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Shoddy Workmanship

If this blog looks a little like yesterday's blog, there is a reason. This is the story of shoddy workmanship! Yesterday TW posted my brand new calendar. It was rife with errors and big omissions!

Did you notice anything wrong? TW bets you didn't but her harshest critic—ME—did. This little graphic should spell it out perfectly—IF she didn't muck it up.

Let's give this another shot. For those who wasted ink and paper printing it out, I'm sorry and TW should be sorry also. I'm also waiting for a full apology, not to mention a little extra in my food dish.

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  1. Keisha we did not notice but we like the calendar either with mistakes or without. Naughty TW forgetting your Gotcha day. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Sometimes humans are just well, human and that's all there is to it.

  3. Cathy Keisha....pleez ta ree mind yur self bout cat code 1894.02245ple30.0064372 which cleer lee states:

    any purrson ore purrsonz knowing lee forgettin a cat's birthday, and ore gothca day iz subject ta a fine of 80 trillion dollars, payable ta said cat in de form oh food, treets, toys, care anda swizz bak fund; failure two due sew will result in severe repercussions ta said purrsonz ore purrsonal and who new we at trout towne new de werd repercussions !!

  4. She forgot your gotcha day?


    May the purrs be with you.

  5. Well at least she didn't call it Lex Luthor Day. ; )

    Not that you need any advice, but a bite is in order for the Gotcha Day infraction.

    ; ) Katie

  6. Geez, CK! The holiday misspelling isn't TOO terribly bad... but leaving out your gotcha day?! BIG demerits there!

  7. Humans! The things they forget..
    Well WE didn't forget your gotcha day, sweet girl!

  8. WE have to agree, leaving out your Gotcha day is just inexcusable. She better get that one on the calendar. Glad you got the calendar straightened out. Take care.

  9. Circle the 10th. Hope to see you at the Mayor's Alliance party :-)

  10. Oh CK that is just beyond the beyond...Many treats are due you for this lapse

  11. CK, we're a little embarrassed to say that we never looked closely enough to see the mistakes. But it still is inexcusable for TW to mess up like that. ;)

  12. A history teacher at the Human's school asked a question on a test involving some figures of the Renaissance or the Enlightenment or some other ridiculous Human "movement" and a student answered the question: Martin Luther King of Italy. Strike one, strike two, strike three!

  13. She forgot your gotcha day? We know you'll be getting even for that one!

  14. Poor CK! You certainly deserve at least an extra treat for the mental trauma you suffered for her forgeting YOUR day most of all! Misspelling, well, she's only human..

  15. Lol... what good are us humans for? I wish I could print this out but unfortunately, my printer hates me. Probably doesn't work since it was made by humans.

  16. She'll make it up to you, I know she will. As for me..I am a flirt when Boomie or Spitty aren't looking. Heeeee.

  17. I printed off the calendar and thought it was great. ha ha - guess we aren't very observant!

  18. Shesh! Good help is so hard to find! I see a little bitey in the middle of the night is in order!


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