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Commentathon In Sparkle’s Memory

I’m on my way to Sparkle’s Memorial Service. I’ve brought flowers
but just as importantly, I’ve brought money for Tabby’s Place.

Today is a a solemn day. Sparkle Cat’s Memorial Service is going on right now. Click the link to pay your respects. I’d like to think it’s a also a time to celebrate her life and all she’s meant to the Blogosphere and cats everywhere. She was a wealth of advice to cats and humans alike. I can’t think of anyone who’s done more for feral/community cats than Sparkle. She was born to a pedigree but became a champion for the down-trodden and homeless kittehs. Politicians could take a lesson from her. I know Summer has been taking notes and will do her best to carry on, while being herself.

In tribute to Sparkle, I’m holding a commentathon with proceeds going to her favorite charity Tabby’s Place in NJ. Tabby's Place is a cage-free sanctuary that provides refuge to cats in hopeless situations. They feature an adoption center, a hospital to treat sick or injured residents and a hospice which provides palliative care and a loving environment for terminally ill cats. Most importantly, they don’t turn away cat that have special needs or is labelled “hard to adopt."

I’ve talked TW into donating 50 cents for the first 50 comments we receive through Monday. It’s a good goal since I don’t think I’ve ever gotten 50 comments. This doesn’t mean you shouldn't stop by the memorial service at Sparkle’s blog. Her human is donating $1 per comment up to $500 to Tabby’s Place, which means you will have donated $1.50 without having to get out your checkbook. Her human suggests that in lieu of flowers, you may also make your own donation in Sparkle’s honor to Tabby’s Place, which I know a bunch of you already have.**

Now, excuse me while I join Summer Samba and pay my respects. *Bows head.*

Sparkle, I miss you.

** Other blogs, including The Island Cats, Cats Herd YouSpitty Speaks, A Tonk’s Tail and Random Felines are holding their own commentathons to honor Sparkle. I encourage you to visit them.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Oh oh oh! Am I really first to comment and add .50 to the total? Your post is beautiful, CK, just like you are XOXOXO I will be at Sparkle's tomorrow, too.

  2. Absolutely beautiful, CK. I can tell it's going to be another day of tears shed as we remember someone who touched all of our lives.

  3. A beautiful post Miss CK. Sparkle was such a special girl.

  4. Dat's pawsum CK. Wish weez had da munnys to donate, but weez will just hav to comment. Pawsum posty.

    Luv ya'


  5. This is a beautiful and generous tribute, CK. We are honored to leave a comment in memory of Sparkle.

  6. CK you ALWAYS know what to say - thank you for voicing the love we all feel.

    We are proud to comment and will spread the word about your blog as much as we can.

    Harvey Button.

  7. CK, thank you, thank you, thank you for having your own commenthon for Tabby's Place! I so wish Sparkle was here to see how much everyone is doing to help out her favorite rescue and sanctuary. Purrs.

  8. Truly lovely CK. We feel the love and we know Sparkle does too and is smiling up there somewhere in the clouds.
    Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Such a great idea to commemorate Sparkle, I don't think you will have any trouble reaching your goals.

  10. You are very kind, CK, to do this. We have commented and also will be making our own donation to our local no kill shelter! xox

  11. What a moving tribute, CK! We were not nearly as eloquent as you, but we are going to miss Sparkle very much. And we're going to be donating to Tabby's Place in her memory, too.

  12. CK, at heart you are all heart! We honor you and others today for giving Sparkle such a sweet memorial.

  13. Your celebration of Sparkle's life and her role as champion of cats with less than she had is spot on BFGF. I am sure you will hit your 50 comments...paw hugs, Savvy

  14. We think this is such a great way to honor Sparkle. She did so much to help kitties everywhere. Thanks for the shout-out! We hope all our commentathons are a huge success!

  15. One of the things that cats like Sparkle teach us is how to find joy in the little things.

  16. Beautiful tribute for Sparkle. I agree, it's also time to celebrate her wonderful life!
    You are very kind and generous, CK.

