Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.
2017 has been a crappy year for a lot of people. I say goodbye, good riddance and don't let the door hit you on the way out. This is the last of my official art posts on Caturday. I may be posting some art as part of my blog hopping on Friday. Today I'll be offering my fill-in answers too since I had an important post yesterday which pre-empted all the usual fanfare. I thought yesterday's lead image was pretty arty if I do say so myself.
Yo kittehs! I got to open my Secret Paws package! I've told you about the holiday tradition some cat bloggers have. Mom Paula of Sweet Purrfections does the heavy lifting. This year for the first time TW actually let me open my gifts on Christmas day. It was in the evening but at least I didn't have to wait a week or two. My Secret Paws came all the way from Texas. Dunno if its deep in the heart but it's Texas.
Travis, Crockett and Angelique were my Secret Paws' Santas. You may know them as The Lone Star Cats. TW loved the way everything was wrapped. Unlike TW, their human knows how to wrap.
Travis, Crockett and Angelique were my Secret Paws' Santas. You may know them as The Lone Star Cats. TW loved the way everything was wrapped. Unlike TW, their human knows how to wrap.
Have you ever smelled The Benjamin? No, really! Have you? I'd never seen or smelled a Benjamin before and neither had TW. My peeps don't have much money. Like everybuddy else, they try to save their few pennies until they really need them. This week I got to smell a pair of Benjamins. Lemme explain.
It's true! I saw the fat man in the red suit shortly after my DJ shift ended last night. He looks older than the peeps and well worn. I asked him to take a selfie with me and he obliged after I plied him with the peeps' holiday cookies and some eggnog. I had some jello shots left over from #CatmasEve but he didn't want those. Something about working. I hope Kitties Blue will let me join the Sunday Selfies blog hop a day late. Oh yeah, MERRY CHRISTMAS everybuddy!
TW has been running late this season. Very late. Usually my Christmas cards are written and mailed way before I do a Christmas card reveal here on the blog. I must tell you I wasn't very happy with the way my snail mail cards came out so my art today will consist of two versions of my e-card, which I adore.
Fotos roasting on an open fire. Keisha nipping at your nose. Or something like that. I like that nipping part. Coindidink that todays Flashback Friday Foto Frenzy features two Christmas fotos? Actually no. I've been saving them all year—not that they're so great but they were picked by you, my loyal readers and they're from Christmases past.
Ho ho ho and mistletoe—and presents to little kitties! Some of you reading this might think that a bunch of blogging cats would be in competition with each other. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our humans get together at blogging conferences and are Facebook friends. They are constantly talking behind our backs. We help each other with blogging or personal problems. Years ago the Cat Blogosphere started the tradition of exchanging Secret Paws gifts which brings us even closer together.
I was going to use a snow globe as my art piece the other day but realized it would serve a better purpose having a post of it's own. There's no denying snow globes can be gorgeous; in fact, they're used all year around as tourist souvenirs. Then there's the down side especially if you have a furry family member.
Welcome to another Friday edition of Flashback Fotos and Friendly Fill-ins. I'll be your stunning hostess. Thank you for cooperating when I axed for some suggestions last week and helping us select foto picks for the weeks to come. While these aren't exactly bloopers, they're not exactly the cream of the crop. To make matters worse, TW doesn't even 'shop them to perfection. This first one is stunning as is.
Welcome to Keisha's House of Claws, where cats from all walks of life come for their manicures. CK will allow you to use the best and most modern scratching equipment on the planet. Humans need all sorts of toxic chemicals to get their claws looking good. Cats don't. A few minutes workout with one of these scratchers and you're all set. Look at my posse member Tuna working it under my snoopervision in the image below. C'mon, Tuna, feel the burn! Scratch and stretch! If you like what you see, I'm gonna give you a chance to win one of these claw exercise machines at the end of the post.
