Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Feral Friday: TW is a Cold-Blooded Serial Killer

Hola kitties! How was your turkey day? Did you score any of the tender, juicy meat? I hope those veggie humans at least bought some turkey breast slices for their carnivore cats except if they're from Trout Towne. My peeps don't eat cow but for my Gotcha Day every year they buy me one slice of roast of beef. Oops, I got off topic. I'll bet you'd like to read about TW's, er, new hobby …

Feral Friday: TW is a Cold-Blooded Serial Killer

Having a Feral Friday Wash Up

Hola kitties! Next week is Turkey Day and Shopping Day. Are you ready? I'm starting my deep clean washing routine early this year. One needs to be clean for the holidays or they'll pass you right by. You know what they say: clean body, clean mind. OK, so I only possess one of those. Trust me I'm not thinking clean thoughts in this lead image when I caught TW filming my bath.

Having a Feral Friday Wash Up

Feral Flashback Friday: Tickle Me Keisha

Hola kitties! I've been remiss on posting flashbacks so I'll post one today to make it up to you. Today's flashback is from March 2014; back when life was simpler for our peeps. Even though I have my tummy showing and despite the post title, I am not looking to be tickled.

Feral Flashback Friday: Tickle Me Keisha

Feral Friday: Stress and Event Planning

Hola kitties! Since I posted Wednesday, today will be a short one with simply fill-ins and art. TW is messing with my meals though. I'm now getting gut rot for breakfast instead of lunch. Then I get half a can of FF for lunch. I guess I shouldn't complaint as long as I get my four squares a day and don't get shorted. In this image I have the airplane ears and such but I'm not stressed over food. You'll have to read on.

Feral Friday: Stress and Event Planning


Hola kitty brothers and sisters! We are again participating in the annual BlogBlast 4 Peace. This is the 14th year for one of my favorite blogging events. I've been doing my part since 2011. Mimi Lenox, the founder, wanted to know what would happen if the entire blogosphere posted about world peace on the same day using the same title—Dona Nobis Pacem. It hasn't changed the world—yet—but it's provided some creative and wonderful images of peace. Our 2020 theme for Blog4Peace is Peace in the Time of Quarantine. Our peace movement continues even when humanity is upside down. It is now when peace should take center stage and all signs are looking in the opposite direction.