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Toon Tuxie Tuesday

The CB is made up of some wonderful cats and their humans. The other day, I mentioned in a comment over at Spitty's place that TW failed miserably at cartooning me. Yesterday, Wendy of Wendy's 3-D blog made this most excellent facsimile of myself. She noticed that my big eyes are my best feature and even put the cow markings on my arms. 2 paws up for this fine avatar Wendy! BTW, Dante and Dylan are fine looking hunks of mancats.

Don't I look stunning? Duh! Of course I do!


My second order of business is to remind you to remind your humans that this Saturday is Senile Saturday. It's the last Saturday of every month and is the one day of the month when your human is allowed to post to your blog; be it a photo that you're not in, a dumb poem or one of those boring old stories that the humans love to tell and think are funny. We cats get to take it easy and continue to plot our World Domination. If the human forgets, you have the right to post something totally embarrassing about them; e.i., a story or a picture. Last month, TW forgot and I posted that shot of her draining a beer bottle at the tender age of 3 1/2. She better remember this month cos I found a picture of her sitting on the potty chair. HAH! Shoot me a note at stunningkeisha(at)hotmail(dot)com if you'd like the banner. You don't need the banner to participate but TW came up with something lame to set the tone for Senile Saturday.

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  1. You are stunning no matter what form you are in! Luv you!

  2. You look very cute in avatar form. I definitely love these big beautiful eyes :-)
    Tw's picture sitting on potty chair...yeah she better remember to post. LOL.

  3. Your avatar is so cute CK! My Dad must have forgotten that senile thingy!

  4. Oh CK, your avatar is so cute. Wendy made some for Mahoney and TwoTwo and we are showing them off tomorrow.
    Thanks for the reminder about senile Saturday. WE will just have to see if the ole lady can come up with something. Good luck on her remembering anything. But we will whap her into shape. Take care.

  5. I'm so happy you like your avatar CK! I am used to paying attention to details, so I closely examined several of your pictures trying to get it right.

    Thanks for the paws up!

  6. CK: Your cartoon should be used as a postage stamp! Maybe to raise money for shelters! No, seriously! I love it! It'd be a totally cute & pawsome stamp!


  7. You are STUNNING, CK...but of course you already knew that!!! We just love these cat-toons. The girl actually made one of me but she's been too "busy" to even post it. Says she has to wait until she doesn't have anything better to post. WHAT!!!

    I just have one look awfully *sweet* in your cat-toon. Where's the snarky-ghetto-smirk??? ...I'm sure it's in there somewhere!

    xo Katie

  8. Wow Wendy even got that little white marking right near your eye. She really captured you in avatar form it is the best.

  9. now that is one purrfect avatar I must say...totally looks like you! And concatulations on the BP Award! How exciting!! And you deserve it, you work your little paws to nubbins what with the blog, tweeting and go girl!

  10. That is a brilliant avatar!!! And it sure does bring out your stunningness! lol xox

  11. Allie: oh my CAT, Katie's right! The snark, it''s...HIDDEN! *gasp!* (said with completely straight whiskers)

  12. Great Avatar! We need to get Mommie to make us some of these.

  13. We love your avatar, CK! We also left a comment at Spitty's about how lame our mom was and couldn't make us avatars, and Wendy made each of us one! They are so great! Wendy even got Ernie's x-tra toesies!!

  14. That's a great avatar CK I got one from Wendy too, but won't get around to showing it off until next week. We are getting very special company on Saturday and Sunday (shh, MaggieTKat's mom and dad), so things are kinda busy here. M's trying to do 3 years worth of cleaning. he he - that will teach her. We'll skip the blog post for Senile Saturday too but hopefully get it next month.

  15. I think it was the Furries of Whisspy (Oui Oui's Mom) who made all of our cartoons for us!!!

    She had a "how to" on her blog but I couldn't do it either...wait...let me re-phrase that...I was too lazy to even TRY to do it so I asked her to do it for me! MOL!

  16. Hi CK, of course you are stunning and that is a purrfect likeness of you dear. Kissies.

  17. Me! I'd like the banner. The Human might forget to use it, of course, but on the chance she still has a few functional brain cells, send it along please ;-)

    Great Avatar! Wendy made mine too. Perhaps the Human will put them together in a compromising position, ha ha meow!

    About the Vine: The Human found that I had lost interest in it also, so I didn't get any for 6 or 8 weeks. Then the other day when she gave me some, I had a pretty nice little buzz from it. So tell your Peeps to hide it away for a couple of months and then surprise you with it. It couldn't hurt to try!

  18. It captures your beauty, but not as much as your photos do *swoon*

  19. Me saw your new avatar when me stopped by to drool over, I mean read about Dante and Dylan. Wendy di a great job! You liik marvelous darling!

  20. Hi darling! I might have a new video of glorious me for you verreh soon! Stay tuned! XOXOXO

  21. oh my cod, so cute, i has to gets mine mommeh to does this.


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