You make up names for them. It all started in the old house. Grampa used to do it. He had a really loud voice and he would sit on the porch and gossip with his friend George. So no one would know who they were talking about, they made up code names for everyone. The women next door were The Nice One, Cedda and Grandma. Half the time TW got them confused.
The peeps continued the tradition. Now they don't know any of the neighbors' names so cue the code names. There's "Bunhead" and you can guess why he's called that. "Twinkletoes" sounds like a herd of elephants when he walks down the hall. The people with the messy yard are alternately known as "The Hippies" and "The Vampires" cos they usually come out after dark and their skin is so white, it's translucent.
We have "Crazy Lady" and a host of other characters around here. Being as this is a PG as well as a PC blog, I can't tell you all the code names.
My job is to keep the peeps informed. I look out the window and tell them what's going on. "Bunhead is home!" "There's a male vampire in their yard." "What's that strange new thing in the Vampires' yard? It looks like a UFO." "There's someone on the Red Robe balcony."
Try it, it's fun. What would your neighbor's code name be?
MOL! Our humans have some special secret code names for some of the neighbors, too.
ReplyDeleteMOL MOL! We do the same thing. There's The Hungarian (we like him cuz he's a democrat), the Chinese, the other Donna, the Tree Scalpers, the Plastic Porch People (also democrats so ok), the Trump Nuts (who fly a Trump flag) . . . well, you get it.
ReplyDeleteI'm staying at my sister's house, we have lived in this neighborhood for 45 years. So we have the people that live in Ma's house (directly across the street from us) the jerks in Foster's (drug dealers) the guy in Orsi's and his tenant,the lady on the second floor. Some of the neighbors have been here as long as us so they have real names. ;)
ReplyDeleteCK, we call one neighbor by the word on his license plate, which is "Purdue U"! LOL!
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm feeling a little uncreative - we just say, the family who live in Bob's old house, etc.
ReplyDeleteMy human doesn't even know what her neighbors look like, except for the ones next door to us - and she (sort of) knows their names. Blame it on the layout of the house - we can't easily see people coming and going.
ReplyDeleteMy hubby and I do this all the time. Our worst one is torpedo -----, a lady that jogs by in body hugging clothes. :) XO
ReplyDeleteWe do know most of our neighbor’s names, but the lady next door (her actual name is Joy) would be “Doesn’t have an inside voice.” Sort of how the American Indian’s named themselves. Glad you are on lookout CK to keep your peeps informed. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
ReplyDeleteDipwad is the neighbor we have who hates cats.
ReplyDeleteHa, you and Olive like to keep us humans informed. What would we do without you?
ReplyDeleteR namez iz way diffrunt; livin bye de sea like we due; R namez all bee "sailor talk"... if ya catch R drift... & now we knead ta end with de...... stoooopid jokez
According to TBT, most of our neighbors Code Names are "idiot".
ReplyDeleteToo funny! No question, our nearest neighbor would be BIG MOUTH, but he would likely know we were talking about him! He's the loudest person in an otherwise quiet neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of Angel Madi's family mailman "Not Earl."
ReplyDeleteWe only have one neighbour so we use their names for them, but we do have code names for some of the people who keep their horses with us.
ReplyDeleteAs you say, your blog is PG as well as a PC so I can't tell you their code names.
CK, do you wonder what names your neighbors have for TW and Pop? ;)
ReplyDeleteThat is too funny - what a fun game!! We don't really have any close neighbors, though there are some young guys who drive by on loud motorcycles and pick-up trucks, and we have some choice names for them. "Idiots" would be the only ones we could share. :)
ReplyDeleteJan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets
This is too funny. A staff member here just moved recently and they don't know their neighbor's names yet. We are going to tell them to start making up nicknames for them. Thanks for the share. Have a great day. Keep an eye out for them.
ReplyDeleteWorld of Animals
Err ... I'm not sure I should say those kinds of words on your blog ...