Hola kitties! Did you have an eventful week? I hope it wasn't too exciting and
you got in the required cat naps. What does the post title mean? Wouldn't you
like to know! Do your humans use acronyms around the house? They may do it to
keep you from knowing what they're talking about. Mine do it as kind of a code so
when I recently saw a meme on Facebook and although that one are for cats, I thought about our's.
I don't consider myself a spoiled cat but some might. For instance, when I'm eating, the peeps have to SIP as in Shelter in Place cos if anyone moves, I stop eating and walk away from my food. At least one of them has to stand at attention right next to me and the other must stop wherever they are in the condo. TW seems to be better at this than Pop.
This is followed by CAT, one of my least faves as it stands for Cat at
Trough. I'd much prefer CAB (Cat at Bowl) or CAD (Cat at Dish).
I'm not spoiled. Listen to this. Usually TW will bring my food dish to
wherever I want to eat. Tonight she actually said "What to you think this is?
Uber Eats?" How rude.
Fine, Woman. Just bring my food to the Litter Box Lounge and we're even.
Friendly fill-ins
Now it's time for Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which
is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing
Four Legged Furballs—need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They
think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are boldface. This
week my image relates to number three.
1. I would rather smell a skunk than smell
2. Every March I look forward to window whiffies and allergies. Unfortunately they go paw in paw. I don't look forward to Lent and no meat on Wednesday and Friday. The peeps aren't really religious but figure this makes up for everything. Yeah, peeps, make the cat suffer and go hungry.
3. I knew I would be sleeping with TW the moment that I laid on her pillow top mattress. Pop is my fave but his firm mattress is hard as cement.
4. My tunnel is currently my silver lining. Running through it fuels my sanity.
Caturday Art
I'm proud of my art this week. So proud, I couldn't decide which one to
publish. They're both a flashback of my guarding Fort Keisha.
Caturday Art is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase the latest art by anipal artists using the many different digital apps, Photoshop or original art.
That is funny to think of your people not daring to move while you eat. When I fed Eric and Flynn nothing would keep them away from their dishes. Both art versions are lovely.
ReplyDeleteZOP. (means zoolatry on pause, which we are) but no way can friday go by without us stopping by to say hi
ReplyDeleteCK, we humans must watch Da Boyz when they eat, because CB gobbles his food while Manny hasn't even gotten halfway!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful art, both of them, and I'll enjoy the puzzles.
Interesting answers, CK, and I really love both versions of your art this week!
ReplyDeleteyou definitely ARE spoiled CK!!!! FYI my Angel Bobo used to have that Garfield placemat too!!! LOVED the cat texts OMC TOO FUNNY!!!!!!! Loved your artwork as well! xoxo
ReplyDeleteck we like art peace two this week; makez ewe look az stunning & feerce in car toon life az ewe iz in reel life.....
ReplyDeleteN hay; knot onlee due we haz that garfield mat; but tuna....if him waz drinkin waterz, N he saw sum one watchin him; he wood quit...
and cuzin daiz...when her foodz dish iz down....everee one better play "statue" at that eggs act moe mint in time and stay that way til herz finished with her meel....
{ makes it ruff if a purrson waz like bendin over ta say...tie ther shoo...talk bout sorta kinda head rush when they can stand bak up~~~~~~~~ ☺☺
Those were darn good answers CK and we love that art! SIP? Imagine that with 4, it happens at mealtime here too!
ReplyDeleteYour humans should freeze while you eat, you don't want them making any noise to disturb your meal. Jake HousePanther has that pawprint dish, too. He doesn't like to eat out of anything else. I really like both versions of your art this week. They are really cool! Jake HousePanther never covers his poos either. He runs out of the litter box like his tails on fire, leaving the humans to suffer from his stink. I hope you have a good weekend!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful art! Mudpie is looking forward to window whiffies too. She already seems to have a touch of spring fever. When my Angel Sashi was eating no one dared move either because she would walk away. We have that Garfield mat too!
ReplyDeleteYour folks are so good to you to not move when you are eating. I love the acronyms for cats- surprised they didn't have MOL.
ReplyDeleteI am not that patient. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. We don't eat meat on Fridays during Lent and we give something up, but we don't go to church so hopefully it evens out. :) TW's mattress does sound better. I love both of your paintings, the first is my favorite. Thank you for 2 puzzles- you are spoiling us. XO
Nice art, CK! Your humans are SO accommodating - mine just gives me my food and expects me to eat it. Which I do, so I guess she gets off easy.
ReplyDeleteWe love them both but the top one is our favorite. The peeps are supposed to SIP when we eat to. Mom is the only one who understand this. Although we have to give the boy marks for trying. He had to leave for work while we were eating breakfast and instead of walking through the garage and disturbing us he went out the back door and walked around to his car and disturbed us.
ReplyDeleteAwesome artwork, CK! And we liked learning about the acronyms in your house. Nothing wrong with SIP -- you should not be disturbed when you are eating, right?
ReplyDeleteLove both those pics but the first is our fave :)
ReplyDeleteWe think your acronyms are great, CK.
ReplyDeleteWe also love your art. We have a furry slight prefurrance for the furrst one.
Sounds complicated at your house, CK. These acronyms would throw me but you understand it all. You are a smart one.
ReplyDeleteShoko andTyebe
I sometimes think I should just order out as Mrs H fails to predict my needs. But then, she does have tons of stuff to do elsewhere. But ,ike you, I dont like movement around me when I eat, well, not unless it's the food moving ;)
I didn't know you required stillness while you eat. You're lucky your humans do that for you instead of feeding you in a closet. Your arts are wonderful this week (as always) but I really like the first one.
ReplyDeleteYeah, um, I'm gonna say that you are spoiled, CK. Sorry. But it is well deserved.