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Tunnel Vision Art

Tunnel Vision Art

As always I’m participating in the Caturday Art Blog Hop and as always, we’re playing around with Photoshop actions cos they can do so much to a plain image. Can you believe TW wanted to hijack my art post by posting some cat picture she colored in some online program. That ain’t art, Woman!

I love love love my Tunnel of Pain & Suffering (that would be TW’s pain and suffering). TW likes to photograph me in said tunnel but they usually come out blurry, dark or laser eyes when she tries flash. I decided to fix one of those images by using my artistic skills. In the art above, I first added the Craquelure texture in PS  and then applied an Action called Hudson, which I thought made it look more like a painting.

Here it is without the Hudson action. It’s most definitely lacking something in My Stunning Opinion.

Tunnel Vision Art

We then loaded some Glitch Actions cos we liked the name—heh heh—and played around with them. The one I settled on was called AntiCMOS. I wasn’t sure I liked all the green in the art image so I messed around in the settings and added a bit of blue. Yeah, that was the finishing touch. Four Keishas, no waiting.

Tunnel Vision Art

Have a pawsome rest of the weekend. Are you planning anything big?

Thanks to Athena and Marie for hosting the pawsome Caturday Art Blog Hop every week. Without it, TW would still be clueless about photoshop. Stop by the see some creative anipals strutting their newest art images.

Would you like to comment?

  1. My brain is a-sploding trying to decide what of the four tunnels has the *real* CK. XOXOXO

  2. *which* I *said* which, really I did. But the stoopy secretary typed what. Phhftt. More incompetence.

  3. Oh how dramatic CK..and four Keishas sounds like something you would order from the bakery...delish! Loves Fozziemum xxx

  4. Four Keishas sounds like a pawfull! TW might get the vapours!! mol You do look like a painting. Captured for pawsterity!! ;)

  5. Wowwie! Grrl Furrend! Yous looks spectacular! But which is the real yous???
    Nellie at Mommy's Blog

  6. Very nice art. The more of you, the better :)

  7. I like the first one the best. I also would like to join you in your tunnel, CK.

  8. Great artwork, CK! I want a tunnel, you're very lucky.

  9. We love it.....we're going to have to try Glitch Actions!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. Four CKs? How cool is that! We love your art this week.

  11. Excellent job. The photo went from having a mundane composition (not the subject) to being an interesting piece of art.

  12. Love the artwork. Pretty cool tunnel too.

  13. Great fun!! Our human could fool around all day on Photoshop if we let her... which we don't... a cat does have to eat, you know? Purrs from the Zee/Zoey kitties!

  14. You look so cute in your tunnel! I think that quad at the end is super cool and arty.

    I hope you some fun with your Kong mat. Unfortunately, Pierrot tore off the mousie so now it holds even less fun for him.

  15. Great art images! It's really good use of blurry, dark photos!

  16. We fink you look stunnin' as always in all da fotos CK. As fur plans, we plan to stay in and dwy. It's stormin' here like nopawdy's bizness. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  17. Hi darling, Blue pillow space available. The Human vacuumed today so it's not too furred up in here. Not that there's anything wrong with furs of course. XOXO

  18. That's some awesome art, CK!

    Wow ... FOUR of you? That's a whole lotta stunningness! :)

  19. Very artistic! You are, as always, stunning!

  20. No surprise you are a true artist CK, stunning and lovely in every way. What would TW do without you to serve and worship daily?

  21. I *do* love brushies, but sometimes when she follows me around like that it just creeps me out. Ya know? XOXOXO


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