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The arms of love

Happy Pop's Day to my Pop. I love you, Pop. You were always my favorite even though I sleep with TW and follow her around all day. It doesn't get much better than being in the arms of love.

Some important housekeeping items:

You have a few more days to enter the drawing for the $20 gift card. Everyone is eligible. Post a comment here and tell me you want to be entered.

Thanks you to those who have nominated this little ghetto kitteh's blog——for a Petties Award in the Funniest Blog or Blogger category and help your favorite shelter win a $10,000 grant. It's win-win. Go to to nominate me daily.

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  1. Happy Father's Day to your human, CK! My human's boyfriend is a dog person, so there is no love lost there.

  2. Happy Father's Day to your Pop, CK!
    We love that second picture of you with your Pop. :)

  3. Happy Fathers' Day to your dad Keisha and have a serene Sunday too.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Happy Father's Day to your pop CK. I know you loves him as much as I loves mine! We keep nominating you. Good luck!

  5. That is a beautiful wish and photo

  6. Happy Father's Day to your Pop! We know you love him lots, and he loves you, too.

  7. Awww - Happy Father's day to your Pop!

    cats of wildcat woods

  8. Happy Pop's Day !! :) You are daddy's girl, but you know who has the tin opener!! ;)

  9. Happy Father's Day to your Pop.

    The Paw Relations

  10. Awwww... what beautiful pics of you and your Pop!
    Happy Father's Day!

  11. We're both daddy's girls, CK. We know where to find the good lovin'.
    Happy Fathers Day to your sweet Pops!
    Get lots of love in today : )

    xo, Katie

  12. Those are both great, loving pictures, CK. Even YOu seem to have softened your tough demeanor. You better watch your Pop doesn't get stolen away by some other kittehs, because he looks like a super guy.

  13. Happy Father's Day to your Pop and to wonderful Pops everywhere!

  14. Happy Father's Day sweet CK. I love seeing you in your Pop's arms. I know love when I see it and there is sweetest love expressed on his face. Yours too. You are smiling. xoxo

  15. OMC our Mom got all leaky eyed by that sweet pic of you and your Dad.

    Happy Father's Day to your

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Happy Father's Day to your Pop! The pictures of you in his arms are so sweet. That's truly arms of love :-)

  17. CK, those are such sweet pictures of you and your Pop. Happy Cat Daddy Day to him.

  18. What great pictures of yous snuggling with your Daddy!
    Happy Daddy's Day!

  19. Oh that 2nd picture is just the sweetest thing EVER. And you pretend to be such a tough girl! Just lookit this sweet moment!!! Happy Dad's Day to your Dad!

  20. Aw, that is so sweet, CK! Happy Pops Day to your awesome Pop!

  21. Very sweet! Happy Cat Daddy day!

  22. OHHHHH CK!! we never get to see your Pop and he looks like such a wonderful man! These photos were just the BEST!
    Hoping you all had a great Father's Day!
    Cody and Caren

  23. The love emanating from the photos is astounding. Catdads are just the very best. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

    Mom said to let you know that she'd like to enter the drawing for the gift card.

  24. CK - this is beautiful. Really really lovely.


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