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Gut Rot

It may look like I'm eating this chicken soup stuff but looks can be deceiving.

Here I'm starving like Starvin' Marvin and you're offering me this Gut Rot? Then you expect me to eat while you point the Flashy Box at me. IT. AIN'T. HAPPENING.


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  1. Send it over here! I'll give it a try and let you know how tasted :)

    ♥, Pasha

  2. Maybe your peeps should try to make your food look all fancy and gourmet like on those cooking channel shows.

  3. Silly humans!! The stuffs they want us to eat sometimes is just silly!

  4. Oh no not gut rot Keisha! Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. I wouldn´t have eaten that weird stuff in your bowl eiteher !!
    Are having einternet problem over here , that´s why I havent been commenting for a while.
    Keep my paws crossed that they really have fixed the problem now !!

  6. What are they trying to feed you? It looks like they should have served that with a spoon, CK. Protest time!

  7. I know, I know. They said "but it's GOOD for you!" Did you run away after the pic?

  8. Gut rot! I wonder how it taste like.It does look good, but as you said, looks can be deceiving :-)

  9. As Sparkle said, that is some scary stuff! Was TW sober when she fed you?

  10. What are you eating - it doesn't look much like mouse casserole.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  11. The Hotties won't eat anything with pumpkin or peas in it. So I can't say I'm shocked. Mini suggests Natural Balance Salmon, though. But not her cans of it, of course. ;)

  12. But that does look very yummy! We love soupy stuff. :)

  13. Poor take out and get something good!

  14. Looks like Campbell's.
    ; )

    ...the girl is trying out something on me today too...I'm not buying it.


  15. What's that they're feeding you, CK?

  16. thanx CK for de cou ponn codes...we will chek out just4mypets....


    and GUARANTEED if that IZ IZ GUT ROT....noe ifz andz ore buttz...

    dont even smell it...ewe will end up with like a sign us infectionz frum smellin burd

    hope ewe haza grate week oh end !

  17. Gut rot?? CK, are you sure you're not English??? mol

  18. What's going on over there, Keisha. That stuff look terrible! I hope you are OK.

  19. What is this thing? It looks like human noodle soup or porridge. Beurk!

    CK, don't worry about not visiting. I am sorry I haven't visited much these past 2 weeks either. My human is super stressed out these days and she doesn't have time for my bloggie :-/


  20. CK, we'll take the gut rot We love chicken!!

  21. But it has PUMPKIN! Aren't we supposed to love pumpkin? That's what the Human says. She thinks she is gonna go get a big ole can for me. I can't wait! Pumpkin, shoe; shoe, pumpkin!

  22. Ewwww, it doesn't even look good. Those dang humans, trying to pump us full of veges and human food. Don't they know we're cats - give me meat any old day.

  23. Maybe a class on garnishing is in order ;)

  24. I think it's an outrage that all you got was LITTER after the Peeps' big shopping trip! And NUFFING at all from the Holy Temple of PetSmart? Pfft. Un-ac-cep-table!

  25. That goop looks downright disgusting. We wouldn't eat it. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  26. Around our house, the hairy slobbery sisters gets that stuff. They EATS it up!!!


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