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Some Old Humor on Feral Friday

Hola kitties! The "Old" in the title doesn't apply to me, thank you very much. CK is always up-to-date on those special days and today is National Tell an Old Joke Day. I'm gonna relate a story that's old and kinda corny but one I don't think I've told before. Of course it involves the peeps. That's where the OLD comes in.

Some Old Humor on Feral Friday

The peeps were in the Motor Vehicle Department applying for their non-drivers' licenses years ago. While they were filling out the questionnaire, they were having lots of laughs. Finally TW asked Pop what was funny. Here's how they answered two of the questions. Eyes? TW had filled in "YES" while Pop said "TWO." Sex? Pop: YES! TW: *. She said below "Not today. I have a headache." HAH!  Bah-da-boom! I hope you laughed louder than I did but it is an old joke true story about two old people who think they're funny for Tell an Old Joke Day.

Some Old Humor on Feral Friday

Now it's time to join the Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers which are underlined and in italics. Any further comments on my part are in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. Today it applies to number four.

1. I had Savory Centers for breakfast. TW screwed up and gave me the food I was supposed to get for a midnight snack for breakfast twice this week. Score.

2. I hate surprises. They are rarely good surprises. They mostly involve the PTU and stabby places.

3. Playing vertical blind accordion is my idea of fun. If you saw how mad TW gets when I do it at 4 or 5 a.m., you'd have fun too.  Sometimes she's so mad, she can't get back to sleep. It's almost as fun as biting her.

4. If I were a food, I would be Chinese. I wouldn't be some of the crap the peeps call Chinese food either. I'd be that chicken on a stick or fried mice. Well, maybe not that chicken on a stick cos I wouldn't want a stick rammed up you-know-where.

Some Old Humor on Feral Friday

This week I went back to oils for my art medium. I prefer oils to watercolors. Dunno why. I think it's the different textures I can get when I slather the paint on. I hope you like the image that I used cos I painted it a few more times, including one where I imitated one of those big-eyed paintings. Who were they? Pinkie and Blue Boy or something?

This will be my puzzle and my Feral Friday entry in the Caturday Art blog hop which is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase the latest art by anipal artists using digital apps, Photoshop or original art. No talent? No problemo. Anyone can be an artist using the hundreds of one-click apps for desktop or mobile devices that will turn your photos into digital works of art.

Would you like to comment?

  1. You just reminded my human she hasn't had Chinese food for a while. Now she wants it!

  2. Pawsome art!

    And I could go for some fried mice.

  3. I bet the happy folks at the DMV never read those answers before. "Eyes=two". Hahaha! Have a good weekend.

  4. Love your fill-ins and I laughed out loud at #4. Makes sense to me.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥

  5. Our Dad would have answered those questions that way too. Those were good answers and very stunning art CK!

  6. Great answers and we know the DMV people got a kick out of them, and we enjoyed your fill-ins, too. I think about how I might answer the food one. I think I'd be a meatball smothered in spaghetti sauce. I always get some when the housekeeper makes it. An old joke..a great theme for a Friday, for sure, CK! - Tom x

  7. We're MOL at those answers. Fabulous artwork and thanks for the puzzle.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. How did we know you'd say Chinese for that last question?

  9. We bet the people at the DMV didn't find that very funny....those people tend to be pretty humor-less. LOL
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Your art is lovely. You look very kittenish.

  11. OK, now that was hilarious! Your folks are awesome. Never a dull moment in your household. Love the artwork too. Pretty cool! Purrs

  12. Your art is always amazing! I bet the peeps' answers made the DMV employee's day!

  13. I like the photo of you laughing at the peeps- cute joke too. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Did you still get a midnight snack? I want Chinese food now.
    I love your art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  14. Great art, CK! And we hope the folks at the DMV got a laugh from TW and Pop's answers. We know WE sure did. XO

  15. Your peeps'answers made us laugh ! Great fill-ins, we're with you for #2. Purrs

  16. You are hilarious! and your peeps are also hilarious! Have fun everyday!

  17. thanks for the morning smiles and WOW on the oil painted Cat

  18. CK, you have a WICKED sense of humour (mol).

    Your art is spectacular!

  19. Does the DMV have a sense of humor? I hope so for your peeps sake - MOL! We had Chinese food yesterday, yum! You are cute as ever CK.

  20. That was a great joke, CK and your answers on the fill-ins too😹Your artwork is beautiful, we like the oil painting and we can't get enough of this picture. It looks new every time I see it😸Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday🐾😚😻

  21. My darling CK, It is SO GOOD to see you! I hope you know you were the Human's inspiration to FINALLY help me do a blog post. Honestly, it's been a minute (or a billion of them). You are looking just every bit as stunning as I remember! XOXOXO Spittola

  22. ck...NOE EWE WOOD KNOT BEE A CHCKN....... bye de way de foto for thiz post header rox...itz grate ta see ya laffin, even if it iz at pops & TW... N we iz laffin at ther funneez two, but due knot tell em we said sew....good onez :) ☺☺♥♥♥

  23. CK, you're a purrfect comedienne! And your fill-ins are fantastic! Eddy and Tonks love your answer for #3, because they both also play vertical blind accordion. Sometimes Tonks gets a bit tangled up in her accordion, but Eddy's a true pro. We have no doubt you're a pro, too. Purrs!

  24. CK, You don't look a day over 6 ;-) You are stunning and always will be! Yes, my battery's running down a bit too, but we old folks still have a zest for life....just at a slower pace. Or so the Human says, and Bast knows she SHOULD know all about being old! XOXOXO

  25. Yeah, I guess most surprises for cats aren't the good kind. So I can see why you'd hate them.

  26. We think TW and Pop are pretty funny. Then again, I'm sarcastic and full of dry wit ... so maybe I just get where it comes from!

  27. TW and your Pops are silly! You lucked out getting extra Savory Centers this week. I love it when my food has lots of sauce.


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