Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Feral Friday: A Post About a Cat

Hola Kitties! Last week I noticed that even though I poured my heart out to you guys, all the comments were directed at TW. This is NOT her blog so I've banned her from writing about her troubles and foibles so maybe you'll comment on ME and this stunning photo. I still haven't gone into this igloo since Aunt Pauline passed away so now Pop stuffed a bunch of my toys in it so I can't. Bah!

Feral Friday: A Post About a Cat

I did use TW's plastic card to pay off a debt. We received 33 comments on my Gotcha Day commentathon post for Maria's Cats. I added a few bucks to even out the number. Thanx to everyone who commented and especially those who donated.

Pet photo fails

We haven't participated in photo fails for a few months but TW didn't delete this pic so I can share it. A few years ago, Aunt Wanda sent us a package which included this Valentine handkerchief. Every once in awhile The Woman gets a jag on and tries to make me wear it like a skirt or something.

Feral Friday: A Post About a Cat

Instead, it's a fail and so is the Happy Holidays area rug. I said "no thanks" and walked away and let the handkerchief fall off.

The Pet Photo Fails blog hop was created by Roby Sweet and is now graciously hosted by Mudpie and Melissa over at Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows. Please link up your photo fails on her page so we can all get a laugh out of them.


Now it's time for Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs—need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are boldface. This week my image relates loosely to number one.

Feral Friday: A Post About a Cat

1. Getting a new tunnel is the happy-est I have ever been. I couldn't wait to run back and forth through it and I still do every day as much as I can. Of course, the tunnel pictured above was the one she crushed NOT the new one. She claims there aren't good shots of the new tunnel. Now whose fault is that?

2. I really hate going to the stabby place. Where else? TW hates going to her stabby place too. I guess I'm lucky that I only go once a year rather than every three weeks although she got a reprieve this week.

3. While most people cats sit on laps, I prefer to sit next to Pop. I'll never be a lap cat.

4. I'm glad that the interwebs was invented. Otherwise, only my peeps would be able to enjoy my stunningness. Also, the cat who came before me tell me there was no Chewy and no option to order cat food online back in the day. They had to settle for store brands. Ack!

Caturday Art

A splash of paint here and a splash of paint there and we're finished. It's fun to sit on Pop's papers and even more fun to turn it into art. I added the oil paint filter here but not on the puzzle.

Feral Friday: A Post About a Cat

Caturday Art is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase the latest art by anipal artists using the many different digital apps, Photoshop or original art.


Feral Friday: A Post About a Cat

This flashback from 2015 was pulled from a video of Pop giving me brushies. I sure enjoy my brushies and I enjoy my Pop too. I'll bet I was purring up a storm and making air biscuits.

Would you like to comment?

  1. You do look very happy getting your brushies! Your art as always is lovely. I hope TW's shoulder is improving. I am still able to do the puzzles but much slower than I used to. My right hand and my brain don't always think along the same lines since the TIAs.

  2. CK, I drape different things over each cat too; it's just too much fun!
    Surprisingly, Sweetie doesn't seem to give a fig, considering she's the most feral of our three, while Da Boyz get fussy and try to get out from under.
    Again, you art is amazing, and I'm off to play the puzzle; thank you!

  3. Cool art, CK! It shows off your stunning mess very well!

  4. That kerchief is quite adorable. Perhaps your mom would let you use it as a bed instead?

  5. Those were good fill-in answers CK and such a fun photo fail. Your art is amazing and that flashback photo is soooooo cute!

  6. I'm also glad that the interwebs was invented so we can see your stunningness! Olive also prefers to sit off to the side. She sometimes gets in our laps and then catches herself - like what am I doing?

  7. ck; ewe iz stunning & all wayz will bee ... noe matter if TW triez ta hog de blog....yur stunning nezz out shinez any activatee her or popz triez...rememburr that....& we gotta say we iz glad de interwebz waz inn vented all sew; otherwize ewe wooda never been abe bull ta show caze CK MERLOT bak in 20?? ♥♥♥ { sew we dunno why we iz rite now thinkin bout wine but what de hay !! }

  8. We like your multi-holiday photo!!! Thank COD for the interwebs!!!

    Your art was great and thanks for the puzzle.

  9. CK you are too cute and no matter what you say, we still worry about TW! xoxo

  10. You look so happy in your tunnel, CK. I too nip when I'm displeased but just enough to let mom know I'm not pleased. The older I get the less I want to show that I'm the best. They should know this by now.....I am 14.


  11. I love the last photo of you on your side- I want to snorgle that tummy and I would dare to try. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. No cat or human likes the stabby place. I am glad the internet was invented too so I can admire your stuningness. That was a cute photo fail, Your art is beautiful. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  12. You look cute in a skirt! Totally agree about the internet, but Mudpie really thinks you should give laps a try.

  13. Scylla prefers to sit on the back of the couch, so she can whap Mom's neck when she feels like it. In fact Yin is the only real lap cat around here. Mom says you might know it would be the cat that weighs the MOST.

  14. Your Caturday art makes us think of the sea and windy beaches. Lovely fail, Mrs H hasn't tried to do anything like that for ages, but if she did, the result would be a huge fail and sliced fingers for supper, MOL

  15. So, OK, we are s'posed to comment today on you, and only you, so here's our best shot. 1. First pic: very nice, you may sleep now. 2. June says good job CK, maybe if the dress had a bit more glitter and glam it would be worthy of you, but since not ... 3. I've only been to the stabbing place once, can't say much about it (sorry that TW goes so much), oh, sorry wasn't s'posed to mention "her" today. 4/5. My mom bought food store foodz cause both Chewy and the great Amazon delayed stuff, it was not my fave, I did not eat it. She remembers computer without innernets she says, she's old. 6. You are pretty artified. But you are pretty unartified too. 7. And you were pretty in 2015 and you are probably pretty now too, I s'pose but I don't think I have seen a 2022 picture of you so I am not sure. So, I hope I did a good job talking about you today and not about TW. But my mom says I must say "hi TW", so Hi, TW. Bye. June

  16. Hi CK! We know all about Peeps and their bringing up their "stuff" on our blog! We LOVE your Fill-ins and your FAIL is NOT a fail in our books! And your Art/puzzle rocks! We went and did it and Mom had the best time. I miss you sweetheart! I hope I am back online posting (and commenting) soon! BTW, I too am not a lap cat though I do sometimes want Mom to pet me and I will sit there for a few minutes. Purrs Your Marvelous Marv

  17. CK, your art looks fab, and we love that flashback of you getting brushies from Pop. So sweet!

    Congratulations on the successful fundraiser for Maria's Cats. XO

  18. Fancy trying to make you wear that handkerchief thingy! TW really should have known better!
    That pic of you receiving brushies from Pop is so furry cute.
    And your art is truly stunning, which is not surprising, considering the meowdel.

  19. I like that handkerchief, CK, it looks stunning, just like you💗 Your artwork is absolutely colourful as well, can't wait to do the puzzle. I know this bloggie is yours, but I just want to leave some Healing Pawkisses for your TW, just in case she needs them ;) Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞


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