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TW's Art Fail

TW's Art Fail

Welcome to my Caturday Art gallery. I've sprung for a poster-size billboard outside the gallery. This week I decided to do something different. What a mistake that was. I dunno if we actually achieved the effect I was looking for which pains me. I assigned TW the task of drawing ME on a chalkboard. She failed miserably but it's all I have. So come on in and enjoy the show. I have a new concession stand where you can buy all sorts of noms and refreshments.

In Photoshop, we used the photocopy filter to turn my image into a black and white outline cos I'm poor and only have white chalk. Then I layered it on top of the chalkboard template which was created beforehand. Here's three different tries.

TW's Art Fail

TW's Art Fail

TW's Art Fail

I'm not entirely pleased with them. Pop said it looks more like a card than a blackboard. I look at it and see rubber stamp. I guess it's back to the drawing board or should I say back to the chalkboard. Does failure bug you as much as it bugs me?

Thanks to Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty for hosting the Caturday Art Blog Hop so I can mess around with Photoshop and all the cool online apps that are so easy a cat can do them.

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  1. Poor TW, she does try hard on your behalf- you must give her that. Chalk art is not easy, my human says it crumbles in your hand and makes a dusty mess. What that has to do with anything beats me, she is known for stating stupid observations aloud. Your gallery always looks lovely and you do have a wonderful variety of refreshments, including the niptinis! Thank you for the cool Photoshop ideas, I am inspired to try them out. Mewmew, Clove

  2. She might try a sketch app and then simplify it and create a grayscale version. You can lighten a grayscale and it will better imitate chalk. BTW, my human loves the font!

  3. I think it looks pretty nice CK, because you always do!

  4. You look like a little bear to me, CK, very cute :D Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday :) <3

  5. CK we think you did a meowvelous job! But then we think you are very artistic and talented, which our Mom is not at all.

  6. We think it still looks good!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  7. It's a very cool effect but does not look entirely like chalk. Still, looks great!

  8. I see a rubber stamp too, but a beautiful one :)

  9. I like these CK. No messin' with you but these would make awesome cards right from your crib.


  10. I don't think it's a fail at all...I think it looks great! Sometimes you're just too hard on TW, CK :)

  11. We think it's cool!
    Art is subjective...

    Noodle and crew

  12. It's really interesting, CK. Though your eyes kinda have an alien look.

  13. yanno, we kittehs hafta keep the peeps on their toes and all by making sure they dont' get big heads an' stuffs. But really, it's not a FAIL. (but we won't tell her if you're not gonna)

  14. It's very unique and pretty! I think this image goes well as a label for nice wine or fine liquor. Maybe you can change the letters to nip meowlot and you get another original bottle :-)

  15. We kinda like it CK. And we rather not think of it as a failure, but as a learning experience. So I guess that tells you we have many learning experiences, not failures. Hahahahaha

  16. Oh CK, failure does not bother me...purrsonally, but Mommy is downright OBSESSIVE about it!!!
    But yous knows, wes LIKES your work this week. It looks more like white charcoal (conte) on black paper!
    Ans wes loves what Tamago says! Meowlot would sell well!

  17. I like them! My mum says it reminds her of the scraper-board art she used to do in art lessons at school.

  18. Chalk art is a toughie, but I think you still look stunning, CK!

  19. Don't be so critical CK, they aren't bad at all but we do understand! Sometimes there are 5-6 tries on the computer before something gets posted and then it is only because we get tired of trying!

  20. These look cool, CK. Not exactly like chalk, but really cool!

  21. Not to get all philosophical or anything, CK, but I don't think art can ever really fail. Art shouldn't have all that strict of guidelines or rules, if you ask me, or else it wouldn't be art at all. So, to answer your question, this could never be a fail. I think it looks great! Although I have no skill in that realm myself, I love chalkboard drawings, and this one is no exception. Purrs!

  22. We think you look great in your chalk drawing!

    Failure doesn't bother me at ALL! Hey, we are kitties--our failures are successes by any other species' standards!

    And speaking of other species, apparently I am lucky the Human did not dog-nap a labradoodle puppy and being him home. She was THISCLOSE!

    Hope you are all better after your bad week--we was worried about you. I've been purring my best XOXOXOXO

  23. C.K., We think this image doesn't look like you; otherwise, we think it is a cool effect. Maybe further attempts will make it purrfect...just like you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  24. Back to that drawing chalkboard. I know TW can achieve the look she is working on


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