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Frenzy With Furrends

Frenzy With Furrends

This past week, my pals at Blogpaws® have been talking quite a bit about how to create perfect fotos on our blogs. I try to make sure mine are crisp and professional looking. We spend all week praying to the God of Photoshop: cropping, cloning, stippling (don’t ax), blurring, sharpening, checking tonal and color quality for each foto. But on Friday, I like to let my furs down and publish some unedited fotos that you guys choose. We all know that not every image comes perfect even though they appear that way.

When I told Pop I didn’t have a pawsome lead foto this week, he threw out the number 3783 off the top of his head. I went to the archives and it was a winner. Part of a seven foto series where I’m contemplating my silvervine fish at the head of Pop’s bed. I won’t tell you whether I was talking to it or not. TW caught me at a very vulnerable moment to say the least.

Frenzy With Furrends

#1055 was chosen on Facebook by my good Twitter furrend Fusa. It shows a very agitated CK turning her back and saying no more pics. I’ve got the fluffy “Spitty” tail to prove that I meant business. The foto after it was chosen not too long ago. Of course, had I been really angry, my tail would have been twice as bushy.

Frenzy With Furrends

Is that you off to the side, Spitty? Yep, the wonderful Spitster opted for #1836 where I appear to be looking over my shoulder at TW. I’d just finished eating and she came at me with that flashy box. Not much else to say about this foyer shot.

Sorry these fotos don’t have very inneresting stories but it is what it is. Tomorrow I’ll tell you what I’m passionate about so don’t miss it. But now I want to know what agitates you.

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  1. You look pretty put out in the last two, CK!

  2. Not being let out in the morning to perform our yard patrol agitates me and Mr. Chivers. It's only for an hour or two. Then it's back in for more food, naps and litterbox time. MOL, Tabitha

  3. Your photos are beautiful, CK ! Mum doesn't have Photoshop, she does what she can do with Photos from Apple. Purrs

  4. Great photos CK! I can't decide which is the best. You are just a dang good lookin' kitty but you know that.


  5. I like that first photo of you. What really agitates me is my mum. Every morning and every night when I have my pills, my cat flap gets closed for half an hour. My mum knows I want to go out in the garden and nom some grass so I can yak my pills back up.

  6. Hmmm...not much agitates Mudpie! Probably just when I don't pay as much attention to her as she needs me to :)

  7. All your photos are great even if they are not edited.

  8. Those are great photos even if they don't have interesting stories.

  9. Those are very interesting shots CK. Even tho you think they not be perfect, they look pretty good to me. I've not ever seen you in a bad photo yet.

  10. Your Pop really picked a great photo C.K., but we like all three. Mom says that there's nothing that will save most of her photos, which is one of the reasons she likes Caturday Art so much! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. In that first one you look very fetching, CK! Your street cred has just plummeted!! I get agitated by many things! Where shall I start? Oh, gosh! I dunno! Ummm? People who vacillate? ;)


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