Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Feral Friday: Random June News

Hola kitties! Hope you doing well and the hotz haven't caught you yet. It's not too bad here yet. These past couple of weeks TW has taken some timely/topical pics; but, of course, she never uploaded them to the computer. So what else is new? I'm gonna use this post to catch everybuddy up on the posts they never got to see when they were actually relevant. Think of it this way: I'm always relevant.

Feral Friday: Random June News

I hope you enjoy seeing them even though the special days are history and TW's photo skills are worse than ever.

Feral Friday: Random June News

June 4th was Hug Your Cat Day. TW did put her arm around me even if it doesn't look it. This was the second attempt after she tried and I bit her earlier in the day. Don't I look happy!

Feral Friday: Random June News

The peeps voted on the 8th and all I got to pose with was this lousy sticker. Our local elections usually aren't worth voting in unless there are questions. No one ever runs against the incumbents. This year, two progressives did. One was an educated woman from town. We need more educated women (and cats) in government so she got the peeps' vote even though they knew the party-backed candidate who happens to be the son of one of our senators would win. That's what democracy is—making your voice heard legally.

Feral Friday: Random June News

I got a little owie on my paw. Please excuse the shitty image. A front claw has grown exceptionally long but it hasn't grown into my paw pad. Actually it bothers the peeps more than it bothers me. Occasionally I lick it a lot. I still run and jump like normal. They're still trying to find a vet to take me to. There really are no cat-only specialty vets and many of the good ones aren't taking new patients.

Feral Friday: Random June News

Last, but most important, The Cat spent a day exploring Mars, the Red Planet. Do you think I was overdressed? This is my MTV statuette look. HAH! What a fantastic  experience! Everyone should try it and since I'm so kind I'll give you a link to do it. You'll need your own spacesuit.

Friendly fill-ins

Now it's time for Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs—need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are boldface. This week my image relates to number two.

Feral Friday: Random June News

1. A product I would endorse is the FURminator. Pop has been brushing me with one for years. I did review them at least once. As far as removing my precious furz off the bed and furniture, Pledge used to make an awesome product called the Pet Hair Fabric Sweeper but they got bought out and the product discontinued. TW bought a Chom Chom Roller but she still prefers the old reusable Pledge roller which I *would* endorse if they still made them. She's glad she bought Walgreens out of them on clearance. Since I'm NOT being paid to endorse them, I'm not providing links.

2. If I had a boat, I would name it either Cathy Keisha or Stunning Keisha. In fact, I *do* have a boat and I *did* name it Cathy Keisha (see above)

3. Choosing my own forever castle condo was one of the first times I truly felt like a responsible adult. 17 years later, I think I might have made the right choice. No matter what the peeps say, they didn't pick/adopt me, I adopted them. Of course had I known how fast they would age …

4. I struggle with change most especially when it relates to my food dish. I like a certain food dish and won't eat out of anything else. Apparently they don't make that particular dish anymore so the peeps better not break the ones I have. 

Caturday art

Welcome fellow Mars explorers! I made art out of a few of my pics. Since Pop loves doing puzzles, I've made three of them. Click the art.

Feral Friday: Random June News

I'm ready to blast off in pastels. Doesn't the "sky" or atmosphere look amazing? I thought so.

Feral Friday: Random June News

This one is in oils.

Feral Friday: Random June News

I couldn't resist using the Starry Night filter on this digital art.

Caturday Art is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase how talented us anipal artists are. We can use the many different digital apps, Photoshop or share original art.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Socks would only drink out of the water fountain in the garage so the Dad bought an identical one to put in the house. Guess what Socks wouldn't drink out of it and the Mom was mad because she hates the fountain in the garage cause it is a B**** to clean. The rest of us love the ceramic fountain Scylla won (it's broke right now we are hoping the Dad will fix it). We are months behind on our pictures, so we are impressed you are at least in the right month. Mom and Grandpa voted and they are really happy cause the incumbent is in a runoff. Mom thinks there is a good chance the incumbent will lose this year.

  2. Sigh. Either June or I usually comment. However, June is refusing to comment today. She came thinking the "post title" meant you were writing all about her, then got in a real huff and went to hide when she discovered that your "June News" had nothing at all to do with her! She's a bit sensitive (conceited) that
    way, sorry. As for this human, no cat of mine has ever had a fountain to drink from (too $$) a bowl on the
    floor is good enough in my humble opinion. Also having lived 23+ years in sight of KSC and Cape Canaveral launch pads we applaud your images ~ boom, countdown: 3.2.1 ... and we're go for launch!
    (ps the human refused to give up her "area code" when she moved north, it is still the awesome 321...)

