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Whoa! I'm Happening

Just when I thought I was becoming a Has-Been and would soon be axed to judge one of those talent shows along with the other has-beens like JLo, Mariah and Nikki, I get The Next Big Thing Blogging Award, not once but twice. I guess that means I'm relevant again. If you thought my head my big before … MOL!

I was thrilled to get the award first from one of my fellow #Nipclub DJs, @GizmoGeoDog, who has the great Terrier Torrent blog. We both hung out at Nipclub and never realized the other had a blog. Can you imagine that?

Then I got the award from the Cherry City Kitties, Harry, Dexter and Tipp. They've only been blogging since last July and only have 59 followers (hint hint). They're 3 rescue kitties with big hearts, who are meowin' to get other cats adopted.

I looked up the rules for this award and found that I'm supposed to thank the cats who nominated me (which I've done), nominate 5 other lucky recipients and answer some questions about a work-in-progress. Dunno about that last part. I don't think it applies to cat bloggers although it might refer to my as-yet-unmade Tower of Power. I hereby nominate:

  1. Jessie Janey of the fairly new blog Jessie & Jane. Jessie lives with her Mum in Australia and is fairly new to the blog world. She did a heart-wrenching post to our furrend @ToughTeddyBear, who went OTRB Thursday. Jane is her Mum.
  2. Selina from One Eye on the Future. I think everyone here knows Selina, the uni ocular kitty from North Carolina. She may be one eye short of a full deck but she's beautiful and smart.
  3. Savannah of Savannah's Paw Tracks. Savvy's time is now cos she's loved by everyone in the CB and beyond. She just celebrated her 1st Gotcha Day and has posted about her recovery as an adult rescue cat.
  4. Quinn of Quinn's Got Catitude. Quinn just started blogging after being adopted to fill the paws of the recently departed and loved Brandi. 2013 is definitely Quinn's year to be The Next Big Thing.
  5. Pasha of the eponymous (now there's a real Vocabulary Building Word) blog. Just what the CB needs, another handsome mancat! Oh yeah!!! *wink* His blog is always filled with great photos of his good looks. Don't let the fact that he's FIV+ scare you away, just use protection. MOL! Love you Pasha.
Now for a gratuitous photo of your Next Big Thing, here I am! Some of my best pictures were taken on my cat tree that's soon to be replaced. The Tree of Pain and I have had some good times together.

AND I'm not finished yet! The lovely Ann Paws of Pawsitively Pets has named this little ghetto kitty one of the 10 Coolest Pets with Blogs of 2012! Here's the infographic to prove it! I'm honored to be in the same company as those other blogs. I read a lot of them and think they're, well, the Coolest.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Has been, NEVER Keisha. BOL funny, you will never be on one of those has been celeb shows. We have that kind of rubbish over here too. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. ConCATulations to the pawsome award , CK !
    You will NOT be a has-been for many many many years :)

  3. Concatulations, CK. You absolutely deserve those awards! You are one cool cat. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs.

  4. Meowza You'll NEVER be a has-been!!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Big congratulations!!!
    Happy new year!

    Woof, woof,


  6. Wow... the year has just begun and you are already relevant... Concats on all the great awards and good luck with the Tower of Power!

  7. Of course you are the Next Big Thing. You are the Big Thing and were the Last Big Thing too

  8. Pfft... cats never go out of style unlike people!

  9. We agree with Molly The Wally that you'll never be a has been! Congratulations on your well-deserved awards.

  10. Firstly concatulations CK ... you so deserve this award and you have blown this little black panfur's mind by passing it onto us, ty ty ty xxx's

  11. Than you so much for passing the award on to me along wit the other cool kitties :)
    We'll get to it as soon as we can figure out how this inserting a picture problem works!

  12. You're always tops to us, CK!! Congrats on all your accolades!

  13. OMC ! Lots of AWARDS !!!!
    Concatulation !!!!

  14. You are most definitely one happening cat CK...and you're our #nipclub DJ rock the booth! :)

  15. Wow, CK, you are just rockin' 2013! Great way to start!

  16. aiiieeee!! Cathy Keisha!!! thank you for thinking so highly of me!!! Little ole adult rescue shelter cat no one wanted ME!!! oh, and I saw your SPECIAL status over at Pawsitively Pets...what an honor! What a graphic!! I wish I was on it!! I will let efurryone know you honored me on Monday!!! paw hugs, Savvy your BFGF

  17. That's a perfectly pawsome award!!! ...although I thought you were ALREADY the big thing. ; )
    Congrats for being so cool you made the Pawsitively Pets list too!!! ...and yes, you ARE in good company. heh heh

    ; ) Katie

  18. Congrats on your award!!!! :)

  19. CK! Yous is rocking the World! Yous deserves all your awards.
    Me is so happy to knows yous!

  20. Concats on the awards!
    And thanks for visiting my bloggie today. I think we met before (hmmm I remember one twitter pawty, in particular) but were never officially introduced to each other.
    Nice to meet you, beautiful!
    (another handsome mancat, with a little French accent though)

  21. Congrats on all the awardies Darling, but really I'm writing because I hope you'll come over so we can share a baff and then sing my song together a couple of times. You could stay for a cuddly nap on the SBB if you wanted to. XOXOXO

  22. Allie: Girlfriedn, you're HOT, yes you are!
    Maxwell: Concats on the awards, miz CK!

  23. Hey girl - congratulations on all those awards. Very deserving.

  24. Concats, CK, and thank you! And we loved your comment next to my name. *MOL*

    Purrs, my furriend!


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