. Click the link to view their Campaign Central. We know Jessie is a great Mouser and she'll be a great Shadow Minispurr for Sneakiness.

Last year, Catsparella did a comprehensive list of every cat running for office in 2012.

I'm thinking of throwing my catnip smousy into the governor's race in NJ. Governor Waddles is a popular governor but as far as the peeps tell me, he hasn't done anything he's promised. He promised property taxes wouldn't go up and he cut aid to transportation and local munipalities so the peeps taxes have just about doubled since he took office. This has got to stop and I'm just the cat to do it. I'll be exploring how to go about getting my name on the ballot and seeing if I have enough time to do it. I believe I have to get some name on a petition to start the ball rolling. My only obstacle may be TW. If she hasn't got my Zazzle shop running in 4 years, I wonder how she's gonna set up a petition.

The cat lobby—numbers too big to ignore.

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Use your power to nominate your favorite blogs for this year's Petties Awards and at the same time help your favorite shelter win a $10,000 grant. It's win-win. Thanks to those who have nominated me——in the Funniest Blog or Blogger category.  Go to daily to nominate.

An Unlikely Duet

Thank y'all for coming. Tonight I'm gonna perform a tune off my brand new CD titled Cathy Keisha Blues. I hope y'all head over to iTunes to purchase it at the special price of $9.99 for a limited time only. You can also buy my Greatest Hits, including The Kitteh Poos Tonight, Biting Tree and Mean Mama Calico on iTunes. This little song is sung to the tune of Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison Blues. It's the first time I've done a duet with TW so I hope she doesn't entirely muck it up. She gonna warble the first part and then I take over for a rousing finale.

I feel a bite a-coming
She's looking at my arm
CK is fast approaching and she means to do me harm.
I better give up my chair cos that's where she wants to sit.
If I don't get up fast, I'm gotten wind up bit.
When she was just a kitten
Her Poppa told me "Maw,
Always give in to Keisha
Or she'll attack and claw
But I shot a foam rocket badly
and it hit her square
So when I saw her coming
I hurried out of there.
I bet I can bite The Woman
I'll bite her on the arm
You know I scratched my Poppa
I'm showing him my charms
But he knew he had it coming
He knows I must be real
This little kitteh keeps a-biting
I like to hear The Woman squeal.
Well if I see The Woman sitting
and if she doesn't give me food
I bet I could bite right through
her leg I'll nip her good
Far from Liberty Shelter that's where I want to stay
When I bite The Woman well you know it makes my day.
© Lyrics by Cathy Keisha 2013 
I'd like to thank Caren and Cody, Katie and Sparkle for letting me open the show for them.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

When I started this blog, my aim was to make my furrends and their peeps laugh. That's why I'm axing you to nominate me for a Petties Award in the Funniest Blog or Blogger category. I'm not trying to change the world or anything. I'd just like to make it a little lighter. Remember, you can nominate your fave shelter to win a $10,000 grant. Think of all the animals that would save. Now that would put a smile on everyone's face. Copy and paste and add then your shelter's name.

Flashback Friday*—Best of CK

*Walks on stage to heroes welcome* Thank y'all fo' coming. Werd! I know you be waiting fo' me ta break out mah latest song but first I wanna start the set wif my first #1 rap tune. I wanna innerduce da bruvs. Dis here be DJ R'son Kitty doin' the turntablism and Jamal Jonez be busting some steps. *appaws* I be Cathy Keisha aka DJ Baby Girl.

Keisha aka
DJ Baby Girl's Rap

I'm a pretty kitty from the inner city
straight from Communipaw right to yo door
I scratch and bite, get involved in street fights
HAH! I'll mess you up good
I'm a cat from da Hood.

An arm fo' an arm
I mean to do harm
An arm fo' an arm; I MEAN to do harm 

I'm in da mood fo' some kitty food 
So come do my biddin' and I ain't kiddin' 
Don't like to get dirty 
I like to look purty
Don't like to be muddy; like to draw bloody
From the human slaves so they betta behave

Leave me be don't wanna pettin' 
When I looks at you, you betta start frettin' 
I scratch and bite and it feels so right 
Hah I'll mess u up good 
I'm a cat from da Hood

© Cathy Keisha 2009

* This be first posted on September 19, 2009.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

When I started this blog, my aim was to make my furrends and their peeps laugh. That's why I'm axing you to nominate me for a Petties Award in the Funniest Blog or Blogger category. I'm not trying to change the world or anything. I'd just like to make it a little lighter. Remember, you can nominate your fave shelter to win a $10,000 grant. Think of all the animals that would save. Now that would put a smile on everyone's face. Copy and paste and add then your shelter's name.

