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Wednesday Word—Asthma

That’s a pretty scary Wednesday Word. I’ve been having a terrible time with my asthma these past 2 weeks. After an extremely bad night on Monday, the peeps whisked me off to the evil v-e-t on Tuesday. I was betrayed by Pop.

I regret to say, I’m usually kinda a pushover to get into the PTU. I’ve only fought them on one occasion. This year, Pop picked me up, carried me to the living room and introduced me to the open PTU. I climbed right in. All hell broke loose once the door was locked. I clawed the bars. I banged up against the sides of the box. I sang the song of my people—loudly and proudly. I was like a caged animal. Wait—I WAS a caged animal!

I continued singing in the elevator. An idea popped into TW’s empty head. They keep captured feral cats quiet and calm by placing a blanket or towel over the PTU. She went upstairs to get one. She is a shrewd one, that TW. There wasn’t a peep out of me during the approximately 20 minute ride to Secaucus. Normally, I’d sing the entire way.

What sane cat would enter this place of no return?
I got checked in and immediately brought into the torture chamber where the peeps were told I’d be seeing a different doctor. Bring her on! I’m ready for Round 1. Gong!

Un-oh, the technician has the long orange gloves on. No fair! Penalty—15 yards for unnecessary roughness! They tried to weigh me in the PTU but it didn’t work so Pop picked me up and put me on the scale. 10.5 lbs. She said she was concerned that I’d lost almost a pound. Say what? The invoice from last year said I weighed 9.10 lbs but since the invoice from THIS year says 11.4 lbs, I think I can see what the problem is. Hope you understand that better than I do.

Look at how scared that stunning cat looks. Hiss!
Ears checked out fine. Teeth? She said they looked great. I said it’s from biting the humans. Their tough skin gives my teeth a workout. TW axed that they give me the rabies vaccine in the tail and she said it hurt more there.  TW grinned and clapped her hands. Bwahaha, she said. I hissed and hissed some more.

Of course, TW forgot to bring my business cards so after a long conversation about Grumpy Cat and the Keyboard Cat—am I chopped liver, Woman—we finally left the torture chamber. Then we had to sit in the waiting room forever for a taxi. TW went crazy over all the pansy lovable cats waiting for their forever homes. The black one rubbed all over her hand as she scritched him.

Ack! Here comes a woofie. It was a black Pomeranian. His human worked for a rescue group with Angel Wings in the title. They go all over the country rescuing animals in bad, abusive situations. He didn’t have any business cards either. What is it with these humans? I thought they loved to hand out cards.

"Get me out of here! I belong out there. Son of a b----!”—Siouxsie Sioux
Click here if the video doesn’t play.

On the ride home, I was so scared, sore and tired, I couldn’t even sing the song of my people. The hack was a bruv and he and Pop talked sports most of the way home.

Check out the pearly whites!
I met one of my adoring public once we got back into our gated community. She oohed and aahed and said I was even more stunning in the fur than in pictures. There you have it! MORE STUNNING LIVE THAN IN PHOTOS!

I couldn’t wait to eat once I got released from the PTU. I gobbled up my FF tuna and axed for more. I got more but little did I know that TW dosed me!! Yes, she did! She placed some Prednisone into my food and I ate it. She’s gonna be sorry she ever did.

to be continued...

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  1. I hope you feel better soon, CK! I am sending LOTS and LOTS of purrs your way.

  2. Wow, what a nightmare of a day CK. I do hope you feel better soon so you don't have to go back there again. I had to go get weighed a couple of days ago. I'm on a d.i.e.t. and gained.2. he he Now M is watching me like a hawk, measuring and counting everything I eat. Sigh!

  3. What a rough day.... except getting to meet one of your adoring public, of course. We hope you feel better soon, CK.

  4. What an ordeal, we know how bad that asthma can be. Purrs and love from all of us CK.

  5. Those vets are traumatic for all us kitties. I hope they fixed you up. Love the pearly whites pic. Get TW to give you more nomms, play it up a bit. MOL Hope you feel better quick.

  6. Oh CK how awful. I hope you get better. I really do

  7. Dang. What an ordeal, CK! We have been following the aftermath on FB. We sure hope you're back to yourself real soon, dear friend.

