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Wednesday Word—Influence

Yep, those are all records behind me.

The Lone Star Cats, Travis, Crockett and Maurice, have presented ME with the Most Influential Blogger Award. Being the Influencer that I am (see badge on my sidebar), I’m not surprised that I’m receiving this award for the 3rd time. This time the rules are different. Being a DJ, I think I like this set of rules best. Many thanks to the Lone Star Cats, who have a very tasty blog. If you haven’t visited yet, check them out and have a drink on me.

So all I have to do is post my favorite song. In this condo, we have all genres of music—folk, country, classic rock, alternative, punk, even classical. To make this more fun—not to mention more work for TW—I’ve decided to post all our fave songs. Let’s start with Pop cos he actually has a favorite song of all time. This would be it. It’s been his favorite song since it first came out in 1967.

TW is, as usual, a tougher nut to crack. She has a different favorite song every day. There’s “Jailhouse Rock” from before she was born as well as songs that changed her life such as Patti Smith’s Horses album and R.E.M.’s “Radio Free Europe” or songs by her friends Winter Hours “Hyacinth Girl” and "Island of Jewels." However, being a Jersey Girl, she had to finally pick this one.

Now we come to MY favorite song. This ghetto kitteh gonna go back to my roots and pick the first rap song ever! I can’t believe TW actually has the record cos I didn’t think she was that hip. It’s kinda sad that this song is still relevant.

Hope you’ve enjoyed our music. I’m gonna pass this award to:

Pricilla at The Maaaaa of Pricilla cos I often wonder what music goats listen to in the barn and out in the fields.

Truffle at Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries & Meows. I know they like country music but I gotta know what kind of country music. We kinda partial to cowpunk.

Katie & Waffles in the Glogirly townhouse. I’ve seen Waffles dance but what makes the townhouse rock?

The Superman logo inspired another song. Click on the caption to hear it.

I am Supercat. Click to hear song.

What? Were you expecting Laurie Anderson?

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  1. Why thank you CK. I am a Broadway girl but I have a soft spot for Thunder Road being a Jersey Girl myself.

    As for Pricilla, well I guess we will have to wait and see.

  2. Ah, Whiter Shade of Pale...such a fantastic (in every sense of the word) song. Takes the Human back . . . Here's something embarrassing: Every time there's a story on the news about that Nigerian (?) terrorist group Boko Haram, she can't help but think for a minute they're talking about Procol Harum.

  3. Awesome post, CK! My Human loves "Whiter Shade of Pale"...and I dig your Supercat song.

  4. I dread to think what my human's favorite song is! My name is Summer Samba, after the song, but when she was bringing me home, she was playing music from the Sex Pistols, Adam Ant and the Foo Fighters! I don't think she is teachable in this area.

  5. Out of those, Procol Harum is the winner in this casa. Thank you very much CK, you've sent the Staff back into the mists of time on YouTube!!!

  6. Congrats CK! Look at all those records, no wonder you are a super DJ!

  7. Congratulations on your award! Wow, that is a lot of recores! No wonder you know music so well!!

  8. Congratulations on your award CK and great song choices we say. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. What fun! Thanks so much for the nomination...stay tuned :)

    And that is a pawsome record collection!!!

  10. CK, you sure hold a lot of records!
    You are super cat.

  11. Mommy loves R.E.M.! They have a special place in her heart. Thanks for including the Supercat song!
    p.s. We also have a special place in both our hearts for a certain CK!

  12. Concats on your award, dear CK... our Mom Loves Whiter Shade of Pale too! She used to has the 45... whatever that means.

    Lil Bear.

  13. COOL, CK!!! Thanks so much for the award!!! We've got a lot of different styles of music here in the Townhouse....we'll have to take votes on the faves!

    ...I'm afraid that Waffles has a tendency to make his OWN music. At about midnight. When the world is trying to sleep.

    We loved getting a glimpse at all of your favorites. ...and hey, the next time TW complains about how much room another cat tree would take up, how about you just bring her over to that closet?

    ; ) Katie

  14. Congrats on the well-deserved award sweetie. You are very influential.

  15. Concats on the award. Whiter Shade is one of my mum's all time faves too.

  16. ConCats CK. Luved learnin' 'bout y'all's favowit songs.

    Luv ya'


  17. Congrats! Thanks for sharing your songs with us!

  18. Wow, what a pawesome vinyl collection. Do you get to spin them?

  19. Congrats on your award, CK. We love those song choices.

  20. Hello darling, Hope you had a pleasantly wordless Wednesday. Do your Humans ever abide by the Wordless part? I wish mine would but so far, no dice.

  21. Congrats on your award! And you passed it onto great blogs too!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  22. Concatulations on your award ! Purrs

  23. My Mom has had so many "favorite songs" in her long life I couldn't pawsibly have picked just one....yet I did...her newest fave which is "Happy". I'm kinda HAPPY just being alive to tell you the truth....I like all your family faves though CK. Well done - I'm glad to know an influential cat!! ;)

    Hugs, Sammy

  24. That's one of MY faves, too! CK, you're my kind of kitty!

  25. I suddenly feel old. Love Procol Harem. A true classic. I meet the producer 100 years ago.

  26. Very eclectic taste in music at your house C.K. We thought our pawrents had a lot of LPs, but you put them to shame. Our mom has several favorite songs too. The one she posted for this award was Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  27. That award suits you well are one very influential cat. And as with others Whiter Shade of Pale made Mom L drift off in memories


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