Wednesday Word of the Day—Winner

We have a winner for the $20 gift card to! This is so exciting and I'm not even in it! First TW tried putting the entries in her Yankees hat but she needed something bigger. I would think with how big her head is that a hunnert million entries would've fit in it. Keeping the Yankees theme, she put them in a Yankees food trough* Yankees pail instead. I really got into picking a winner.

First I put my head in.

Then I put one paw in.

Finally I put the second paw in.

In the end, Pop had to save the day by reaching in and picking a winner. You can watch him do his thing on my YouTube channel. The $20 gift card goes to Brulee and Truffle from Sweet Purrfections!

Concatulations to Truffle and Brulee!

Thanks to everyone for entering. I'm going to have another drawing coming up for another gift card to a shop you're all familiar with, I'm sure. If you didn't win this time, you might win next time.

* At one time, the pail contained sliders and fries.

Monday Mentoring

Yesterday my BFGF Savannah, of Savannah's Paw Tracks, posted a photo of her Sunday EZ but I noticed that something was amiss. See if you can spot it.

Used by permission.

You're right. She's on the edge of the bed. I guess she was very comfortable there. My advice to Savvy was to spread herself out and live a little. She shouldn't be afraid to lay smack dab in the middle of the bed and she should plop down on the rumpled sheets. As a good mentor cat would do, I set an example for her. So, BFGF, watch my stunning style.

Looking for my prey in the crumpled sheets waiting to be laundered.

Ah, a newly made bed and guess who has the best spot.

You know where you can stuff that flashy box, Woman!

Got my Skinneeez mouse and my crinkle ball and the center of the bed.

I don't like to keep axing you to nominate for a Petties Award in the Funniest Blog or Blogger category. Begging is not my style. I would like to make the finals to prove that you don't need to be one of the "big guys" to compete; and, maybe next year, some of you will join me. I think many of my furrends are worthy nominees:  Forever Homes Wanted and Animal Shelter Volunteer Life for Cause Blogs; Brian's Home and Savannah Paw Tracks are worthy of your nominations, as well as Sparkle and Glogirly. Remember, for every blog you nominate, you can nominate a shelter to win a $10,000 grant. Use your imaginations when you vote. Na mean? Thank you for your support.

Tomorrow is the last day to enter the drawing for the $20 gift card. Everyone is eligible. Post a comment here and tell me you want to be entered.

The arms of love

Happy Pop's Day to my Pop. I love you, Pop. You were always my favorite even though I sleep with TW and follow her around all day. It doesn't get much better than being in the arms of love.

Some important housekeeping items:

You have a few more days to enter the drawing for the $20 gift card. Everyone is eligible. Post a comment here and tell me you want to be entered.

Thanks you to those who have nominated this little ghetto kitteh's blog——for a Petties Award in the Funniest Blog or Blogger category and help your favorite shelter win a $10,000 grant. It's win-win. Go to to nominate me daily.

500! and a Giveaway

After about a hunnert years of blogging, I'm celebrating my 500th post. Hard to believe this little ghetto kitteh, who has been excused by TW of having no attention span, has lasted 4 years and 500 posts. My first post appeared out of nowhere on September 15, 2009, blazing the way for other Twitter anipals to join the blogging world. I'm proud to say that even though I've become a lot less wordy, I continue to keep it real.

When I started blogging, I wanted to tell a funny and inneresting story every time. I posted only when something funny and inneresting happened but found it hard to build a loyal audience that way. After awhile, I suddenly realized that I was reading and commenting on over 20 blogs a day and it took a lot of time. Maybe wordy blogs weren't the way to go. They work occasionally but I didn't want my readers to see I had a new post and say "Oh no, this is gonna take forever to read." Of course, I can't imagine anyone actually saying that but it might have happened. My readers and furrends deserve a round of applause for continuing to follow the antics of a little ghetto kitteh with a less than inneresting staff, most notably the Cod-awful photographer.

Everybody Loves a Giveaway!
To show my appreciation to my loyal readers, I'm gonna give one of you a gift to celebrate #500. During last weekend's Nipclub, I won a $20 gift card from This is the 3rd Nip and Bones' card I've won this year and I'd like to pass this one along to one of you. sells my favorite cat toys: the Skinneeez mouse and peacock feathers, as well as other nip, valerian and Silvervine toys. They're the only U.S. distributor for Bin's Silvervine pillows. Leave a comment on this post and tell me if you want to be entered. Everyone is eligible as long as you know their policy for international shipping. Comments made before Tuesday, June 18, 2013 will be eligible. Make sure I have your e-mail address or a way to get in touch with you. I'll put them all in TW's NY Yankee hat and pick one winner.  Hey, Woman, it's MY milestone 500th post so why aren't I getting a gift?? On that note, thanks for reading and commenting and I hope to see you for my 1000th post.


