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Feral Friday: Short and Feral

Hola kitties! No, I'm not short. I'm long in physique and personality. I'm an imposing figure but this is gonna be a short Feral Friday. TW's torn/strained pectoral muscle bothers her too much when she's on the computer. We've been limiting her time. Unfortunately, she can't do the jigsaw puzzles she loves or comment on my furrend's blogs. Neither of us are happy. She's been trying to use her left hand to steer the mouse rather than the right but that has it's limitations. We're gonna start with art and then follow with fill-ins.

Feral Friday: Short and Feral

TW is normally left-handed but learned to use the mouse right-handed. She's actually weak lefty since the only things she really does with the left paw is write and use a fork. She definitely is an oddball. I don't think I favor any paw although most of the cats before me were lefties.

Caturday Art

I'm using a style I've used a couple of times before for my art. It's colorful. Lookit how big TW's hand looks as she's feeding me a treat. No wonder I bite her. Can you blame me?

Feral Friday: Short and Feral

Caturday Art is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase the latest art by anipal artists using the many different digital apps, Photoshop or original art.

Friendly Fill-ins

Now it's time for Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs—need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are boldface. This week my image relates to number three.

Feral Friday: Short and Feral

1. It's about time I got some attention around here. I'm always being ignored. The other day I walked across Pop's keyboard while he was on a Zoom call with his "boss" to get some attention.

2. An anecdote I like to tell is that I pooed every day this month. Dunno what an anecdote is but I do like telling the peeps about my poo streak. Wait, an anecdote isn't one of those things you take when you poison yourself, is it? Well, either way I'm sticking to my answer.

3. I wish there was a way to open a cat food can without thumbs.

4. Too many people take ME for granted. They think I'll always be here. People also think that cats such as myself are low-maintenance. I am not.

Gratuitous Flashback Foto

Feral Friday: Short and Feral

In this pic from 2013 I'm having fun with a mod kicker. Dunno what happened to it. BTW, this is as far as I roll over. I don't lay on my back.

Would you like to comment?

  1. CK, how about a paw-massage, sans claws on TW's petcoral muscle, sans bitey, too. Might be a good for her, but we do not suggest any catupuncture be included causing further hurty. We is so very sorry about the damages she has sustained, it is not good to feel bad and we feel bad that she feels bad, so we have put our paws together for her. Mine Mommy said that old thing, "lefty loosey, righty tighty", is that an exercise? Would it help, like swinging the cat around by the tail ... ha, just a joke that's not funny.
    I likes your pikshurs. Be a good cat to TW, you know you can if you try ... what? Well, just try harder.

  2. CK, I'm glad you walked across the keyboard!
    Show 'em all who really is the alpha in the house.
    On the other hand, I'm glad that my office is in Sweetie's Apartment, and she doesn't jump up onto my desk. She does howl during Zoom meetings, however.
    Love your art, off to puzzle...thank you!

  3. I am sorry TW is in so much pain. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I thought Pop was retired? That was sweet of you to walk across the keyboard. I am sorry you feel like people take you for granted. I think your folks treasure every moment with you. Cute flashback photo and I love your colorful art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

    1. Me again- I meant to congratulate you on your pooping regularity. :) XO

  4. I'm so sorry TW is having so much trouble and I hope she's better soon! Love the photos of you CK, and your art is vibrant and beautiful!

  5. We totally agree CK. They should make wet catfood with easy sliding lids for our convenience.

  6. Poor TW, I hope you are really taking good care of her CK. I sure would never take you for granted, we cherish your friendship. Those were good answers too.

  7. We think it's great that you pawticipated in the Zoom call. We hope TW is better soon and are proud of you for pooing every day! We hope you are here for a long, long time.

    The art is great and thanks for the puzzle.

  8. I am sorry TW is having so much pain from her shoulder and hope it soon improves. I am still trying to do puzzles but am a lot slower than I used to be. Since I had the strokes my hand doesn't do what I want it to and sometimes clamps on the mouse and makes the whole puzzle go red and move when I don't want it to.Other times the mouse just falls out of my hand. I wish it would make up it's mind. I am not complaining though because the TIAs could have left me with much bigger problems.

    1. I forgot to say that your art is lovely and I will try the puzzle later. I find bright colours easier. Best wishes to TW.

  9. We hope TW is better soon - does it impinge on her can opening skills ?

  10. I hope TW feels better soon. And somehow, I feel like you receive a lot of attention, CK. But I guess the more the better!

  11. Oh, I bet your Pop was thrilled that you tried to help during his Zoom conference. Purrs for TW that her sore muscle heals quickly.

  12. Love that flashback photo! Pooing every day this month is definitely an achievement ;)

  13. CK, your artwork is pretty cool. I’m sorry TW is having issues. I hope you’re taking good care of her.

  14. We, too, hope TW feels better soon. Your artwork is colorful and lovely, and that flashback foto is the cutest thing ever! Re: your anecdote thing- not to be gross, but is "poo streak" the same as a skid mark? I dunno, just something dad made a comment about...

  15. Hey, CK..does feral mean you're a wild woman? Inquiring minds want to know!!
    Meow! ~ Tom xxx
    PS - Give TW a coupla smoochies for us with our hopes she feels better!

  16. Nice art, CK. We are sorry TW is hurting. We hope she is feeling stronger real soon. In the meantime, nice job making that cameo on Pop's Zoom call!

  17. So sorry TW has so much pain. Will send and Extra Healing Pawkiss her way to feel better soon🙏 Your artwork and answers to the fill-inns are just purrfect, CK. I think better no bitey for TW now, maybe you try a lickety lick instead...MOL...Pawkisses for a Happy, peaceful Sunday to the both of you🐾😽💞

  18. CK, We find it hard to believe anyone has the nerve to ignore Y O U! What a chutzpah!!!

    We are sorry TW is in pain. Purrhaps you could hold off with the biteys till she has recovered?

    Your art is lovely - colourful indeed.

  19. We hope TW is feeling better soon. Happy Sunday!

  20. Poor TW! Our Mom feels her pain! Mom has arthritis in her right shoulder from when she was a bar maid and she broke her left shoulder a few years ago. With the weather she has trouble with BOTH arms. She whines (worse than Cinnamon). We have not been commenting or posting because she has been busy on the "save our elementary school" committee. Truth be told, we will be happy when we get to visit and comment again. (and when the cold and winter is ended so Mom quits whining). Sending TW healing purrayers and we are glad to see that you are being YOU! Love ya grrl furrend! Your Marv

  21. ck; we iz crackin UP at fill in ZOOM ~~~~~~~~~~ ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
    yur flash bax fotoz most bee ewe tee uz ;)
    we hope TW iz like way better... rite now ...& $#!tz haz pazzed
    & her noez what we speek of ~~~♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  22. You look like your having fun with that kicker.
    Love your feed mat.
    We also love your Caturday Art * Fill-In Answers.
    Yes, you may have to retrain your human not me they know better.


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