  8. CK, aren't you glad that's over now? We sure hope you feel better soon.

  9. Oh, CK... we're so sorry to hear about your terrible ordeal. Thank COD you're home and hopefully starting to feel better.

    That last photo is award-winning!!! LOVE!!!

    : ) Katie

  10. Hope you're feeling all better soon.

  11. Wow, quite an adventure CK! Do they really use those gloves on you? The only animals I ever used gloves for was prarie dogs, squirrels, and hedgehogs. Gotta watch out for those P. Dogs and squirrels. They are mad crazy! Hope the tail shot didn't hurt too bad.

  12. No not the blood stealers CK? We hope you are better soon. Sending healing vibes and POTP.
    Have a tremendous Thursday and take it easy.
    Best wishes Molly

  13. Aw, poor CK, I'm sorry you've been feeling poorly, I hope you feel better soon!

  14. Nicki has asthma, though I didn't realize it until quite recently (February, when he went for a chest x-ray because his coughing had become a daily occurrence). I won't go into details, but I've had to put him back on Prednisolone (this week), though am doing as low a dose as possible, as there were complications in the winter when he started on it.

    However, I wanted to say that Nicki's Pred is in chicken-flavoured liquid form, and he likes the taste, I barely have to hold his head to syringe it in. Not sure if you have that option for CK, just wanted to throw it out there.

    Purrs from both Nicki and Derry and healing vibes from me, the human!

  15. OMD! Ck you poor traumatized kitty! It sounds awful!!! I am so sorry to hear about your asthma! I know how you feel. When I was a child I had to be put on a breathing machine every two hours because my asthma was so bad!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  16. So sorry to hear about your ordeal! But it's a good news that your ears and teeth was great. One of my boys always has trouble with his teeth. I think I will let him bite me :-) The last photo is incredible. I hope you feel better soon!

  17. Ck....we coulda told yur fans ya looked mor stunning in purrson than ina stunning pick sure even if we haz never met....wanna noe how we noe...CK MERLOT...

    de blessings oh st francis two ewe....sorre de dam ass ma haz infected yur purrsonage


  18. I don't sing the song of our people going to the stabby place...I am too scared...but I sing when I get home

  19. poor CK!!!!!!! I read some updates on FB so I am still quite concerned about you, hoping you are ok!

  20. Oh CK I'm sorry you had to endure all that agony going TO, being AT, and coming HOME from the torture chamber but I do hope you're feeling better. That asthma thing is a toughie and I'm sorry you have it. Not good but the REST of you seems to be in good shape. Just cooperate with the meds and soon you'll be singing the song of your people louder than ever and breathing strong and well! I HOPE!

    Hugs, Sammy

  21. What a horrible day! I hope you are starting to feel better now. I sing my warrior songs when I have to go to the evil vet and now my mum is going to try the blanket over the PTU. Give TW a bitey for me for putting bad ideas in my mum's head.

  22. Glad you continued to fight the good fight even though you were in captivity.
    Feel better soon!
    Paws bumps from Tommie and Mickey Mouser.

  23. uhoh for TW...but if that pred makes ya feel good; you might wanna go lightly on the next bitey bite you put on her...just sayin

  24. Wow, that was quite an eventful day. Hope you will be feeling better furry soon. Take your medicine like a good girl. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giuletta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  25. Oh sweet one, I am sorry you are not feeling well and have to go to the vet. I will keep you in my purrs and thought to get better soon.
    Congratulations on your TCC Honorable mention and being in the TCC banner.

  26. We sure hope you feel better soon, sooner, soonest, Keisha. Grace has gone through this a little, but not as badly as you have. We send our {{{{hugs}}}} and our best vibes that your doc knows what to do for you as well as Grace's does.

    Love, Grace & Company

  27. Oh My Catness CK we are all purring our hearts out for you. We know how nasty that can be as our Rumpy just finished his 2 weeks of medication. Rumpy was really happy cause it was so tiny pills and Dad put it in bits of ham.
    We all tried to snag his ham that was the tough part.
    *The Cats Line up to Purr for CK*

  28. Lots of purs and prayers for you Keisha!
    Your TX furiends,

  29. Oh, friends, we are so sorry to hear this! We are purring the vet gave you some meds to help with your asthma. Maybe, just this once, he isn't that evil. Sending healing purrs your way, Keisha!