  17. A beautiful tribute to a legend

  18. So great of you to do a commentathon as well! Poor sweet Sparkle.
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  19. amazing how many blogs are pawing it forward with commentathons of their own (us included).... we know Sparkle would be proud

  20. CK this is a lovely tribute and generous thing you are doing to pay respects to Sparkle. Everything you wrote is so true. I hope you exceed your 50 comments!

  21. Thank you CK. As Glogirly said today, "lots of smalls can make something BIG."

  22. Thank you for naming some blog holding a commentathon. We knew some were planning but didn't know which ones. We will go visit.

    It's sweet of you to do this in Sparkle's memory. She is missed.

  23. Such an amazing kitty, Sparkle. Thanks for sharing on the Pet Parade. ~Rascal and Rocco

  24. Thank you for hosting this ... in loving memory.

  25. Dang, I know I let a comment, oh well. We shall always love and remember dear Sparkle!

  26. Leaving a comment in support of Sparkle!

  27. It's very kind of you to have a commentathon in honor of Sparkle to help kitties in need ! Purrs

  28. CK...thiz bee a way awesum post N total rockin oh ewe ta helpz by donating green paperz in sparkle's memory...we noe her iz lovin thiz ♥

    heerz ta a safe happee long week oh end…may de bass bee bountee full in yur bowl ♥

  29. How very nice of you and TW to do this CK. I did go over to Sparkle's Blog, and we also made a donation to TabbysPlace in Sparkle's honor. Now I'll go visit the others donating too. She was a great role model for kitties and humans all over.

  30. How pawsome of you to do this. Here's my comment!

  31. Wow, how cool that so many bloggers are doing a comment-a-thon in memory of Sparkle. We will make sure we visit each one and leave a comment. We already got our mom to send some green papers to Tabby's Place. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  32. This is a lovely tribute to Sparkle CK, and very generous of you to have a commentathon too.

  33. This is a wonderful way to honor precious Sparkle...We made a donation to Tabby's Place as well and were very impressed with their organization and all they do for needy babies...Thank you for doing this, you are a special friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  34. Lovely tribute to our friend Sparkle! She will be missed by so many!

  35. Lovely way to honor Sparkle, may she rest in peace.

  36. What a beautiful tribute to a pretty kitty.

  37. Such a wonderful tribute to a little cat who made such a difference. Thank you for this, CK.

  38. A wonderful tribute! We hope to add to your commentathon and hope to help some of those special needs kitties! Purrs...

  39. Sparks did just that - sparkle.

  40. beautiful post! We are commenting everywhere! We also donated to Tabby's Place and we are sponsoring a kitty there!

  41. This is very nice of TW CK. I did send a donation into Tabby's Place in Sparkle's honor. It is wonderful that so many people are coming together to honor Sparkle.

  42. Oh CK what a beautiful memorial post. So nice of you guys to do a comment-a-thon in Sparkles memory. We went to Tabby's Place and made a donation this morning. You are almost at 50!

  43. We will all miss her so much - what a wonderful way to pay tribute to her legacy!

  44. Thank you for your donation. Sparkle will be missed.

  45. What a wonderful idea for your commentathon for Sparkle. You are stunning and caring. I'm still in shock that Sparkle has left us. Thanks mai furend. purrr

  46. What a pawsome way to honor a wonderful friend like Sparkle! I'm number 49 - and it's only Sunday night! #AnipalsROCK!
    ((HUGS)) Luv yoo CK & Sparkle!

  47. It's almost Monday and we are sneaking in comment #50! Sparkle was an amazing cat, who helped so many kitties in need. We feel like we had met her, when we met Janiss at BlogPaws the first a way they are soul mates and speak as one!

  48. What a wonderful idea for a fantastic cause! I have a friend who adopted a beautiful soul from Tabby's Place. (She had been waiting 3 years for a home.) Love you Sparkle and love all the good you do! May you be blessed as you have blessed so many others.


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