Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.
What is that on the table? I never saw that can before. Whoa! that looks like my pal Waffles Too from Glogirly on the can. It must be a holiday! Wonder if he had any of the turkey …
Hope you finished all your Black Friday shopping—wait, I still haven’t given you my Christmas list so you couldn’t have. Today I’m participating in the Caturday Art Blog Hop. I got my Venus Paradise coloring pencils out to do a very special sketch for y'all.
Can you believe this little ghetto kitteh has to work on Thanksgiving? It’s true. This week’s 52 Snapshots word is Thankful and what better day to give thanks but Thanksgiving.
This Thanksgiving, we are feeling very blessed and thankful. Even though the peeps have been having a trying year health-wise, we're thankful for this roof over our heads protecting us from the elements and Pop’s job that keeps food on our table and in my dish. We’re thankful for each day we wake up to.
Triangle Play Mat Review
Disclaimer: I received product in exchange for my fair and honest review. No money exchanged hands (or paws). is not responsible for the contents of this post. The opinions expressed herein are my own.
I am an active cat. Even though numerically I may be closer to a senior kitteh, I still play like a kitten. That’s why I thought the Kong® Triangle Play Mat for Cats would be a perfect toy for me. gave me the opportunity to give it a test drive. In the innerest of complete disclosure, Kong® isn’t our favorite brand but we believe in second chances.
If you saw my post Saturday, you’d know I love kibble. I’m passionate about it. In
This cat is passionate about many things but number one would have to be tattooing my peeps aka biting them. Week 47’s theme in the 52 Snapshots photo challenge is Passion.
Another thing I am passionate about is kibble. I’ll eat just about any brand of kibble. Of course, TW won’t give it to me except when I have to do a product review. Otherwise I get a spoonful twice a week. I’ll write more about my love affair with kibble next week. Let’s just say I’m so passionate about kibble that I’ll jump on the counter and get it myself.
Another thing I am passionate about is kibble. I’ll eat just about any brand of kibble. Of course, TW won’t give it to me except when I have to do a product review. Otherwise I get a spoonful twice a week. I’ll write more about my love affair with kibble next week. Let’s just say I’m so passionate about kibble that I’ll jump on the counter and get it myself.
This past week, my pals at Blogpaws® have been talking quite a bit about how to create perfect fotos on our blogs. I try to make sure mine are crisp and professional looking. We spend all week praying to the God of Photoshop: cropping, cloning, stippling (don’t ax), blurring, sharpening, checking tonal and color quality for each foto. But on Friday, I like to let my furs down and publish some unedited fotos that you guys choose. We all know that not every image comes perfect even though they appear that way.
One of the reasons TW loves to go to Yankee Stadium during the summer is to admire the look and smell of the gorgeous lush green field. Because the world revolves around me, she wonders WWCKD. What Would CK Do if she was allowed to run around on that nicely manicured grass? Would she get zoomies or would she stop and graze on the grass?
This post is sponsored by Pet Grass and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping create awareness about the launch of Whisker Greens but Stunning Keisha only shares information I feel is relevant to my readers. Pet Grass is not responsible for the content of this article.
For your reading pleasure, I’m posting a real live convo TW and I had several weeks ago. I know there are kittens who may see this, so I’m editing out
TW: CK, I just took those sheets out of the dryer. What …
CK: Is that why they’re so nice and warm. Thank you. I’m not gonna ax you why they’re not folded and put away. I think we both know the answer.
As always I’m participating in the Caturday Art Blog Hop and as always, we’re playing around with Photoshop actions cos they can do so much to a plain image. Can you believe TW wanted to hijack my art post by posting some cat picture she colored in some online program. That ain’t art, Woman!
This week we have a different spin on Foto Frenzy. When TW began working on the post, she couldn’t find her list anywhere. Being the lazy s.o.b. she is, she refused to go back over the last few weeks to compile the list again. Instead we
Today is Veteran’s Day in the U.S. of A. When was the last time you said “Thank you” to one of our veterans?
TW always sez that people are quick to write reviews or complain to companies when an item doesn’t meet their expectations but slow to comment when an item exceeds them. This review falls into the first category—in her opinion.
Fall is the time of year when a ghetto cat’s fancy turns from baseball to b-ball. |
They say when cats fall, they always land on their feet. I’m here to tell you, that’s not the whole story. The truth is cats never fall. Read it and weep. That time Faith “fell” out of Gramma’s second story window? I’m sure she knew what she was doing. (No cat was hurt.) At least that’s what I’d like to believe. I’d like to believe that cats aren’t as clumsy as, say, my Pop.
Welcome to another Friday at La Casa Keisha. C’mon in. The nip is fine and the toys are flowing. Wait, did I get that right? I have a great crop of fotos to share with you today. They have to be great cos two of them were picked by more than one cat. More than one CK fans can’t be wrong.
I’m honored once again to be a peace blogger. For this, my fifth year participating in BlogBlast for Peace, my Peace Globe is dedicated to the great men and women who have dedicated their lives to the cause of peace. I’m including quotes by a few of them. This is in no way inclusive so don’t get insulted if your favorite peace quote isn’t included. BlogBlast for Peace was started in 2006 by Mimi Lenox. She wanted to know what would happen if all bloggers everywhere signed their name across an Earth globe and posted about peace on the SAME DAY with the title Dona Nobis Pacem.
Last Thursday cats all over the universe celebrated National Cat Day with treats, good noms and new toys. What did this kitteh get? Squat, that’s what.
I axed for Chinese takeout for dinner. Did the peeps honor my request? No. They got a chicken parm sammich. Yuck. Human gut rot! Totally inedible for this cat. I axed for new toys, a new scratching post or a new cat tree cos goodness knows I don’t have enough. What do you suppose showed up on our doorstep?
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