Yo! I'll bet with all the emergencies around here you think that we're all seriousness all the time around the condo. Sunday morning I had another asthma episode in the wee hours. After my attack ended, I jumped up on Pop's bed and chomped down in his hand. It made me feel better. You know, misery loves company. By noon, I was running crazypants around the condo. I'm young at heart. Anyhoo, we do get silly quite a bit. Here's what happened the other night.
Yep, it's true! Despite what the sign says, my gallery is closed so this kitteh can do some "Christmas 'shopping." I'll be back with a regularly scheduled post Monday and more Christmas art next Caturday.
Ho ho ho! The big day is approaching and La Condo Keisha is getting ready. The halls are decked and the lights are twinkling. This weekend Fraser should arrive even though the peeps are still discussing a faux Fraser which won't have leakage problems but will definitely have storage problems. No room in the inn. Enough about Fraser cos we have fotos and fill-ins beginning now.
Whoa! Wouldja look at the title of this post! It's overwhelming for sure. What an honor for a stunning little ghetto kitteh such as myself.
DATELINE: The condo. Yo kittehs! Anybuddy up for some news of happenings around La Condo Keisha? This has been quite an eventful two weeks! This post doesn't have too much to do with The Cat except I had to live it. I thought I was safe after I got off the mean streets and came to live here but now I'm not so sure.
Holla!!! Is anybuddy here besides me? Y'all are in for a treat. I'm decorating my studio and getting ready for the holidays. Presents are being wrapped and TW is jealous cos she hasn't done anything holiday-related yet. I wish I could say my art includes my Christmas cards but, sadly, no. Dunno why I leave that important chore to her or why I'm always apologizing for her.
Welcome cats and kittehs! Have I got a show blog post for you today. Unlike our last post where the images was highly 'shopped and manipulated, the rules of the Friday Flashback Foto Frenzy prohibits any Photoshopping whatsoever. Trust me, you will NOT see me wearing a shower cap in any of these fotos. Immediately following the fotos, will be the Friendly Fill-Ins so let's begin.
Wait till I tell you what TW did this time! I know she's very busy with all the on-line shopping and doctor appointments before her insurance gets cut off, etc. but she pulled a good one. Actually she's done it more than once.
Today is Cyber Monday when all good cats and kittens will make their humans go online to buy prezzies for them. It's also time to look ahead to the new year—2018—and who doesn't want to be a calendar model such as myself (see my 2018 calendar at the end of this post)? Calendars make great gifts whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Cat Herders Day, Festivus or some other religious or ethnic holiday. There's a perfect calendar for everyone on your list. At the end of the post, I'm going to give you a chance to win a pet calendar of your choice.
Here's a piece of pop art I started back in July 2015 and never finished it until last night. For some reason, it reminds me of cotton candy. Perhaps I'm just hungry cos TW starves me.
I know today is Black Friday cos I've given TW a list of stuff I'd like for Christmas. Thank you for taking a moment away from shopping to come visit with me. If you happen to be in a pet shop, I invite you to spend a few green papers on your favorite stunning tuxie cat! This is kinda an inebriated post so TW can get to work ordering presents for The Cat.
Greetings, salutations and Happy Turkey Day! I want to begin by telling everybuddy how thankful I am for YOU—your friendship, your support, comments, sharing and likes. You make this blog the labor of love it is. It would be nothing but me talking to myself without you and for that I am forever thankful for you.
I'm also thankful for the roof over my head—even if they made a toxic, smelly racket for about five months installing it—and the food in my bowl, both wet and kibble, though I wish there was a lot more kibble.
I'm also thankful for the roof over my head—even if they made a toxic, smelly racket for about five months installing it—and the food in my bowl, both wet and kibble, though I wish there was a lot more kibble.
Dear CK, I've noticed that you have such a nice smile and your teeth and gums look so healthy. Can you tell me your secret?—Fluffy, Evanston, IL
That's a great question from "Fluffy." The World's Most Stunning Cat—me—must keep a beauty routine. Most of my stunningness comes naturally but I can't neglect my pearly whites. My best features are my eyes but there's nothing like a beautiful smile. I like to make a game out of caring for my teeth.
