Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.
Hola kitties! OMC! Is it blooper day already?? Before I begin, some of you might have noticed I'm in the process of a blog redesign. Bear with me cos we still have to tweak a few things. Pretend that ugly pink is the green I use or by the time you read this it may already be green. The look of the blog is a big blooper right now. MOL! Big thanks to Balkeni Studios for the template and assistance.

Hola kitties! The "Old" in the title doesn't apply to me, thank you very much. CK is always up-to-date on those special days and today is National Tell an Old Joke Day. I'm gonna relate a story that's old and kinda corny but one I don't think I've told before. Of course it involves the peeps. That's where the OLD comes in.

Hola kitties! I've got a bunch of Wednesday Wisdom coming your way. Do any of you read Patrick McDonnell's "Mutts" comic online or in your papers? Last week he was honoring Jane Goodall's 60 years spent in Gombe. Goodall cares about all living creatures and many of her quotes deal with humans destroying the environment.

Hola kitties! How's that for a post title? Did I make you look? I hope so cos my numbers have been beyond dreadful lately. I'm testing out having a different feature every Friday. I know you want to see more pics of me and you'd better tell TW that. Photoshop has been crapping out on us so she's trying to use it less often. Our monthly meme comes courtesy of someone or another on Facebook.

Hola kitties! I know this is a strange title for this post but it will all come together. There also seems to be a pink theme to the images. Let's talk peanuts! I also get feral with my toys. Five years ago, the peeps bought me some catnip bonbons for Christmas. I went so nutz for them that the next year, they bought different flavored peanuts. I've ignored those peanuts until the past week. Suddenly it's been like "where you been all my life?"

Hola kitties! My Wednesday Wisdom is a subject near and dear to kitty hearts. This is sorta, kinda a wordy wordless Wednesday but not too wordy. This is as close to wordless as this little ghetto kitteh feels comfortable with. Climb aboard as I get into my comfort zone. *Om!*

Humans always wonder if we're comfortable when they see our heads hanging over the edge of the bed and when we're sleeping in a yoga position. We are—unless we're innerrupted.
Hola kitties! This is gonna be a great post cos it's gonna be a conglomerate of
so many different things all meshed together nicely. You want flashbacks? I have
that. Did you know today is Compliment Your Mirror Day? I did so I dug out an old photo shoot to show it. My stunningness always compliments the camera as well as the mirror. This
month is Watercolor Month so I may be painting my Caturday Art in watercolors.
I'm stunning so this post will be perfect.

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