Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Feral Friday: Peeping Keisha

Hola kitties! This has been the week that was. Was what? Don't ax me. It was hot or that's what Pop said when he went out. I guess that's why I sleep so much. I do do other stuff which is what this post is about. TW wanted me to change that "do do" but I'm leaving it cos everybuddy knows what I mean. Once again all fotos were taken this week so no file footage. Unlike the peeps, I don't look my age. I do some some breaking news that I saw while I was Peeping Keisha.

Feral Friday: Peeping Keisha

At least once I day I jump into the condo of my cat tree to peek out the window. TW's always wanted to get good pics of this drama.

Feral Friday: Peeping Keisha

But first I survey the landscape from outside the condo before I go in. Nope, don't see any lantern flies on the screen. Let's check from inside.

Feral Friday: Peeping Keisha

Sometimes I stare so intently, TW is wondering what I'm looking at/for and what I'm thinking. Whoa! Look what's going on! I can see out two windows at once—the cat condo and the main window. I'll bet Happy Hands is eating his breakfast on his terrace.

Feral Friday: Peeping Keisha

No Happy Hands but OMC! did The Hippies sell or default on their house? Lady B. is exchanging papers with some stranger. Their house has gone dark and they used to be up half the night.

Oh, hi TW. Could you get your big head outta the way. You're blocking my view. NOW!


You can learn even more from my fill-in answers cos now it's time for Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs—need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are boldface. This week my image relates to number two.

Feral Friday: Peeping Keisha

1, I am not always sleeping. Sometimes I get up and annoy the hell out of TW and Pop for treats.

2. I refuse to eat bacon. I know most cats love bacon but the peeps don't eat it. One time TW brought some home that came with her breakfast and I turned my nose up. Too greasy for me. One thing I never refuse to eat is TW.

3. I would happily accept a job offer at Chewy testing cat food. I used to do that for product but I'd like to get paid handsomely to do it.

4. Dog walker is a job I could never do. This should be self-explanatory.

Caturday art

In keeping with today's Peeping Keisha theme, I'm checking out the view from behind a cat bed. I painted it today but it's taken from a really old pic since I haven't seen this bed in ages. It may have been donated for all The Cat knows. I should say it might be smart to inform me when this happens.

Feral Friday: Peeping Keisha

Caturday Art is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase how talented us anipal artists are. We can use the many different digital apps, Photoshop or share original art.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Ahahaha, got a good laugh from your peeping stories today, CK! Totally cool art, too, love the colors!

  2. HELLOOO! JeepersPeepers you gots some pretty peepers and the Mom got some really pawsome pics this week of them. We luvs close ups you know. Sounds like it was a good week for checking out stuff in "the hood" or just being nosy-nose, which cats usually are. Pee Ess, with you all the way on do-do, in fact I left some on the litter room floor just this morning, only because mine Mommy was on hands 'n' knees lysoling it after being away and Mr R who cat sitted me is super good but in a walker thing and couldn't scoop good so it was kind of messy. I thought the do-do present would show how much I appreciated her efforts yesterday, but she didn't get it! She just shouted OHNO OHNO! Sigh. Why do the not understand when we give them a gift? I love your art today, I love the bed, what I do not love (like you) is when "MY" things disappear, like she thinks I've lost interest in something and poof, it's gone. But my plan all along had been to use it another day. No I am not a hoarder, but as you say, no one asked my purr-mission. Sigh. Life can be so hard sometimes. Well, I am begging for lunch, meows unheard, time to try some claw action on those bare feet under the table ... later friend. XXOO, purrs, JUNE

  3. You do do have a good view view CK! Those were all really good fill-in answers too and WOW on your fancy art, you've outdone yourself!

  4. The hippies have gone? Is that Mr All Night BBQ? Love your art. lots of pretty colours in it.

  5. Wow, we wonder where the hippies went. Good thing you keep an eye on things at the condo!! We love your artwork. Those days of Chewy reviews for food were pawsome 'cause we got to try different foods.

  6. Great shots of you CK, you truly are stunning. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. None of my cats go for bacon, they seem to like the smell, but not the taste. You would be a great taste tester for cat foods. I love your art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  7. CK, we need one of those beds, only in double-size for Da Boyz.
    Love the art, and the puzzle rocked...thanks.

  8. You make a good neighborhood watch cat, CK.

  9. I love your Cat Art, Keisha. The composition of the picture is quite unique, and the colours just jump off the screen. Simply awesome!

  10. Keisha,

    We use to like bacon but got away from it because it's not all that good for you. Now, if we want bacon I fix Butterball turkey bacon and that's pretty good. Plus it's a whole lot leaner! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Jeepers peepers, CK. We bet you see everything! :)

    The hippies are really gone?! Wow.

  12. We don't eat bacon because, of course, Mummy neffur has non-kosher meat in the house.
    We love the picture of you peeping out of the condo window.
    And We love your art, too!
    We wonder who will come in place of the hippies.

  13. OMC! I can FINALLY comment on your blog again! I've tried every post and it's suddenly working again. Phew! Anyway...I'm not sure if our cats would like bacon. They're certainly not interested in the fake stuff we eat. :-)


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