That's a great question from "Fluffy." The World's Most Stunning Cat—me—must keep a beauty routine. Most of my stunningness comes naturally but I can't neglect my pearly whites. My best features are my eyes but there's nothing like a beautiful smile. I like to make a game out of caring for my teeth.
I'm going to do something different this week. We're gonna do some work in the computer room rather then in my art studio. I got my Mac all set up so gather 'round. I want to share with you how I created the lead image for Wednesday's post. It required a couple of steps although if TW wasn't so lazy, she could have done it all in Photoshop. Are you ready cos I'm gonna reveal all my virtual design secrets right here … right now! All you PS experts can have a chuckle at this.
It's been a busy week in the condo. Last minute doctor's appointment—for TW, not me—that was a waste of valuable time and other stuff to keep TW busy. Plus, I have a guest coming to see me this weekend so TW has to do some cleaning. We wanted to do some simple posts this week but it seems whenever TW is planning on a simple post with few words, we wind up with an evergreen post. That's how our post about caffeine came about as well as the hiccup post a few months ago. Have I got you ready for the Flashback Friday Foto Frenzy and Friendly Fill-In spectacular?
I'm a house cat although I fancy myself living fancy free in the jungle. Let's just say I'm a semi-feral cat who has discerning tastes. I also trust my, ahem, instincts when I eat. I love fish and I love the taste of fresh raw meat that I get when I sink my fangs into one of the peeps. For that reason, TW has been afraid to switch me to raw food.
We still don't have an answer if my eating raw food and then biting them would lead to infection or the loss of one of TW's typing fingers. It's no secret that TW is also a nut about disinfecting the entire kitchen after she cooks any kind of meat. She definitely isn't looking forward to doing the disinfecting routine after every one of my meals.
We still don't have an answer if my eating raw food and then biting them would lead to infection or the loss of one of TW's typing fingers. It's no secret that TW is also a nut about disinfecting the entire kitchen after she cooks any kind of meat. She definitely isn't looking forward to doing the disinfecting routine after every one of my meals.
Am I blue? The answer is of course not. My art just has me looking a bit blue and I accentuated it by using some blue and pink colored lighting in my gallery. Pretty wild, isn't it? We're showing some older art that never was featured cos TW needs to is spending much too much time picking out a new health insurance plan.
The weather is finally getting colder here in the city. My fur coat is filling in and TW is pulling out her puffy jackets. She even had to turn the furnace on for a brief time Wednesday night. The PSE&G guy who was supposed to be checking our furnace was here and gone in about two minutes so I've got my paws' crossed that all systems are go. We're all ready to go here so let's start with some Flashback Foto Frenzy picks and then do the Friendly Fill-ins on this Friday.
In case you've been living under a rock, The Cat is being seriously ignored. I'm being ignored all the time and for no good reason. Yesterday was the same but different. TW went out at about 11:20 a.m. promising she would only be gone a couple of hours. She rolled in at 5 p.m. That's a lot more than a few hours. Then her behavior got even more puzzling.
TW bought a nice new outfit for Halloween. I thought you'd like to see it and since Kitties Blue told me their Sunday Selfies hop was open until Thursday, I thought I'd strike a pose with her.
We are once again participating in the annual BlogBlast 4 Peace. This is the 12th year for this pawsome event and I've been doing my part since 2011. Mimi Lenox, the founder, wanted to know what would happen if the entire blogosphere posted about world peace on the same day using the same title. It hasn't changed the world—yet—but it's provided some creative and wonderful images of peace. The theme this year is Finding Peace in Overwhelming Times. We came up with this post before we learned of the theme and it sure fits.
Yep, kittehs, it's November! It's 21 days until Turkey Day and 53 days until I get Christmas presents! OK, I get presents every day month but I mean wrapped presents addressed from someone named Santa at the North Pole. I'm not sure how he gets in here but I'm sure some day I'll get to bite him on the ankle. You don't have to wait another day to see my Flashback Friday Foto Frenzy or read my Friendly Fill-In answers. That's coming up NOW!