  3. CK, our Manny just had a nail like yours, but his was curled into his poor paw pad a little! The Hubby and I ganged up on him, and clipped that nail off. He didn't hold it against us.
    Beautiful art today!

  4. Awesome artwork! I have my ticket for Mars, too. Have a good weekend!

  5. Love the artwork, CK! What an exciting Mars excursion! Meows today from us!

  6. gotta type fast ck… izzuez…yur artz rockin awesum and we
    total lee lovez yur boat snap shot ❤️❤️‼️‼️

  7. CK that is too funny about your food dish! I have never known a cat to only eat out of one dish!! You are so silly!

  8. We love your space art!! Like Ann, our area code is 321 which is a "courtesy" area code for the Space Coast. Your paw looks ouchie. We hope you can find a good vet soon.

  9. CK those Pet Hair f\Fabric Sweepers were great ! Our human used them a lot when she worked at a dry cleaners. Now that she stays home with us she doesnt mind a little (or a lot) cat hair anyway.
    That claw does look gruesome...I guess if it doesn't bother you...

  10. Very cool art! I actually wouldn't mind visiting Mars and staying there for awhile. Would probably be an improvement with the way things are here.

  11. Those were all interesting photos CK. The fill-in answers were good too and of course your art...WOW! Hey, the google statement that pops up about cookies is appearing in Dutch today, it's on every blogger blog. It says…

    Deze site gebruikt cookies van Google om services te leveren en verkeer te analyseren. Je IP-adres en user-agent worden met Google gedeeld, samen met prestatie- en beveiligingsstatistieken om servicekwaliteit te garanderen, gebruiksstatistieken te genereren, misbruik te detecteren en maatregelen te treffen.

    How weird is that?!?!

  12. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I think naming your boat after you is a great idea. I like the furminator too. I use it a lot on Emmy. I bet I could trim that one claw for you. My Drake gave me a very painful bite last night when I tried to break up a fight with him and Brody. I bet you don't bite that hard. I LOVE all your art. Thank you for the puzzles- my mom will enjoy them all too. And thank for the link to Mars, my hubby will love that. XO

  13. The art is awesome, CK! My human and I live in southern California, so we were pretty happy with most of the election results here.

  14. Mars! We have not been there in AGES...purrhaps when the Peep is not quite so busy...We have elections here in October. We will be voting for a new new village counsel and mayor and school board person. Judging how poorly the mayor and school bard guy performed this last term (especially around the closing of our local elementary school) we are sure there will be new people in those roles. (Heck, Mom was asked if she would run for mayor - you can bet we put the kibosh on that!) We LOVE your fill ins, that you love to bite your peep (Kozmo and I are the worst offenders here) and we can't wait to do the puzzles! We know we have even more to do when we finally get to jigsaw planet! It has been weeks!
    Sending you (and TW) our love and Happy Pop's Day to your Pop! Purrs Marv

  15. Great fill ins and lovely photos of you (apart from that claw). Your art is lovely too. Happy Father's Day to your Pop!

  16. CK, your art this week is the coolest! Good work by your pees to vote. My peeps vote in every single election, too. XO - Ava

  17. We love all your art, CK - especially Starry Night. Though it could just as easily be called Star of the Night - and you are the Star.

  18. I want to go on your boat, CK. I don't have one, but I have a plane, always ready to fly the friendly skies! Have a good week, sweetcheeks!

  19. My Momma takes so many pictures, she forgets about more than 75% of them. It's ridiculous! And she never downloads them to the computer either unless she wants a certain one! All that posing and our cuteness never makes it to the blog. I'm starting to think my talent is being wasted! ~Latte

  20. ck…happee werld cat day…we hafta leeve a commint heer coz we canna
    see de commint box ther…hope ewe N popz N Tw iz grate, we liked art
    peace number two ❤️💜

  21. MOL...can I come to Mars with you, CK, maybe by boat... I think that would be a lot of fun😸You are so right on the adoption, we always make that choise and let the peeps think it was theirs😹Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead and thank you for leaving some encourage comments on my bloggie. It's good to have so many caring furriends around🐾😽💞


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