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Let the Blogpaws Pawty Begin. Day 1

TW decided to leave me a day early this year. Her friend, Prudence Pup's Mom, was being sponsored by Rachel Ray's Nutrish and they were having a welcome dinner Wednesday night. Pru's Mom Theresa was driving TW down and had invited her to join them at dinner. Nutrish doesn't make cat food but they say it's something that they want to branch out into. Seeing how much Pru likes her food gets me to drooling thinking about how good Nutrish cat food will be. TW says the dinner was delish. We sat next to the famous Cat Chat Caren.

Their road trip in a few pics (you can click on any image to biggify it):

CK rocks the dashboard.

Checking the rearview mirror. All clear, BJC!

@Bunnyjeancook at the wheel and we're off!
Photo by Theresa O'Connell

Chillaxing safe and sound at the Sheraton.
Photo by Theresa O'Connell

Plush CK registered after breakfast with BJC and Georgetheduck at IHOP. The least TW could've done was get something with meat. Sigh. At registration, Plush CK ran into Amy, who escorted her to last year's Blogpaws, where they both walked the Red Carpet and then accepted my Nose to Nose Award. I was so happy to see her again.

Prudence, Seabass Cat, Amy & CK.

I wish I would've kept a note of all the friends I saw! My little kitty head was spinning. Everyone was at our first seminar about Sandy Hook and we had a real cool time seeing Ron Trotta and Schmitty the Weather Dog.

Then, OMC! My eyes glazed over. There he was in the plush fur … the love of my life; Parker Sax Kat. I swooned. His plush self was almost as gorgeous as his pictures. I hope plush me didn't disappoint him.

Parker and I sharing a kiss.

We met some celebrities, including Schmitty the Weather Dog, Teri and the cats from Curlz and Swirlz, and Flat Brian and his Dad, the wonderful artist BZTAT, my BFF Katie, Tiny Pearl Cat and Pepper Pom. Thanks to Teri for an ultra cool swag bag, Pepper for the Kitty Boink, and Prudence for the stunning pendant for TW. We got more gifts in the next few days to make up for the crappy Blogpaws swag bag.

Disco all duded up

OMC Coco has attacked BJC!

Katie, W2, Tiny Pearl Cat, Prudence, Parker, Panky join
me, George and BJC.

Thank you Lord for this meal I'm about to ingest.

Sitting on Brian's Dad's shoulder.

Schmitty the Weather Dog dressed to match Dad Ron Trotta

Please excuse us if we left anybody out. This was just the first day. We met many, many friends on Friday. Hopefully, we'll get that post up soon. TW is still kinda fried which makes her senility even worse. Then again, why should I be making excuses for TW?

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  1. It looks like you had lots o'fun.
    I am going next year so maybe I will meet your stuffed self?

  2. What a great time! Our Mom wants to go next year!

  3. My human is bummed she missed Thursday's sessions! She was very excited to meet your human! But I agree, the swag bag blew!

  4. Mum looks like you had a great time. Wish we had something like that over here. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. mol at the crappy blogpaws swag bag... sounds like such a terrific time! I so want to go next year! Maybe if I go I can get a CK plush autograph.

  6. What a fun you had! Did you enjoy the chic meall?

  7. So the swag bag was lacking swag!!! Should ask for your money back!!!

  8. Nice report, CK! Yeah, that swag bag was definitely, to put it nicely ... pretty light on cat stuff. It sounds like TW thought the best part was meeting all of the other bloggers (we agree)!

  9. glad ya getted ta meet up with all yur pals purrzons Ck & meet sum mew friends two !!!

  10. My Dad, the Flat and the Hat had fun with Plush CK and really enjoyed meeting TW, seriously CK, they did!

  11. It looks like a good time, swag or no swag, with so many blogging pals and other interesting people to visit.

  12. This is just great! I love CK looking out the car window! lol
    I LOVED sitting by you at Nutrish and meeting Therese (I think I just goofed up her name)
    Don't feel bad, I still haven't posted about BlogPaws yet! My head is always swimming after the conference!

  13. Our mom really enjoyed meeting your mom! We have a pic up of plush CK with Brian's dad on our blog too, but our mom couldn't remember who the plush CK was when she wrote the post. Too old, and no notes! A truly bad combination. She was so overwhelmed by meeting so many people and cool kitties. Purrs!

  14. CK, the mom managed to pilfer some cat food and treats for us when she was at BlogPaws too. Kinda made up for all the dog stuff in the swag bag.

  15. It looks like you had tons'o'fun, CK. The one next year near Las Vegas is close enough to us to drive to, but sadly the Human cannot just up and leave school for three or four days at this time of year. Sigh. She'll retire one of these days, though!

  16. Pawsome photos, CK!!!
    It was a blast getting to see everyone!

    But can you tell me why Waffles keeps yelling, "YO!" ???

    ; ) Katie

  17. Looks like you had a lot of fun at Blogpaws :)

  18. Awesome post. Plush CK and Plush Parker make one handsome couple that's for sure!

  19. LOVE the pictures - So good to see the pictures behind the words and tweets..


  20. LOVE the pictures - So good to see the pictures behind the words and tweets..



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