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Why is Stunning Keisha posing with a goat?
Photo used by permission of

I don’t usually ever post on Tuesday but today is NOMS Day. Yeah, when I saw the title, I thought I’d get to post about my favorite cat food and treats. This Day is more. It stands for Not of My Species. We get to shout out to furrends of ours who are different then us. It was started by The Cat’s Realm. Here’s how they describe it.
From The Cat Realm: “We declare August 5th to be NOMS Day, a new international public holiday! We hope you will celebrate with us! That day we are celebrating NOMS Day, a holiday to remember that all beings are equal, to remind ourselves to be tolerant towards everybody, to reach out across species, cultures, nationalities, religions, languages, beliefs and appearances and to come together and embrace our differences We have a few NOMS friends.”
My furrend across species is a goat. Pricilla the Goat and I met a few years ago when TW bought soap from her Publicist’s Etsy shop. She lost her Etsy password so the only way we could say we’d received the soap was to comment on her blog, The Maaaaa of Pricilla. I’m glad for that soap purchase cos I made a new furrend. Just like TW, Pricilla is an old goat. Unfortunately the other goats on the farm pick on her so I invited Pricilla over to the condo last week. I was hoping she’d dish about her date with Spitty.

Pricilla, look at the cool view from my window.

Then I axed if she wanted to play with my tissue paper. Cats are big on tissue paper. Goats like it for a different reason.

After standing on it a few minutes, she ate it!!! Can you believe that? I was actually lucky she’s a vegetarian and she didn’t eat ME.

I hope you had fun reading about my day with Pricilla. I also hope those who don’t know her will go over and visit her and her fellow goats. They share the blog with the Farm Cats. They have a couple of cool giveaways going on right now. Maybe my good furrend Pricilla will fix the Rafflecopter in my favor.

Note: Don’t forget to join Pricilla and I (@CathyKeisha) for a #Blogpawschat on Twitter tonight at 8 pm tonight. You’ve been reading about SomaPet and tonight you’ll have an opportunity to have your questions answered by a SomaPet representative. They’ll also be a couple of giveaways. Stop by and say Hello.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Pricilla is a sweetheart...we love her blog! Sounds like you had a great day together :)

    (Truffles has dibs on the Rattino giveaway MOL!!!)

  2. We discovered Pricilla's blog a few weeks ago, and we love it ! It looks like you both had lots of fun during that special day ! Purrs

  3. Thanks for introducing us to Priscilla, CK :)

  4. What a pawsome friend you have in Pricilla. She looks like a cute old girl. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. What a fun day you spent with your friend Pricilla. She is such a cute goat. It's nice to share love for tissue paper...even it's for different reasons :-)

  6. We love Priscilla and all the other farm goats and cats. Did Priscilla dish out on her date with Spitty after she ate your tissue paper? ;)

  7. She is such a cutie and you two look terrific together!

  8. Ha ha - this post is making M giggle. She likes goats and sheep and had to laugh over her eating tissue paper. Actually we are surprise she didn't really do it. Goats are known to eat anything - well almost.

  9. Pricilla says, "Braaaap! erm, excuse me! Thanks for having me over for a visit CK. I've really been traveling a lot lately! From one coast to the other! I'm sorry I ate your paper but I was hungry!"

  10. we total lee missed thiz coz we coulda shulda wooda done a post bout...


    SURPRIZE !!!

  11. Awesome post...Pricilla is a real looker and very interesting! Glad she is a veggie too!

  12. We love Pricilla. We're glad you got to spend some time hanging out with her.

  13. Pricilla's a great NOMS pal!

    The Florida Furkids

  14. you and Priscilla certainly make a cute pair of friends. It was reading your blog earlier today that reminded us we had forgotten about NOMS Day!

  15. Pricilla is really cool! We're fans of hers, too. :)

  16. Well! I certainly hope the Lovely Pricilla didn't kiss and tell! I know she's not *that* kind of girl ;-) Glad you two had fun, and even more glad she didn't eat you.

  17. Oh I love goats!! Great furiend you got there!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  18. "Just like TW, Pricilla is an old goat." It took me forever to get past laughing!
    How lucky you are to have time with Pricilla - she is adorable.

  19. I thought I would stop in and see what going on mid week.
    I want goat.

    Coffee is on

  20. We laughed loud over here too about your comment that TW was on old goat just as Priscilla :)


  21. Ha - we LOVE Pricilla and AbbyGoat and all the others! See how lame our human is? She had NO IDEA about NOMS day!

    (hey thanks for not giving up on us. Our mom's got 14 shows that hafta be finished by 8/29 and she's kinda panicking - and working late - and not feeding us - and NOT playing WAND toy! But we digress...)


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