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If You See Something, Say Something

If You See Something, Say Something

Since 9/11, this is been a slogan in the NYC subway system. If you see something, say something. It's now the go-to phrase in our condo. Lemme explain.

Lately we have a lot of renters on our floor. Renters, unlike owners, couldn't care less about the property or the property rules. Practically every day TW finds recyclables that haven't been washed out in the Refuse Room. Open take-out clamshell packaging with half-eaten food, unwashed milk and juice containers, etc. We live two doors away from the Refuse Room and don't want unwanted visitors crawling under our door. Most every time she sees something, she reports it to her friend on the Board who then forwards it to the Building Manager who does nothing. She must do nothing because it keeps happening.

If You See Something, Say Something

In the past when TW sees me staring off at something, she laughs it off. The phrase she uses is I'm in "Mo-mo Land." That's all changed this week. I've pointed out three crawly things to her. She's not happy cos she's never had crawly things except for a few odd—and I do mean odd—ant invasions when she lived on the ground floor of the old house. I'm not happy cos it means the sucky, noisy v.c. will make more appearances.

Now when TW sees my eyes following something on the rug, she comes over with flashlight and investigates. I've taken my new job of patrolling the condo and keeping the peeps safe seriously. If I see something, I say something and TW comes a-running. (Actually I "say" it by whapping with my paw.)

NOTE: You didn't miss our post Monday cos there was none. We will be posting when we have something to say and can keep this blog up to the standards I set. We have been visiting but not leaving comments which is hard cos I have an opinion on everything.

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  1. The Human has been a renter all her adult life! She has lived in this building for 30+ years and takes good care of her apartment and garage and stuff. There's no way she could afford to buy even a condo in the city, and she loves living here so she stayed. Something close to two-thirds of the people in SF are renters--just too expensive to buy here.

  2. My human is so glad she is a home owner, and has been for 20 years. It's harder than being a renter, but at least if there are crawly things, it is her fault! Although, ever since the dog passed away, they haven't come out as much because it was the dog's food on the enclosed patio they were after. We had them in the kitchen last year, but my human sealed off the hole where they were getting in and that fixed 'em.

  3. It doesn't matter if you rent or own. If you don't have respect for things, you don't have respect for things

  4. Ugh, that's no fun. Hope the crawly things leave soon.

  5. ugh - mom hates it when the crawly things invade

  6. I'm glad you're keeping an eye out, CK! The peeps need protecting. Just the other day Sophie clued me into a lizard in the house. Cats gotta earn their keep! :-)

  7. I know you won't let those crawly things slip by CK!

  8. It's too bad some people don't have manners. Your peeps sure appreciate that you are patrolling and keeping them safe.

  9. You are doing a good job watching out for crawly things.

  10. You get the job of, *spotting the bug.* We do too. Kali sees a bug and runs into the next room. She's kinda flaky that way. I, however, take this duty seriously. On the deck, mom comes and gets rid of the ant when I point it out. In the garden, she leaves them alone. In the house is the best! Usually flies get in the house and I run for them. The stinky lil boogars. I can knock down mom's water bottle and several pieces of junk on the dresser. This is in one jump and scurry. She saves the weirdest things.


  11. Well, Mom says this kind of behavior would make her very unhappy. She once lived in an apartment complex lithesome very "untidy" people. (She says she won't say just how filthy these people were). The owners lived on property but did nothing until the entire complex had been invested with roaches. Keep up your vigilance, C.K. Creepy crawlies are nasty! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. You're doing a great job, CK ! Purrs

  13. CK....thatz BS witha cap a tull Z.....if yur mom could find a hazmat ta rent her shuld take all de trash out N tozz it in de hall...may be THAT will get de soooperz a tenshun.....if that doezn't then may bee when they iz payin ta have all de a part mintz sprayed for...stuff.....they will putz a stop two it....faaaaaaaaaaaa


  14. WE live in Florida there is no way to keep the crawleries out totally. Even though we have pest control we still show Mom when a creepy crawley has entered our domain!

  15. That's so terrible, CK. We're sorry about those crappy, inconsiderate neighbors. And the yucky, creepy crawly results of their jerkiness.

    Hugs to you, TW and Pop!

  16. Hmmm... Creepy crawlies are never good. They're creepy. And crawly. And did I mention they kinda creep me out? MOUSES!


  17. Mudpie is a good bug hunter too! She actually makes me quite paranoid...

  18. I'm having similar problems. A 20-ish guy moved in upstairs and is using that condo as a bachelor pad. The kicker is that his parents bankroll everything so he doesn't have a job or any responsibilities. And he has no respect for anyone else (trash from his parties being thrown off the deck into my yard). He also has a pit bull that he leaves out on the deck unsupervised and un-restrained. I have no problem with pit bulls - but I bet he has it as a status symbol instead of recognizing it has its own needs. As I say, it's not the breed, it's the training; given how the guy lives his life, I'm guessing training isn't a priority.

  19. We hope TW is rewarding you appropriately for your good work in spotting those creepy crawlers.

  20. Good job keeping an eye on and saying something about any creepy crawlers! Bug hunting is hugely underrated, in our opinions.

  21. That is awful that you are getting bugs because some people are pigs. IS there a way for the condo association to set up a camera near there to see who is doing it?

  22. Those peeps not following the rules are not very nice and being disrespectful. That drives our mommy batty! Mind you that's a short trip but still. As for pointing out bugs, we've learned to try to be shy since we know it means our new moving toys with lots of legs will disappear quickly!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes today!

  23. Grrrrr that is so rude! And now you are pointing out to TW exactly why thrash belongs out in the trash can!

  24. You are a great bug hunter, CK! I'm glad that you are bringing these "problems" to TW's attention. Nobody want to have those icky bugs in their home.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  25. I'm always scaring my mum when I've spotted a bug. It can be quite funny :)

    Purrs xx

  26. TKS is our creepy crawly inspector. We are getting a few more than Mom L cares to have inspected. And I know ya didn't lump us into that group of renters who don't take care of a place. We never ever thought in our wildest dreams we would be renting. It is still a shock for Mom L and Dad P. We take care of our home better than the stoopid, irresponsible owner...'nuff said 'bout that

  27. I totally understand. I get called an old hippie at my house because I expect my 23 year old son and his girlfriend to follow the recycling rules. They just won't! I find plastic bags in the paper and hard plastic bin. I find food in the garbage when it goes in the compost bins. Plus the amount of food they waste because they are paranoid about the expiration date. They don't realize it usually means a "Best Buy date". Plus they open 5 different types of chips and never finish any of them and they go stale. The same for cereal. And buying so much boxed products when they could buy fresh. This all revises my garbage bill. Recycling is free - garbage is not! I'm happy to be called a hippy! It means I care about our planet, not to mention our health from bugs and our garbage bills.

  28. How terrible. I had a similar problem when I lived in a condo. My neighbors just didn't seem to care about cleanliness, either in their own homes or in shared spaces. I'm so happy to have an entire HOUSE now!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  29. Had to click this since I just got back from my first visit to NYC and this phrase was everywhere. Ugh. I hope you can find a way to get people to be more responsible - the building manager should realize this is an expensive problem to fix and get on it. Good luck!


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