Wednesday Word of the Day—Mouser

My Twitter furrend Jessie Janey, who lives in the land Down Under, is a champion mouser. Yes, she is! How big a champion? She keeps a journal and since November 30, 2012, JJ has successfully caught 55 mice and 3 rats. In fact, once she even deaded an evil VC when one of her prey got caught in it! She's an indoor/outdoor cat of great charm and beauty. Here is a picture of her with number 20.

Jessie with a real smousy that she deaded.

I nominate JJ as Mouser of the Year. Austin and Kozmo might disagree but I'm sure her beauty will win them over.

Me and my plague ratsy which I deaded.

It's not often I play with cat toys but TW caught me going wild for a little white smousy. Let's roll the videotape!

Please nominate this little ghetto kitteh's blog—— for a Petties Award in the Funniest Blog or Blogger category and help your favorite shelter win a $10,000 grant. It's win-win. Go to to nominate.

I'll Have the Grilled Tuna

Why is it so hard for TW to get my order correct? It's not like I order something different every day. When I come into the diner for my 4 pm feeding, I always order the same thing: Fancy Feast Grilled Tuna. You know what the waitress brought me today: Sheba Tuna in Gravy. *scrape scrape* I may eat that for breakfast but never for dinner. I ordered FF Grilled Tuna and that's what I want!!! Lemme talk to the Manager!

And Sheba tuna in gravy is NOT the usual, Woman!

I know why they're trying to trick me into eating something else. They've been doing their food shopping in ShopRite and ShopRite hasn't had Grilled Tuna for about 2 months. I'm just lucky the peeps had stocked up before they decided to boycott Pathmark. You think TW would've bought me a case in PetSmart instead of leaving empty-handed. No, of course not. Now the cupboard is almost bare and they want ME to make sacri—haha, this is so asinine I can't even type dictate it without laughing—sacrifices! As if!! Read my lips, peeps! This kitteh does NOT make sacrifices! Buy my Grilled Tuna or get bitten!!! I'll accept no substitutes! Got it!
Now to something completely different. I mentioned our new neighbors in my last post. As far as we know, they have no pets. We were told that they travel a lot on business and this is just a place to sleep while they're in New York. TW has met them and says they're nice.

My New Neighbors

The new neighbors
We got new neighbors last month. Actually, we weren't aware the old ones were moving. That's how it is with condos. Everyone is in their own little world. The only neighbors you know are the ones who let their kids run up and down the hall screaming all day.

I digress—new neighbors moved in. The woman is from Brazil and the guy from Germany. Usually, when there's a move-in or move-out, I scramble UTB to my office. Quite frankly, the noise is deafening. We live right across from the elevator—yeah, what were the peeps thinking when they signed the lease—so all the furniture and boxes get taken out of the elevator and piled in front of our door.

Early on the morning of the move-ins, they put wood planks on the floor to protect the incredibly ugly hall carpeting. Actually, they THROW them down. **CRASH!!** Then the movers yell, scream and make as much of a racket as they can. I think they're gonna come right through our door so I head into my UTB office so I can catch some shut-eye.

You can't scare me! Pop will eat you for dinner and then spit you out.

Last month, I stood my ground. Maybe it was cos Pop was home and I felt safe. Pop can handle those guys if they try to bust in here with their furniture and noise. He can take all of them together. That's how tough my Pop is. If that doesn't work, he can bribe them with eggplant he'll stay with me and make sure I'm safe and that they don't enter our condo.

Please nominate this little ghetto kitteh's blog for a Petties Award in the Funniest Blog or Blogger category and help your favorite shelter win a $10,000 grant. It's win-win. Click on the image to go to

Wednesday Word of the Day—Eggplant

Whatchoo got there, Pop?

Yesterday Pop decided he was going to cook dinner so he bought these purple oval-shaped things. They didn't look or smell appetizing to me. Pop announced he was going to fry "eggplant" the way his Mother used to. Tell me, what the heck is an "eggplant"? Is it EGG? Is it PLANT? It didn't look like anything I'd ever saw before or anything I'd want to see again.