  30. We have the purr factory goin' on full blast over here. I'm purrin' up a storm for you and have all nine members of my furfam purrin' with you. Healin' purrs are on their way, my friend. They're on their way for you now.

    Love & purrs always,

  31. Sorry to hear you went through such a terrible ordeal. I hope you're feeling better today and that everything checks out! :{

  32. Our bean has problems with asthma sometimes, too. He knows how bad you feel when it is work to breath.

    Purrrrrrrring that you feel better soonest.

  33. I hope you feel better very soon. Trips to the vet aren't fun at all for all involved.

  34. We've just heard the news and purring madly that you're feeling better.

  35. Yo, Keisha!

    Heard you was felling unwell so came by to send purrs and purrayers your way.

    Elvira Mistress of Felinity
    Sneakers the Texian Tuxedo

    The Opinionated Pussycat'

  36. I hope you feel better real soon CK !
    Sending lots of (((purrs))) and huggies


  37. Oh sweet CK, what an ordeal and we feel badly for you and we are purring up a storm for you and send good thoughts your way for you to feel better ASAP!

    Luv Cloon

  38. Poor Keisha, asthma is no fun at all. I am sending you lots of rumbly purrs to help you and I hope you feel better very soon


  39. Poor Keisha, we send you healing purrs and keep our paws crossed here ! Purrs

  40. CK ...we are sending you lots and lots of purrrrrs. Hope you feel better soon.....🐱

    Hugs , Bugsy, Knuckles and Hh

  41. We sure send you tons and tons of purrs CK. We sure hope you can get that darn asthma under control. Take care.

  42. Hi pretty girl! I have a terrible time with allergies. And sometimes, the asthma. I know it's miserable. We are purring and praying you feel much better soon.
    Hugs, sweetheart!

  43. Oh my catness.... that wore us out!! We sure do hope you will be feeling better soon... At the very least, are you still able to bite the humans? Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  44. I hope that you get over your asthma very quickly! It is so hard to breathe with asthma! Many hugs and purrs and purrayers to you.

    Luf, Us and Maw

  45. We hope you will soon recover from your ordeal at the vets Keisha. We are sending purrs and hope you will soon feel better.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  46. Get well soon, Keisha!! We will be purring for you!

  47. Feel better, sweety. We have our purrs set to stunning, Keisha.

  48. Oh Keisha we just heard at the TCC about you feeling poorly..we do hope you feel better soon...tell the ppes to weigh your PTU at home when it;s empty and write the weight on it..then next time(if you must go) at the vets they can weigh you in it and just subtract the PTU's all too much for a kitty Sending love from me and Dinnermintz and Pickles xxxx

  49. Hope you feel better soon!
    Our Jasmine has allergies that affect her in a different way.. she joins you in misery.
    ~ The Bunch

  50. Not a good day, Keisha. I hope all the days that come after are much better. Good luck to you.

  51. Hope your asthma gets better & I'm a bit worried about your peeps. Don't be too tough on them, you want them to keep your bowl full! ~Rascal and Rocco

  52. All the Hotties and I hope you 're feeling better.

  53. Sending lotsa healing purrs you way, CK. Hope you start feeling better soon.

  54. What an ordeal! We are all purring that your asthma settles down soon. Mom puts stuff (L-lysine) on our food every day. Sometimes we eat it and some times we don't.

  55. Oh my darling CK! I've been reading about you on Facebook and I am purring my very very very very VERY best purrs for you to feel better soon. I can't stand it that you are not feeling good :-( I hope today will be the day (okay, almost evening I guess back there now) that you will totally perk up! Kisses and kisses and more kisses from me and the Human too. XOXOXOX

  56. CK we have kept up with how you're doing on FB. But we are purring and purring and purring and hoping you'll feel better. Thinking of you with many purrs.

  57. oh WOW, CK, you've had an ordeal and a half! We're so very sorry you've been under the weather, but are pretty impressed you've been able to give TW a run for it even throughout the pain and suffering. Hang in there - and get well soon!

  58. Oh CK! Mes is so furry worried! Mes is purraying hard yous gets better soonest!

  59. We are still catching up from 'another big idea down the tubes' by she who writes for us, and we have to say, "Nobody, CK, says it better!"


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