A year or so ago, I mentioned on Twitter that TW claimed that I was having aggression issues. At the time she said I was worse than usual, whatever that is supposed to mean. @BabyPatches, chief kit at Nip and Bones said I should try
Comfort Zone Feliway. She sent me the spray to test since I was on her tester's team. TW read the instructions and her eyes glazed over at the words EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE. She said "I'm not using that on my bed."
Fast forward to last month. I had to go to the evil v-e-t. TW wondered if she still had the Comfort Zone. After
turning the house upside down checking a few places, she found it. She took it out into the hall and sprayed the towel that she puts in the bottom of the box a spritz and a half. She stuck her nose into the towel to see if it had a smell I would notice and then read on the label "WARNING: don't breathe in vapors." Oopsie.
My old v-e-t was in Hoboken, a mere 5 minutes away and I always sang all the way there. This new v-e-t was in Secaucus, which is a 15-20 minute ride, which is why TW decided to try the Comfort Zone. They
shoved tricked me into the PTU and we were on our way.
She is proud to report I only meowed about 3 times during the entire trip. Once there, I was nervous though. Dr. Hatch decided to examine me in my PTU, which might be related to the fact that the peeps told him they put Comfort Zone in it. I wasn't a model patient cos I hissed both when I got my shots and when the thermometer went, well, where the thermometer actually goes. Then they decided to take me in the back room for x-rays and stuff to see if I really had asthma. Major fail for them. I
fought like a wild cat got majorly stressed so they let me off the hook.
I was quiet all the way home, which could've been the Comfort Zone or it could've been the after effects of the shots since I was pretty lethargic for the next 2-3 days.
TW thought the CZ worked and would use it again if the need arises although Pop had a fit that she used it in the first place. Next time, he'd prefer using one of those Spirit Essences that Jackson Galaxy promotes or one of the
natural calming products that Nip & Bones also sells.
Nip and Bones also sells Comfort Zone in diffuser form to reduce stress-related behaviors such as urine marking, scratching, new fursibs and other issues around the house.
Disclaimer: We received the Comfort Zone as a gift. No money exchanged paws and no one told this little ghetto cat what to say. Na mean?