Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Feral Friday: Pumpkin Spice Cat

Hola kitties! Do your humans wait all year until pumpkin spice season rolls around? Mine aren't fans of stuff like pumpkin spice coffee, ice cream, cereal, yogurt, candy, etc. but they do love them some pumpkin muffins, bread and homemade pumpkin pie. They also love them some real pumpkins.

Feral Friday: Pumpkin Spice Cat

The week before the elevator shut down, TW ordered a large pumpkin since Pop hadn't decorated yet. She superimposed a cutout of yours truly on the lead photo. She's been waiting for me to pose with it so we could show how big this gourd is. 

Feral Friday: Pumpkin Spice Cat

I wouldn't pose so finally she brought it on the bed for me to examine. I gotta say I couldn't care less. Isn't that so cat-like of me? 

Youse guys liked my art so much this week, I wanted to show you the more colorful one I worked on at the same time.

As if that wasn't big enough, TW ordered a "medium" pumpkin. What they delivered and carried up four flights of stairs was at least 20- or a hunnert-lbs, if not more. I wonder what we would have gotten if she ordered a "large" one. TW couldn't pick it up on her own. I was fascinated. I guess since she's such a good tipper, they gifted her the heaviest one in the patch. Don't expect to see this up on the bed anytime soon.

Feral Friday: Pumpkin Spice Cat

OK, I'm through with Halloween and pumpkins. Bring on the Thanksgiving turkey!

Friendly fill-ins

Let's answer some Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs—need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are boldface. This week my image relates to number one.

Feral Friday: Pumpkin Spice Cat

1. Blogging keeps me on my toes. It also keeps TW from playing with me. I hate it for that reason.

2. I know it's going to be a bad day when TW doesn't get up before noon. It means her treatment kicked her butt like on Monday. She did give me a short play sesh late in the day.

3. To me, a nekkid TW is one of the scariest things in the world. You can't unsee that. No image for this one.

4. Believe it or not, noise doesn't scare me. I hated noise but we have so much here that I've lost a lot of my hearing. I hear they are supposed to start the jack hammering on the elevator soon. It's been two weeks and everything has run fairly smoothly. They've been working in the elevator engine room so we haven't heard anything up here.

Caturday art

Does anyone out there love colorful art? Lemme hear you!

Feral Friday: Pumpkin Spice Cat

Youse guys liked my art so much last week, I wanted to show you the more colorful one I worked on at the same time.

Caturday Art is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase how talented us anipal artists are. We can use the many different digital apps, Photoshop or share original art.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Wow those are some enormous pumpkins, CK! I do love the art! I was a painter/mixed media artist before becoming ill. I love bold color! Putting lots of bright color together and making it work well takes skill!

  2. CK, I adore baked pumpkin seeds, so I've always tried to buy the biggest pumpkins, to get the maximum number of seeds!

  3. Those are some big pumpkins! Your art is very colorful, it looks great! Sending healing thoughts to everyone in your townhouse. Have a good weekend!

  4. That pumpkin does look big. I was given one once and made pumpkin pie. We didn't like it and I ended up throwing it away. I think I should have used more spice. Your art is lovely, and I like it when it is colourful.

  5. Your fill-in answers were great and those pumpkins are both pretty big to us. Your colorful art was great. Thanks for the puzzle!

  6. I used to love everything pumpkin but sort of got sick of it. Pumpkin overload! The only noises that scare Mudpie are animal sounds from the TV or computer. They leave her inconsolable.

  7. Those were good answers CK and purrfect art too, but of course, it's you. No pumpkin spice here, neither the Mom or the Dad are fans.

  8. Nice shots with the pumpkin. Glad someone carried it up for TW. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers except I am sorry you are deaf now. My Joanie is deaf too. It will be handy with the construction noises though. I am sorry TW's treatment knocks her down for a while. I hope you are extra sweet to her. XO

  9. All I have to say is "Gourd for you!" Though I pity the purrson that had to haul them all up those stairs. Your stunningness has been enhanced exponentially by your hypurr colored environment. Great piece of art, and great piece of cat.

  10. Wow, that is big! Thank goodness Mrs H only buys peas. Not that peas figure in halloween, but maybe they should? Anyways, you look awesome superimposed on that there orange thing. Maybe your staff will etch your fab features onto its surface to greart all the guests?

  11. My humans don't really like pumpkin spice stuff either, CK. But like TW and Pop, they do love things like pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, and yes, pumpkins. :)

    Your artwork reminds us of a beautiful impressionist painting. And we are glad the elevator project is going smoothly so far. We hope that continues! XO

  12. My mum sometimes puts some pumpkin puree in my food if I don't poo for a couple of days. Love your colourful art!

  13. Wow, what a huge pumpkin! (Mummy isn't really a fan of pumpkin but it is good in "orange" soup.)
    Your art is beautiful! So colourful and joyous!

  14. wowza!!! That pumpkin is HUGE!!! We don't have kids that trick or treat here, so I usually don't buy pumpkins. Maybe when my granddaughters are older I will.

  15. Give me some punkin bread or a punkin muffin, keep all the rest: yuk. And now that we lives in a 'partment and mine Mommy's front-porch is a thing of the past, no more real punks to carve. Wonder if that means no more Howl-O-Ween spirit? Probably not, since she called "MY" blog Boolatry this month. Like she can just make up words anytime she wants. Huh? What's that all about? Anyway this is short (if not sweet) cause some peeps are showing up in the lobby today to talk about health insurance and ".... knows" she needs new health insurance so she's going to go check it out, so sorry, gotta go now, bye bye. JUNE

  16. Why did I type a nice comment and it is not here?

  17. Oh, OK, I see now that comments must have approval! Is that new? I don't remember that from before ...

  18. COOL Pumpkins! Wowzers! Mom has not bought any this year. With the flooring and painting she was not sure that she would have time to do anything. At last the flooring is finished. Mom still has a ton of baseboards to paint though, so I imagine she will be crawling around for the next few months and maybe getting all the stuff that got moved around back where it belongs in time for Christmas . We have missed visiting the last week! Sending you purrs Your #1 Fan Boy Marv


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