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Black Friday Fotos and Fill-Ins

I know today is Black Friday cos I've given TW a list of stuff I'd like for Christmas. Thank you for taking a moment away from shopping to come visit with me. If you happen to be in a pet shop, I invite you to spend a few green papers on your favorite stunning tuxie cat! This is kinda an inebriated post so TW can get to work ordering presents for The Cat.

Black Friday Fotos and Fill-Ins

Foto #322 from May 2010 was requested by Shoko from Canadian Cats. TW took two closeups of me that day. The second one may have been more appropriate for today—or yesterday. In that one, I'm licking my lips much like I was yesterday when I got into the platter of turkey. The peeps had left the room for five seconds when I sprang into action. You can view it on my Facebook page. In this foto, I was on Pop's bed so I doubt there was turkey or any food involved except maybe TW's finger. I seem to be anticipating something.

Black Friday Fotos and Fill-Ins

The Friendly Fill-Ins are hosted each and every week by 15andmeowing and McGuffy's Reader. They make up the fill-ins and I'm happy to provide the answers. My answers are truthful, so help me Cod. I can't speak for TW since she lies a great deal. That's why I don't let her play along.

1. The peeps start to decorate for Christmas/Hanukkah while Pop's home for the four-day Thanksgiving weekend. One day he takes down the Halloween/Thanksgiving decorations and the next, he puts up the Christmas ones. We keep a string of lights up all year in the kitchen and over the bookshelves for ambiance.

2. I prefer a live Christmas tree because it makes the condo smell like Christmas. It's better than any of those fake sprays they sell. They're a lot of work or so I'm told but so worth it. The peeps had ordered a fake tree but wound up sending it back since we have no room to store it.

3. The best thing about the holidays is presents. Sending and receiving Secret Paws packages is pretty special. Plus Pop usually takes at least a week off in December. Actually, there's a ton of "best" things about the holidays around here if you're a human—standing 'neath the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, the display in St. Pat's Cathedral, the holiday fairs in Bryant Park and Grand Central Terminal, etc. 

4. The worst thing about the holidays is being inconvenienced when my two cat trees are pushed aside for their tree. No, wait, sticky little humans in the condo are worse! Two of them. For Pop it's office Christmas parties. TW always says there's too much to do, not enough time to do it and too little money to do it with. What a complainer.

Are your peeps spending today shopping online or in actual stores?

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  1. MOL - I need to go send my momma Black Friday shopping for me!

  2. My human would love nothing more than to spend Christmas in New York, and your post made her really nostalgic for it. Sadly, who knows when that will happen again?

  3. Great Fill-Ins today. Mom agrees with the too much to do and not enough time. It really must be fun to be in N.Y. at Christmas. Mom would like to visit there some holiday season. We forgot to tell you in your Thanksgiving post how much we appreciate your friendship. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  4. Love your Photos! And TWs fillins! The Mommy has never been to New York and would love to go to those places any time of the year!
    And Black Friday is not a big thing up here in the great white (right now its just soggy) north. As we had Thanksgiving in October, Yesterday and Today are just regular work days (sigh!). I could have used extra cuddle time this morning...

  5. That looks like a warning face if ever I saw one.
    We are going away for Christmas for the first time ever. The first Christmas without Flynn will be so quiet at home and too hard for us.

  6. I think our kitties would get so excited if we got a live tree!
    I agree there is too much to do around Christmas time. Hoping to get through it without too much stress :-)

  7. Maybe TW and Pop should decorate your cat trees this year instead?!? You know, bling them up a bit and pimp em out! We won't forget last year's real tree debacle anytime soon. I can't remember, did you end up finding your CK ornament?! I'd love to have an artificial tree - but we have the same problem with storage ... so no tree for us.

  8. Nice inebriated post :) I like the photo the Canadian Cats chose. I hope your real tree doesn't pee in the condo like last year. That is not right that your trees have to be moved. I hope you have a nice weekend! XO

  9. There's a lot to complain about this time of year, but there's also so much to appreciate and celebrate. I'd love to visit NYC some year at Christmas. From what I've seen on TV it looks so beautiful.

  10. The mom and dad start decorating the weekend after Thanksgving, but the tree is the last thing to go up...and usually not until the middle of December because the mom doesn't trust us with it. As if!!

  11. Our tree has not gone up yet, CK. It will be bittersweet when it does, since both Moosey and Zoe loved to sleep under it.

  12. It will be interesting to see what the minions do with Christmas. George is pretty goofy still, too.
    Bill is back on the road, so I am trying to catch up! Thank you for being there. Love you guys!

  13. You're right, there are a lot of "best" things about the holidays. I love the season!


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