That purple thing was bigger than me!
TW seemed happy that Pop was making something healthy for dinner as he slaved over a hot stove—until after they finished eating. The "eggplant" apparently tasted nasty edible; I guess they liked it. Then TW walked into the kitchen and unleashed the scream that was heard around the world. The stovetop was covered with grease! The countertop was covered with grease! The sink was covered with grease and egg! Gasp! All would have to be cleaned and sanitized. You know as much as I do how allergic TW is to cleaning or any kind of work. This job was going to test her mettle. She cried out! She bitched! Hell, she even posted on Facebook!

Woman, I don't know what your problem is. You got your meal cooked for you and you enjoyed it. Suck it up and stick the dishes in the dishwasher and get the Ajax out.

The "big job" that she thought was going to take all night—by my estimation—took less than a half hour.

I'd really appreciate if you could nominate this little ghetto kitteh's blog for the Funniest Blog or Blogger category of the Petties. I'm all about giving back so I'd love to win a donation for A Call 4 Paws. Just like the lottery, you have to be in it to win it. If you've ever laughed while reading this blog, please nominate me at 

Newsday Tuesday With CK

Is this thing on? Why are all those icons on top of my stunning face?

 Hello, this is CK, your morning anchor on WCAT. Our top story today is that the cat—that would be me, CK—got rooked out of rotisserie chicken last night. TW goaded me into allegedly scratching her right before dinner and then refused to hand feed me chicken. She claimed she was still mad at me for allegedly biting her earlier in the day. I should explain that she had been cheating on me with P-Kitty just moments before the alleged bite came. The charges are still false and am awaiting my day in court. I may require the services of one Waffles GloCat, LL.D.— not to be confused with Waffles Too GloCat, brat. When I'm exonerated, I'll be expecting TW to buy a chicken just for me.

In other news, last week Pop caught me drinking water from the expensive Drinkwell 360 fountain that's been sitting untouched in his room for the past year. It's the first water either peep has seen me drink in over 2 years. My stomach is now rusted but the peeps are happy although the v-e-t said tha if I start drinking a lot of water, it means something is very wrong.

In entertainment news, I love the new Catty Stacks that I won at Blogpaws last month. TW never expected that I'd like them. I LOVE proving her wrong. I go nutz when a peacock feather is innerduced into one of the cutouts in the cube. Of course, since our condo is only about 500 ft small, I have only one to entertain myself in. I was hoping to have video for you but as usual, TW didn't deliver.

Design by Glogirly Designs
Continuing with entertainment news, this weekend is the Monthly Nipclub. The theme is Vikings. You don't have to dress up to join us; in fact, you can win prizes by just RSVPing here.

This past weekend, the peeps went with the sticky little human and her 'rents to the big box store. All they brought home for the kitteh was 50 lbs of litter. To add insult to injury, TW stopped in PetSmart but when they didn't have Taste of the Wild kibble, she left empty handed. Isn't it a crime or something to leave a pet store empty handed? She could have at least bought me a toy.

Advertisement: This is the kitteh's 494 blog post. Number 500 should be coming up in the next week or two. I hope to make it, although if I don't get rotisserie chicken, I may not.

I don't often do this but I need your help. I know I'm not one of the "big guys" of the paw blog world but I'd sure like my readers to nominate this little ghetto kitteh's blog for the Funniest Blog or Blogger category of the Petties. It's a long shot but I'd still like to try to win money for my favorite shelter, A Call 4 Paws. Just like the lottery, you have to be in it to win it. If you've ever laughed while reading this blog, please nominate me at I'm sure you at least giggled at my jokes on Cinco de Mayo.

Sports news: CK bested the iridescent smousy in one round of fierce bunny kicking. The smousy didn't have a chance.

That's all the news for this week that's fit to print. Just in time cos I'm getting sleepy. This is Cathy Keisha signing offzzzzzzzzz.

EZ Sunday

I'd like to dedicate these EZ Sunday photos to Deb Barnes, who wrote a Facebook post about sweet Mia resting on her freshly washed clothes. Any cat who doesn't lay on clothes fresh from the dryer should be stripped of their catliness. MOL!

First I'll lay on TW freshly-washed (and colorful) unmentionables.

Then I'll finish my nap on Pop's folded t-shirts.

TW wanted me to tell you the Gut Rot from my last blog was actually "good for me" Soulistic grain-free Autumn Bounty (human-grade chicken in pumpkin soup). Soulistic, which is made by Weruva, is only available at Petco. Sometimes I'll think it's nommy and sometimes I turn my nose up at it. She didn't want you to think she was feeding me real Gut Rot.


We're coming down to the last few days to get in on this special offer. Just4MyPets has a special offer for readers of Stunning Keisha. Use the special coupon code KEISHA20OFF and get 20% off your first order. This offer is valid through June 3nd.