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You Can Find Me in Pop’s Room


All our Foto Frenzy picks this week are set in Pop’s room, which is apropos since I spend most of my time here. Ernie and Bert Wally of The Island Cats picked #248. I always loved to roll around in and rub all over Pop’s clothes when he came home from a hard day at the office. He would throw them on the bed and two minutes later I’d be all over them. Notice how I’ve been using the past tense. I’ll give you two guesses who spoiled my fun. Yeah. Her. She actually told Pop that my claws were making snags in his good shirts. She told him not to throw them on the bed. She ruined my love fest with Pop’s shirts. Why does Pop listen to her?


#3333 was the choice of Moosey at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life. He caught me red-handed—er red-PAWED—playing with my Skinneeez schmousy and showing off my natural bikini. That was the only toy I’d play with by myself. I’d amuse myself until I saw someone watching me. Recently, I’ve rediscovered them and have worked them into my exercise routine. Sometimes before he leaves for work Pop tosses them up in the air and I grab them.


This one goes out to Austin Towers of (CAT)achresis. He opted for #938 and the obligatory laser eyes’ foto. Pop used to pile his comforter and blankie on top of his shelves, which made an ultra-comfy bed for me. I’d jump up from the head of the bed and make myself comfy in their warmth and softness. Another two guesses who ruined this for me. For someone who’s room this isn’t, she certainly has a lot of pull. Too much pull, if you ax me. She decided Pop needed to move furniture around. Now he piles the blankies on the armoire and puts a stack of pillows on the shelves. But CK, I hear you say, shouldn’t the pillows be even softer? The answer is NO cos they’re piled too high for me to safely jump on and Pop has a strict rule regarding his pillows and he’s reading this. Since he’s the reason I’m still around here, I don’t cross him …

… much.

I’ve only got three more of your picks to go. If you want me to continue this feature, I’m gonna start taking requests for the next round. You can pick numbers up to 4582.

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  1. Oooooh, that bikini got me all shivery. You coming over later?

    Oh, and #1224

  2. Have a great weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  3. Your human really crosses you a lot, doesn't she?

  4. LOL you natural bikini suits you CK. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Great photos, CK. I enjoy the stories that go with the pictures. Great bikini too!

  6. You sure look pretty in each one of those CK!

  7. You're a true daddy's girl!

    Love the photo picks!!!

  8. Those are great, CK! We especially enjoyed the one that Moosey picked, but then again, we're a little biased. Hehe.

  9. Couldn't she have trimmed your claws? I'm not allowed on my dad's shirts because he's allergic to cats. But dads smell lots different than moms and its fun to roll in their scent.

  10. Maybe dad has an older shirt that you already ruined that he could leave out for you.

  11. CK.....another grate round oh fotoz N we wood like ta pick sum mor numberz in de random foto dizplay !!

    tell popz ta buy hiz self a new shirtz N give ewe de one off hiz back, thatz what peepulz iz s'pozed ta due any way...

    heerz two a happee week oh end with plentee oh pie rat perch on yur platez ♥

  12. These are a perfect for TGIF! How can I join in? Just pick a # like 888?

  13. Aw those are such sweet photos of you. You are really a daddy's girl :-)
    Love your bikini. You've got stunning tummy!

  14. Wow! You look good in a bikini. I think I need to go and cool down.

  15. You like to roll around don't you. You must be secretly related to Sherpa the Farm cat. I did not get to pick in the first round so I pick 1959 unless it's already been picked

  16. Cool! You posted our pick. And we really like that shot of you on Pop's shirt. Seriously, we can't believe the woman thinks you snag his shirts. So what if you do?? Sheesh.

    We love that bikini shot too. Woo-woo!

  17. TW needs to supply your Pops wit STURDIER SHIRTS.

    and how about #1313?

  18. We'll pick some more numbers 'cause we think this is a super fun feature. Let's see, if it is okay, we'll pick three numbers: 1111, 2222, 3333. How's that? Hope you will join us Sunday for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  19. Gweat fotos CK. Mommy hates it when me has da laserlike yello/white eyes too. Mostly cuz she dusn't know how to fix em' MOL Hav a pawsum day.

    Luv ya'

    DeI and Lexi

  20. Oh, I am SO glad I picked the one with the laser eyes!! seems fitting somehow!! I think you are wise not to cross Pop, as you never know when you might need reinforcements!! ;)

  21. It looks like you and Pops need a no HER zone doesn't it CK!

  22. doesn't matter 'where' you are CK, you always make everything else look good!

  23. I don't see anything wrong with any of these places. I say you find pops shirts & get them out yourself. ~Rascal and Rocco


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