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Who's going to Blogpaws?

Today we all find out who will be using TW's pass to Blogpaws 2012. I read Pop all the entries, without telling him who posted what, and he's gonna whisper the winner in my ear. Wait, did I hear correctly??

Certainly not me since once again I'm in soft focus. Sheesh!
With the winning entry of "Ugh! This doesn't taste at all like tuna! Whoever tricked me will pay dearly for this!" two new furry furrends will be enjoying Blogpaws 2012 in beautiful Salt Lake City.

Without further delay, I give you …

Would you like to comment?

  1. CONGRATULATIONS you two! That's WONDERFUL!!! purrs

  2. That is terrific. We don't know you but a gigantic conga rats to you. We know you will enjoy that trip.

  3. Hooray fur da winners!!! They are a great looking duo!

  4. Concatulations to Zeus and Phoebe! Woohoo!

  5. Congratulations to the winner!! I look forward to meeting the "pawson"

  6. Concatulations to Zeus and Phoebe - their human will have to meet my human there!

  7. Oh do they have a blog? Congratulations to them.

  8. Congratulations to the winners. That is such a wonderful item to win.

  9. Conga-rats to them although I am deeply disappointed in your Pops that he didn't pick our caption. Sigh.

    Be sure to come by tomorrow cause I haff something for you XOXOXO

  10. Yeah, Conga-rats to them! Our Mom is just dyin to go next year!

  11. Yay Us!!! Thank you so much! Please give our passes to another entry as someone else gave us passes right after we entered your contest. We are already registered and all set to go to BlogPaws. See you all there.

  12. Oh Wow!7
    Concatulations to Zeus and Pheobe!
    Kisses to everybody


Holla! Louder … I can’t hear you. Anonymous comments are disabled due to humans who have nothing better to do than spam. Thank you for understanding!