Why do you suppose cats have claws? Maybe you think they are only for destroying your new couch. Claws are one of the most important parts of a cat's anatomy. In addition to using them to defend ourselves, they aid in hunting. While stalking prey, we use them to climb, to aid with balance, jumping and marking territory. Indoor cats might not stalk live prey, but those skills enable us in our daily play. Just as importantly, sharp claws also give us confidence.
I don't ever get scared but I might be a little right now. I started painting some art on this old sign and before I realized it, it had gotten dark. Dark and spooky. Is it just me or do all these jack-o-lanterns look, well, kind of evil. They best not have any ideas to take me on. Of course I can handle myself cos my teeth and claws are sharp but still …
Another Friday packed full of hopping from Flashback Friday to Foto Frenzy and finally to Friendly Fill-Ins. TW tells me my fill-in answers might be a bit controversial but I don't know about that. They seem copa and setic to me. This little ghetto kitteh draws controversy like sherbet attracts tasty flies even when I'm not trying. Dunno why that would be.
It's Wordless Wednesday CK-style! Had this been Saturday, it would make a good Senile Saturday. Enjoy this gratuitous photo before I fill you in on the latest news around La Condo Keisha. This random shot is the last photo TW uploaded to the computer.
Yo kittehs! I'm here in Chinatown, NYC, getting my Tiki Cat on under the stars. Yes, I wear my sunglasses at night and I must say I love the night life, baby. You guys know how much this kitteh loves her Chinese food but I'm about the try some Thai food. I wonder if they're similar.
Yo, kittehs! I'm in the Halloween spirit or maybe the Halloween spirits are in me. I have stole TW's witches hat for this image—HAH!—and I'm saying "back atcha" to the cat in my art which just happens to be ME. I got me some colored pencils and I'm ready to do some art.
It's another Friday and I'm thankful to be here. Let me tell you why before I get to the post. We've been having computer problems that started last Saturday in which the fotos on all Blogger blogs including our own disappeared. Apparently, it is a system problem and we'll need to reinstall our OS at some point sooner rather than later.
Yesterday I had a barfing incident in which I was quite creative. TW had just given me a piece (or two) of turkey breast from her sammich when I walked to the opposite edge of the table, leaned over and let it rip onto the floor. After TW cleaned the mess up, she noticed I was waiting by her sammich for more which I didn't get. I know TMI! HAH!
Yesterday I had a barfing incident in which I was quite creative. TW had just given me a piece (or two) of turkey breast from her sammich when I walked to the opposite edge of the table, leaned over and let it rip onto the floor. After TW cleaned the mess up, she noticed I was waiting by her sammich for more which I didn't get. I know TMI! HAH!
Kitties, do you have trouble taking selfies? Maybe it's cos of that disposible thumb thing or perhaps you can't get the timer just right. In fact, I see many of you wind up having your human snap the pic anyway. You're in luck. The latest fad on Instagram, replacing the selfie, is the "plandid."
Help! Help! Hey-yelp! I wanted to show my latest Autumn painting outside but I have to hold on tight or the wind is liable to blow me away. It must be a hunnert miles per hour. My beret is gone and my sunglasses are buried in the leaves. I hope they don't blow away too. It's almost dinner time but I'm afraid to let go.
The title of this post is my mantra. I chant it all the time. This week I'm ready to bite Feedburner. It seems they are not delivering my posts to everyone on my mailing list. I wonder if that's why only like !% of those subscribed actually click to go to the post. If you're subscribed and aren't getting my updates, please let me know in the comments. Dunno what I can do about it but I'd like to know if it's more than one or two people. All I can suggest is unsubscribe and then resubscribe. Definitely resubscribe or I may have to bite someone. I'm totally frenzied so let's view some fotos.
In case TW hasn't noticed—I'm a cat. A cat has impeccable hunting skills. Cats in the wild have no need to constantly hone these skills. Indoor cats do. I'm an indoor cat and I could hone my hunting skills with my toys. But that wouldn't be any fun.
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